Recent content by XoR

  1. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    BNC cables are VGA cables but with clunky BNC at one end. The same image quality as VGA but without EDID and need special cable
  2. X

    Does playing in lower-than-native resolution add lag?

    it entirely depends on how scaling is done, if it uses large memory buffers to store frames or not. It is possible to scale image using only very small amount of memory and that is certainly possible in the case with 1920x1080 to 3840x2160 scaling. Large memory buffers (so large input lag)...
  3. X

    What's the smaller compromise - 6 bit with FRC or using non-native resolution?

    I was not aware that new Windows versions did point scaling. In Win7 there is only bilinear and even when application seems to be just scaled it have lots of issues with sizes of elements inside window. I have some spare SSD lying around so I will install Win10 and do some testing there. The...
  4. X

    Why G-Sync and FreeSync are important for emulation and old games

    almost all CRT monitors I used and the one I currently use support 50Hz fine. I remember one monitor having some issues. What CRT do you use that it cannot handle <60Hz? When you use >100Hz are you also using native resolution to avoid necessity to use scanlines? It would make perfect sense to...
  5. X

    How do colour profiles work?

    Monitors with full hardware calibration (gamma and gamut) are 'fire and forget'. But you need not worry that much about details. Just be sure to buy good probe like eg. i1 Display Pro and do what software tells you to do. Most people do it like that without going into details what happens and...
  6. X

    How do colour profiles work?

    Imho you fall of 4th point but you need to actually check (eg. using lagom lcd image I posted link to in my previous post) if changing settings on each monitor and GPU side cause banding or not to be sure and judge your situation on that. Proper whitepoint != proper gamma response. What do...
  7. X

    How good/bad does 1080p look on a 4K screen?

    How good 1080p looks on 1080p screen? TV's are not monitors, here there is much more stuff between panel and signal that can screw image up. Most television sets have obnoxious processing which make image non-pixel perfect. So buying 1080p TV you are not guaranteed to have monitor sharp picture...
  8. X

    How do colour profiles work?

    you have few situations: 1) 8bit GPU (Nvidia and Intel and very old ATI cards) without dithering and monitor with 8-bit internal precision In this case you are screwed up. You either set monitor to one setting in which it does not have banding which usually be RGB channels all on 100% (might...
  9. X

    What's the smaller compromise - 6 bit with FRC or using non-native resolution?

    @zone74 do not use images with point scaling as showcase of why 4K displays should be used because it is not something users will get. Windows use bilinear scaling, GPU use blinear scaling and monitors use something very similar to bilinear scaling and comparison 1080p panel vs 4K with lower...
  10. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Why 154Hz? It is possible to use 1152x720@160Hz though at this number of lines 720 I prefer full 1280x720 to make pixels smaller I usually play at 1440x900@125Hz. Perfect compromise of pixel size, performance requirements and refresh rate. 1600x900@125Hz for 16:9 ratio.
  11. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I know. I just explained my motivation to do it and increase risk of earlier monitor death. But let's hope it will last me until 24" 4K strobed OLED with integer scaling comes out ;)
  12. X

    Brightness setting and eyestrain

    Some people make much more fuss about monitors light being hazardous than it is. If eyes deteriorate from light from monitor then people who are often outside should all be completely blind. Luminance outside at summer at sunny day is orders of magnitude higher than that of monitors...
  13. X

    What's the smaller compromise - 6 bit with FRC or using non-native resolution?

    Using non-native resolutions will give terrible image quality due how scaling work and due to how fonts depend on subpixel stricture of panel thus even 4K panel with perfect integer/point scaling would produce worse image quality than native 1080p panel. It is the worst option possible. You...
  14. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    FW900 without AG looked like crap compared to glow-less LCD and CRT I had at work. In fact in some russian review LG Flatron 915ft+ was praised for having best contrast ratio compared to bunch of Trinitrons and Diamondtrons. With polarizer FW900 have contrast ratio on par with this LG 95ft+ but...
  15. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    rabidz7 you can get film from or somewhere else I applied polarizer with adhesive with great results to image quality but it is darn hard to do it without having air bubbles trapped inside it thus without some equipment to apply film effect is not perfect. In desktop...