Recent content by WarriorX

  1. W

    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    I buy alot of blu rays for my Plex server. Amazon is my go to but would also go to Best Buy until they stopped selling disks. Target was also great for bargin bin movies but now there is no reason for me to shop at Target as almost every other store has been selections I prefer blu rays still...
  2. W

    What is wrong with steam?

    What are your system specs. Steam compresses downloads and are decompressed as the download goes and this can tax a CPU. If the CPU is weaker it might not be able to maintain the higher download speeds. Steam is able to max out of my internet but my CPU usage does go up.
  3. W

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    Continuing Factorio. The factory must grow. Also some Helldivers 2.
  4. W


    Been playing this and enjoying it. Game truely shines in the higher difficulties and you pull off a clutch win. Also randomly attacking a base, only for it to explode taking out anything within 100m (including you and your team) results in some unexpected moments and laughs. Litterly had no...
  5. W

    STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

    I think EA lost the exclusive rights. Which is why we could see a Star Wars game from Ubisoft and Quantic Dream.
  6. W

    STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

    The complaints are about the new collection, not something EA did though which is what I was pointing out. EA has many faults, this game being trash isn't one of them lol.
  7. W

    STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

    Aspyr is listed as publisher and it seems they are owned by Embracer. EA hate is usually a given but I don't think this time.
  8. W

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Could get the GOG version, download installers so you can install mods and not worry about updates that break mods
  9. W

    Nightingale ex: Bioware devs

    Tried this out but it didn't grab my attention enough and I refunded it. Graphically it looks good with some nice looking environments. Gameplay just had something off about it so that I wasn't engaged and interested to keep going. Didn't have that usual feeling of wanting to push forward...
  10. W

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Finished DLC and main story missions with every gig and side job that I could find. This game is probably my favorite game I have ever played. The stories, characters, choices and emotions are unparalleled for me. When a game makes me feel the choices I make and actually feel regret, that...
  11. W

    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    Cyberpunk 2077 - Finished DLC, what a rollercoaster of emotions. Finishing up DLC side content and continue with main story. This game is fantastic...
  12. W


    Been playing this recently. Really enjoying it so far. Not sure why others have been experiencing performance issues but I'm running 70+ fps at 1440p with DLSS using a mix of quality and balance settings. The game looks good for what you can do in it. Base building has a decent amount of...
  13. W


    Kinda shows what market Nintendo is missing by not releasing their games (at least pokemon) on PC. Will be interesting if they get hit with anything about the similar looking creatures... Not sure how much needs to change before lawyers start salivating at the lawsuit possibilities.
  14. W

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Started this game recently. Game has come along way since release (new PC since also helped). Playing a melee focused playstyle and its been a fun time.
  15. W

    New Youtube anti-adblock tactic- being a resource hog- debunked, was Adblock issue

    Haven't noticed any slowdowns. *shrug* Might just be how YT UI is nowadays. It loads a bunch of videos on the page. I ran a test where I opened YT and saw about 20mbps of bandwidth usage for a few seconds. Its probably pre-caching videos for quick previewing and that might cause the...