Recent content by Vague

  1. V

    Personal windows backup plan?

    SyncToy is another option.
  2. V

    Wifi help

    you'll have better luck in the networking sub forum
  3. V

    WHS - any reason NOT TO add new drives as needed?

    I try to keep at least one spare drive around in case of drive failure, or actually what i try to do is keep enough free space in WHS that if one drive dies I can remove it from the array and not have any down time. So the drive is still in use, just the data is spread a little more thinly...
  4. V

    Network media player recommendation

    You're right. I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. I have several displays around campus. I need a device that will play a pptx file looped. I also need to be able to update the pptx files remotely. That's about it. Thanks.
  5. V

    Network media player recommendation

    Right now i have several displays that are powered by an entire machine each, an Optiplex gx270. It's overkill. I'm looking for a digital signage / network media player. I've sampled a Viewsonic NMP-200 and it was middle of the road for what I need: 16:9 aspect ratio .pptx format support...
  6. V

    Seasonic M12II-620 PSU Drawing

    In for one. Good luck everyone!
  7. V

    AD on Vail?

    I don't have a machine to test the new version of WHS. I'm wanting to run Active Directory at home and use Group Policy for all my machines and our accounts along with all the fancy stuff that WHS does. I know in WHSv1 it was difficult to get it to do anything other than what was intended...
  8. V

    Need Help with my home wireless network

    Wireless Bridge and Wireless Distribution Service are two techs you can look into. Several 3rd party firmwares offer them, so if you have the budget go for a prebuilt device like MrkXCel suggests; otherwise look at Tomato & DD-WRT.
  9. V

    wiring house for home networking.

    Also you can check with an alarm installation company, they run low voltage wire as well. I'd also suggest running cat6 wire and running at least one spare to each drop, it's easier to run extra cable the first time than to add it later. If you feel comfortable and are good with your hands...
  10. V

    A career in computers, help me please.

    An A+ can get you a Computer Technician job. You'll need to demonstrate you have a good head on your shoulder and common sense and troublehshooting skills but it looks like you have some of that. I work with people that have only the A+ and they're doing just fine. So while it may not make...
  11. V

    $30 Shipped Linksys WRT160N-RM 802.11n Router Refurb FSSS

    Both v1, v3 support DD-WRT. I run it on my v1 with little trouble. DD-WRT has many options like AP and WDS. It's not he greatest router in the world, but for $30 you can't go wrong.
  12. V

    WHS & uTorrent

    You can set WHS to auto login as your Bittorent user acct when starting up. That'll save you from having to remote into it, especially if it restarts from an update and doesn't tell you.
  13. V

    NVIDIA 8400gs 128mb Pci-E 16x VGA/DVI $14 shipped

    Thanks. Got one at $13.50.
  14. V

    Low FPS in Mirror's Edge

    This is what fixed it. I uninstalled PhysX, then reinstalled by launching ME from Steam. Then I disabled PhysX and restarted the game and it works just fine. Thanks for everyone weighing in.
  15. V

    Low FPS in Mirror's Edge

    Well I feel a little better knowing it's not just me.