Recent content by Phog

  1. P

    Need to offload a ton of server gear in Kansas City

    Sorry - I should mention this is pickup only, I'm too lazy to ship it. I'll do my best, but there is just too much. Ideally I want one person to just take it all off my hands. 3 X DL380 G6 servers - dual L5520, dual X5550, dual X5650, 8gb ram, 24gb ram, 48gb ram 1 X DL 160 G6 server - no clue...
  2. P

    Need to offload a ton of server gear in Kansas City

    LOCAL PICKUP ONLY Multiple DL 380 G6 servers, Dell MD3000 storage array + drives, fiber channel switch, tons of stuff. Rock bottom price gets your everything, please PM, let's get this stuff out of my house! Lots of ECC memory too, hard drives. A bunch of stuff, all on DDR3+ greater...
  3. P

    4K Gaming/Other stuff

    So I've held off long enough with my overclocked 2600k. While things seem to be bright for the future of Intel Procs, they consistently delivered sub-par incremental updates, which is why I figured now was as good a time as any. Perhaps the even greater driving force is upgrading my GPUs...
  4. P

    Server 2012

    +1 DFS, Single Domain, multiple sites.
  5. P

    Anyone use ownCloud?

    owncloud is kind of meh. Seafile is the new hotness.
  6. P

    plan of attack for replacing DroboFS?

    Drobo's are generally slow. Granted, opening a 1GB Adobe file is never going to be a quick process. (10gbe + SSD would fix that)
  7. P

    Prospective IT Advice?

    My two cents; I've interviewed soooooo many people with these online degrees and they all suck. I'm so jaded by the candidates they spew out that I find myself discrediting these people because they have that degree type. Now if it's a legitimate college and a legitimate degree, that's one...
  8. P

    XPEnology? reliable?

    It's....decent. In my opinion it's a little more trouble than it's worth. My biggest problem with it is the updating. Synology updates their DSM constantly with great features, and I get frustrated if I can't have them immediately.
  9. P

    SAS Enclosure / DAS storage

    The p410 is pretty crappy in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully it doesn't have issues with the SSD's. If it were me, I'd get a LSI 9260-8i and utilize it instead, BUT the p410 may treat you just fine, I *think* it's 6gbps SATA, but you'll want to check. As for your 6 x 146gb, depends on...
  10. P

    Confused about modern Samsung 830/840 comparirisins

    I agree with this, the bang for your buck is fantastic on these drives. If you plan on using them for VM storage or host-side caching, you may want to go with the more durable MLC.
  11. P

    Confused about modern Samsung 830/840 comparirisins

    That site sucks. Use Anandtech or something that actually has real benchmark results. This article should do you well: The EVO also uses less durable flash, so theoretically it won't last...
  12. P

    SAS Enclosure / DAS storage

    I believe the Crucial's work, but no promises. Never tried a Sandisk.
  13. P

    Favorite Fibre Storage Platform

    I'm looking for a good way to present storage over Fibre Channel. I know Openfiler does it, but god damn that software is so shady. Any other good options? Free version of NexentaStor? Linux with SCST? Oh yeah, it has to be CHEAP. What do you guys like?
  14. P

    SAS Enclosure / DAS storage

    I think your train of thought is in the right direction. As long as you do mirroring with storage spaces, you should see OK IOPS, and with 2012 R2 you can do SSD caching, which I've read works well. I don't think it's better than LSI's cachecade or some real storage vendors caching, but it's...
  15. P

    Best prebuit NAS (minus HDDs)?

    While this is correct for the "j" models, it's not correct for the entire Synology family. If you actually spend some money and get the + versions, the speeds are fantastic. The J model is garbage. I've used tons of Synology's over the past few years and I've loved every single one of them...