Recent content by Senryo

  1. S

    What is the best phone for verizon?

    Is there something like the Galaxy Nexus with external memory? I really like having that option; hopefully one more accessable than my D2 does =/
  2. S

    Microsoft: Ballmer Didn't Say Windows 8 is Coming to Phones

    People don't change topics/context in the middle of a paragraph like that. There was no transition from one idea to the next; they are mincing words here. I'd rather they say it was a mistake than "Well, if you look carefully..." but I suppose it's better than them saying it after Win 8 mobile...
  3. S

    Mousepad recomendations - func1030 replacment

    When I read "high compressed textile fibers" I didn't really equate it to cloth.
  4. S

    Need advice in new build

    Cap Rob, if you are interested in a mechanical keyboard specifically, I can help you find one similar to the Razer but much better quality for the price. There are many different types of mechanical keyboards, even ones that don't click like the old IBM ones from the early-mid 80's. And...
  5. S

    Mousepad recomendations - func1030 replacment

    SteelSeries NP+ looks like it may fit your specs: rectangle and rough friction. And although the SteelSeries HD9 is not rectangle, it looks like it might be tough enough, and provides medium friction. Preferring rough pads are unusual to me: I find trying to overcome friction to move...
  6. S

    A few potential additions, thoughts?

    Also! Don't buy monitors from Newegg. Last I heard they had an 8-pixel (dead/stuck) return policy, which is a bit on the outrageous side.
  7. S

    A few potential additions, thoughts?

    +1, Intel has been the leader of SSDs for a few years now, and I don't think they're stopping any time soon.
  8. S

    A few potential additions, thoughts?

    Your 216BW is a 1680x1050 monitor, where the E2370V-BF is 1920x1080. For dual monitor use, this is no big deal unless the antisymmetry of if it will bug you. However, looks like the 216BW is glossy, but the E2370V is matte; LG and Samsung will have different panels so they'll have different...
  9. S

    A Silly Proposition

    But isn't the Android OS already OSS? What's the purpose of AOSP? You are much better at the internets than I am in this regard it seems, for I cannot find much of any info. Now that I know what I'm looking for it'll be a bit easier, but a little opinion never hurt much.
  10. S

    The Unix Kernel

    If I may, when you do start playing with kernels and such, try this: a virtual machine. Save copies of each machine you edit too. This way: You won't have to worry about messing up your current working OS, You can go back to what did work, and you can do crazy stupid exploration (like I often...
  11. S

    A Silly Proposition

    This is going to seem like a bit of a pointless idea, but hear me out first. Through the years people have put Linux on different things because they could. The most silly that sticks out in my mind is a GameCube running Linux. We still push harder and harder to get Linux working better and...
  12. S

    Oracle sues Google over Android... oops...

    For those too lazy or confused: Some of this might hold water, like '720. Copyright section doesn't sit with me since Java was proclaimed as free software under the GPL by Sun and FSF in 2005. That kind of defeats a lot of the other patents imo, but I'm not a lawyer and this legalese is...
  13. S

    Real stupid question..

    I looked at the list and am surprised that PhysiX has been around so long. I do agree with the other poster though. Maybe not 3 games, but there are not many games on the list I find appealing. It does make me wonder what I've been "missing" since I tend to go with ATi. You should get...
  14. S

    Build a HardOCP App for Smart Phones

    I think an easy way to do this would be to tie it into the current member fee thing. The one that lets you access the GenMay. Buying access to GenMay also buys you access to the mobile app. I have no idea how hard that would be to implement, but it would simplify accounting and you'd have a...
  15. S

    What will WoW's 4th expansion in 2012 bring ?

    Not just MMO only, but WoW specific. You're forgiven. And so is your ignorant sarcasm :D