Recent content by Pleb

  1. P

    Elder scrolls online $14.99 a month

    Ah, thanks, finally a kind soul that is actually helpful to a new user instead of being a nasty. :)
  2. P

    Elder scrolls online $14.99 a month

    Me troll? Never. :confused:
  3. P

    Elder scrolls online $14.99 a month

    So I am supposed to read the whole thread and then remember all the multiple posts I wanted to reply to? I will try to remember that pro-tip but don't count on it. :D
  4. P

    XCOM: Enemy Within

    Anyone who bought it before it was released on Steam also got a free Steam key so there was nothing to pay. That way I can use Desura version for latest beta version and Steam version for latest stable version.
  5. P

    Lords of the Fallen....hardcore rpg for next-gen consoles and PC

    I started PC gaming with flight simulations so out "hardcore" all of you. Go try DCS Blachshark or A10 then we can talk hardcore.
  6. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    Next gen won't be so different from the PC so how are they going to maintain that performance benefit when PC hardware has already far surpassed what they will have? I didn't read the article wrong and have seen many people say the same thing besides that article.
  7. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    In case you haven't noticed PC gaming is where its at and consoles is mostly for the kiddy gamers. I bought both Xbox360 and PS3, returned 360 due to no BD and was also noisy compared to PS3. I rarely use it and 99% of gaming is done on my PC. PS3 serves more as a BD player than a gaming machine.
  8. P

    3rd party Start menu for Win8

    I read an article few months back that claimed otherwise. They actually said consoles do more on less due to less overhead of the OS and talking more directly to hardware. You don't have to use Dos but expect it all in Assembler language and no C++.
  9. P

    3rd party Start menu for Win8

    I said "advanced" version of Dos. I want the leanest and meanest possible OS for PC gamers. Now, go make it! Oh wait, that is what Valve are working on and using Linux. Gabe is our savior and soon we can kiss Microsoft bloatware good-bye for good.
  10. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    I don't know anything about Xboxone but there is an article explaining why consoles can do more on less hardware and it says it is because of less OS overhead and talking more directly to the hardware so that article doesn't jive with what you are saying. Also, I said PC gaming and not Xbox, I...
  11. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    Where did I say "developed" or "invented"?
  12. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    What argument? google>> Microosft. I don't see any argument.
  13. P

    3rd party Start menu for Win8

    I never said any such thing. I said I would prefer Dos over Windows for gaming because of less OS overhead so would get better performance in games.
  14. P

    3rd party Start menu for Win8

    Perhaps you are correct and i would actually like that setup but I only use one monitor. I do have another monitor I could hook up but my main monitor is 27" and I have Paradigm Titan speakers as my computer speakers so am too limited on desk space to hook up the second monitor. The second...
  15. P

    IE sucks!!!!!

    Looks like google should get more credit than Microsoft. "Google made a wide deployment of standards-compliant, cross browser Ajax with Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005).[6] The term Ajax was coined on 18 February 2005 by Jesse James Garrett...