Recent content by Niteflite

  1. N

    Bsod when gaming + full screen video

    The same link also explains how to open and use the core dump. That would be my suggestion, to have a crack at the core dump ( which, I am not to sure of the format for windows ) but it should give some insight that may be useful. Usually the exact state it was in prior to BSOD.
  2. N

    So what's your favorite FPS?

    Far Cry, the first one.... Unreal Tournament 2004 as well Counter strike, I liked all of them
  3. N

    I can't put my computer to sleep....

    I'm guessing then its a BIOS or Motherboard related thing.... To see what sleep modes are available, type powercfg -a in the cmd prompt. It will diagnose the available sleep modes for you. You may have to enable some ACPI Power modes in the bios. Make sure the S4 (or S3) System state is...
  4. N

    Blogger Compares Gaming Performance: W7 RC vs Vista SP1

    I was never expecting much better then Vista (game wise) tbh..... but I imagine its to early to tell..after all, certain development factors like the cross compatibility of drivers, and current development habits for games could have a roll in determining how well games perform.
  5. N

    Lets talk about half life 2

    Ahh yes... I think they wanted to glorify manipulating your environment to kill your enemies rather then the pure joy of rail-gunning them.... Problem was, nothing was really over-the-top enough to make that as fun as killing them with bad ass guns. But none the less, it was a great game.
  6. N

    Nvidia GTX260 or ATI 4870?

    To my understanding, the 260 benches a bit higher then the 4870, but you will be happy with either one, no less. So I guess it narrows down to special features either one provides, or price tags.
  7. N

    Lets talk about half life 2

    I replayed it recently and to some extent I agree. I preferred the first hl. A lot of the levels were driven on showing off the physics engine, like you said, and although that is really neat, it gets old...and boring....especially the driving levels...god. I did enjoy how the game put out a...
  8. N

    My Lian Li PC-A70 Case Mods.

    Looks slick ;) Good job
  9. N

    GTA Chinatown Wars only sells 89,000 copies since March

    Probably due to the demographics of DS owners...probably also due to the fact that the age group it was catering for is aware of backups....
  10. N

    What's the current record for the number of players in an online game?

    Well most people in an open world is a tough one, since many MMO's have instancing... But the bar is always being pushed, and I'm sure you will find that even some older FPS can support a plethora of players at once with ease.
  11. N

    No room for a sound card what do I do?

    Correct me If I am wrong but that particular mobo requires 2 PCI slots to be empty in order to use Tri-Sli....In which case, my only suggestion would be to use an external sound interface...Sound Blaster offers external USB sound cards...
  12. N

    NVIDIA GT300 Specs Revealed

    Sounds very impressive..... 32 Core cluster...Seems like the arch has been very much improved.
  13. N

    Photoshop CS4 - 4GB Mem - WinXP 32bit?

    Even with 2gb photoshop should be running faster....and I don't think the software can bypass the OS restrictions of having more then 3.5gigs on a 32bit system.. If anything, it sounds like an optimization shop may be dipping into your page file because it wants to use to much...
  14. N


    Only GMOD...Only Gmod can glorify septic waste....
  15. N

    what os do you use?

    I use GRUB to dual-boot with XP and Gentoo.