Recent content by un4saken

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    Need Help with a XEROX 8810

    Hey everybody! I have this old XEROX 8810 printer! It is a cool old thing but i am really haveing problems finding a driver for it! From what i read on the net it is supposed to work ferely good with the driver for a HP 7475 but that plotter is manual feed! And it isn't working right...
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    The case is running at room temperature. And the CPU is about 3 or 4 degreez C above the room temp, depending on the load. At the buttom of the case there is a 120 mm fan that pushes 130 cfm. I made airducts inside, that takes the air directly to the PCU heatsink, VGA Heatsink and the PSU...
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    Well ... all the triangles are glued on a wooden structure ... i didn't had time to make it out of something else. The structure oppens in half from the equator of the case. And about the look .... i didn't had time to put a clear cote on ... i finished glueing the triangles a day before...
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    Here are some more Pics i tool ... befost i made that ubly stand for it! When other people took a look at these they started laughing saying that i will ring the bucket with me at the lan party. As you can see ... that hase wasn't done my than ... but it's pointless to put more pics now...
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    About the stand .... i was in a hurry because i wanted to have the case with me at that LAN Party! I i will make another stand for it! I still have to work on some things inside it ! ... like the automated oppening mechanism ... as you can imagine ... i have to oppen the case to be able...
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    They are the "Theatre 6" soround hedphones from ZALMAN
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    I just took two pics ... both are relater to the connectors :
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    Hey guys ... this is the latest think that i spent my free time on. I looked around about 4 months back and noticed that noone has a spherical case ... well ... i din't want to make a ball eider so i looked around the internet for shapes simmilar to spheres. And i decided to make my case...