Recent content by twistedps

  1. T

    Sending live audio from one computer to another?

    Anyone know if there is anything for windows that would allow me to stream live audio output from one computer to another computers speaker output? I know that mac has aunetsend aunetrecieve for doing this but i couldnt find anything for windows... i'm doing this because my desktop doesnt have...
  2. T

    what do yall think of this

    lol and in the pic they got the fan RIGHT NEXT to the cpu.... you should just get one with a regular fan heh, seems kinda pointless.
  3. T

    Fs: Huge Sale - Please Look!!!!!!!!!!!

    bump, and if anyone is lookin at the firewalls a highly suggest that netscreen, got one myself and i love it, worth every penny.
  4. T

    BFG 6800 Ultra (OC) or a ATi x800xtPe

    BFG 6800 Ultra (OC) 46 50.00% ATi x800xtPe 46 50.00% lol.
  5. T

    ATI 9800 Pro 256MB 223 @ NewEGG

    can anyone confirm that this is the R360 core?
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    $15 Amazon Gift if you pass the IT quiz.

    Thank you for taking our IT Expert Challenge. You missed 1 questions. Your score: 1520. w000h00!#!
  7. T

    My new desk.

    wow that definately kicks ass! hope the monitors are securely attached to the desk tho! :eek:
  8. T

    The "O"

    holy crap. i love the flames!!!! *insert jaw hitting floor here* :eek:
  9. T

    Antec Sonata Mod Worklog

    great job kurtis, looking forward to the final product!! makes me wanna go out and cut apart my case lol
  10. T

    Asus bad?

    i purchased an A7n8x, back last christmas, till this day i still have it, and have been swapping out hardware when i get cash to buy it, to see what the problem is. I finally finished the whole swapping process and came to the conclusion that the mobo is dead. and now need to rma it. Ive had...
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    A7N8X setup/config/troubleshoot FAQ

    After about 5 months of buying new stuff for this motherboard, and switching out ram, cpu's etc etc, ive come to the conclusion to just RMA the board. I even tried with a 500w power supply, and still nothing. Asus is doing everything they possibly can to try not to have me RMA it. Ive gotten...
  12. T

    Cool, its back.. but why so long?

    good to see it back up, and it looks great! :D
  13. T

    ITT:VidCard Buying Decisions

    aye im in the same boat as you, anyone please speak up who knows!
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    A7N8X setup/config/troubleshoot FAQ

    ok,. i have a regular a7n8x board, that i just purchased today cause i thought my other motherboard was dead. Turns out im not getting much farther with this one, i KNOW my xp 2200 works cause i tested it with another computer and it works fine. I have generic ddr pc2100 512mb ram, which im...
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    A7N8X setup/config/troubleshoot FAQ

    dont know but with my asus a7n8x board if i take out the ram it does the single beep then powers off... could be a ram problem, but mine isnt working either and im about to break it apart.