Recent content by Squishead

  1. S

    Good Lord! New Crysis video released Hi-def feed.
  2. S

    Experience with NCIX??

    QFT...also I order from, which are wonderful if you live in the maritimes.
  3. S

    RC1 Officially out

    Anyone install this one yet to see if it is any better than the betas?
  4. S

    Crysis > Consoles

    Jesus, that sounds scary. I can only imagine what kind of PC would be needed to run that puppy at full capacity.
  5. S

    Do people really need 60+ FPS?

    To every question in this thread, simple answer: No, but why not?
  6. S

    Diablo 2 (like) Game

    Fallout is far better than Diablo games. Mostly due to extremely large weapons capable of shooting people in the groin :)
  7. S

    Diablo 2 (like) Game

    Dungeon Siege (1 or 2)
  8. S

    Who remembers carmageddon?

    I especially enjoyed when you get the "Big Pedestrian" powerup...those old ladies and dogs can kick your ass, haha.
  9. S

    HL2 Episode 2 Delayed, till Q1 2007!

    Maybe it will be released next to Duke Nukem Forever! :eek:
  10. S

    Who remembers carmageddon?

    Download the Carm 2 Demo, go into the file folder, delete the demo.txt file, and kill for hours on end ;)
  11. S

    My system on par? (DOD:S)

    6600GT...burn it and get a card with more ommph
  12. S

    Is there a Prey demo?

    Are you sure about that? :p Demo's here:
  13. S

    Microsoft's newest viral campaign revealed

    You too? :eek:
  14. S

    Flatout 2

    Running Max settings + 2x AA with my laptop and 1280x800...runs very well:)
  15. S

    MMO Addition Hype

    I wonder how many of those 16 play MMOs? ;)