Recent content by nowie

  1. N

    Google Plus is Already a Solid Hit

    :rolleyes: Riiiiight.
  2. N

    Opera Browser Staying in the Quick Release Browser Race

    Looks are deceiving, as they say. Chrome actually has a significantly larger footprint than Firefox. In fact, Chrome's own developers are worried about the bloat in Chrome, and want to reduce it.
  3. N

    Opera Browser Staying in the Quick Release Browser Race

    In what way? If you are relying on these "speed test" sites, they aren't exactly reliable. Yep. But that's the way it is for all browsers. Or all applications, even. One of the most common pieces of advice over at MozillaZine is to reset your profile if there are problems.
  4. N

    Opera Browser Staying in the Quick Release Browser Race

    Why does anyone use Chrome? Why does anyone use Firefox? Could it be that people use the browser of their choice because they feel that it is the best choice for them? The worst kind of fanboy is the one that can't even fathom that anyone might have a different opinion from his... Are you...
  5. N

    Google + invite button is up

    Are you guys getting in or not?
  6. N

    DICE : "You're too stupid to MOD Battlefield 3"

    This probably means that it's very powerful, but also very complex. So while you can do stuff faster, it probably takes a lot more knowledge and training. Hence, it is not necessarily a contradiction.
  7. N

    Apple Targets GetJar for Using 'App Store'

    How is it possible for them to trademark a term that was in use long before the iPhone even existed?
  8. N

    Google + invite button is up

    Those of you who are getting invites, are you even able to sign up for G+? Seems they are throwing invites at people, but all you get is a brick wall when you try to log in to the service.
  9. N

    Google Plus is Already a Solid Hit

    It seems impossible to get in. Even if someone invites you it just tells you that they have reached their signup limit. Kind of makes one wonder why they are giving out invites at all...
  10. N

    Opera Browser Staying in the Quick Release Browser Race

    I'm not sure how this is relevant to what I wrote. I do not have the problems he is describing, and I have certainly not used any workarounds. If he is having these problems, that tells me that there is a problem on his end, because I certainly can't see them. And it's not like my Opera...
  11. N

    Opera Browser Staying in the Quick Release Browser Race

    The current version of Opera is called 11.5, so it doesn't look like Opera is inflating the number like Chrome and Firefox. What? That's news to me. Source, please! Sounds like you have a broken installation. Have you scanned for viruses and malware lately?
  12. N

    Opera Founder Resigns

    Pages are far more sophisticated today than just a few years ago (and there are far more web standards and technologies to deal with). Browsers have to handle a lot more stuff (both input and output). There are highly complex calculations needed to figure out how all these advanced web...
  13. N

    Opera Founder Resigns

    You can't compare memory usage directly like that. It's like counting GHz or megapixels. It's a fallacy to count the GHz or megapixels and automatically conclude that whatever uses the least or most is better or worse. Different browsers use slightly different amounts of memory because their...
  14. N

    Opera Founder Resigns

    600 MB? And you have, what, 4 GB RAM?
  15. N

    Opera Founder Resigns

    Unlike Google and Microsoft, Opera does not have extremely deep pockets. There are certain limitations to being an independent browser vendor and not part of a major monopolist organization.