Recent content by x_dreamer

  1. X

    Free Oink Invites!! (with a catch)

    i would be glad to help out, [email protected]
  2. X

    Are TECs even worth using?

    well, how about the artic silver ceramic....... sure its not as good as metal, but it still works decently.
  3. X

    Sound dampening help

    rofl was thinking the same thing. nice try buddy, we caught you! :eek: ---> :D
  4. X

    Sound dampening help

    dude get creative. i dunno, why not go down to a carpet/flooring shop, and snag free sample pieces or carpet or something. im sure that would dampen the sound (though it will get a little hotter). i dont think some1 is gonna buy that stuff for u. not to be an asshole, but it a little bit...
  5. X

    Windows and Nice Case PC's, why is the inside still ugly?

    that looks so sweet. a few years ago, i painted the inside of my black case, that had a huge window on the side, dark blue. it looked/looks awsome, but, the problem is over the years its gotten pretty scratched. yeah i wish case makers did this. so many case would look so much better with...
  6. X

    looking for a mini tower atx case

    i was looking at that but, i looks like a mid tower not a mini, i like the power supply sideways, makes the case real small
  7. X

    looking for a mini tower atx case

    hey guys im looking for a nice light mini tower atx case. thre arent too many out there but i think they would be great for lans. can you guys help me find 1? i kinda like this 1
  8. X

    Want to build a new PC after 2yrs..Help with choosing..

    id say scooters plan looks good, but u might wanna get some value ram. since most likly wont be overclocking too much, only diffrence between the good stuff and the cheap stuff, is the timings, 2.0cas vs 2.5cas, wont make all that much diffrence espec for the money.
  9. X

    WTB - Pentium 4 CPUs All speeds !!!

    why no amds?
  10. X

    754 3000+ and mobo combo

  11. X

    Build A Custom Comp!!! - Competition (no prize.. lol)

    so far when it comes to gaming, i am teh win ;) 2 7800gtx's ;)
  12. X

    Build A Custom Comp!!! - Competition (no prize.. lol) 2 of these [note, not the best ever, but its built in and much more portible, and 2nd, it would be...
  13. X

    754 3000+ and mobo combo

    socket 754 3000+ (2ghz, 512k l2 cache, newcastle core) with ecs mobo. PRICE DROP 175$ negotiable
  14. X

    Need Help Building my first comp

    meh, u could, but a new video card, buy 2 sticks of ram, buy a new hard drive, and buy a new cpu. but, at that point u may as way buy a whole new pc, not to mention, the new parts is most likly too much load for the wimpy power supply(= new mobo too = new case). so yeah nvm stick with ur...