Recent content by Narayan

  1. N

    How do you pronounce SLI

    What about TCP/IP? Some technicians here have a nasty habit of calling it "tsipi" :rolleyes:
  2. N

    Socket A motherboards with PCI-E?

    As mentioned above, PCI-E will not make it to the SocketA platform. No existing chipsets support it, and no new chipsets are coming out for SocketA (even if they did, you'd be better off upgrading to Socket754 anyway)
  3. N

    Photochop my daughter for her first birthday

    ROTFL this has got to be Photochop of the month for me :D
  4. N

    LAME: SOYO dodging rebates?

    Guess that's why they call it a "Fire Dragon" :D
  5. N

    To the guy previously whining about an ATI poster in the demo of HL2....

    LOL :D Being brand specific IS pretty dumb... especially now that you can't really go wrong with any high-end purchase you make. Thing is, people have a hard time admiting they've been taken for a fool, and defend their purchase vigorously even if the facts point otherwise. Be smart...
  6. N

    New NEC 3500A 16X DL DVD±RW @ Newegg

    Dual Layers media is pricey 'cos they're essentially hand-made up to this point... due to their nature it is very difficult to mass produce them, hence the high price tag. Don't expect them to turn cheap anytime soon, it's gonna take a lot longer than plain DVD-R discs did. On the subject...
  7. N

    2CoolTek 1/2 Off Sale

    Just ordered from these guys, some nice deals there and they ship internationaly, too. I've read pretty good things about them, can anyone second on that?
  8. N

    OMFG 3.4E @ 5.2GHz mad o/c!!!

    Just wanted to point your attention at a massive o/c achieved by a forum member @ Insomnia Forums Greece ( He got his 3.4GHz Prescott up to 5.2GHz (306fsb) using a Prommie MachII GT and OCZ psu. Original posting is here...
  9. N

    Can I just swap a card in?

    I went from a Triplex 9500 Pro to a GeCube X800 Pro on 4.7 Cats w/ no prob whatsoever, apparently though they didn't like my Gigabyte 9800 Pro... go figure Must be vendor specific whether it will work or not :rolleyes:
  10. N

    9800Pro Low Overclock on Water Cooling

    Crappy 9800 Pro on water here too... only 380/420 core/mem on a Gigabyte R350 :( Good thing my X800 Pro came in yesterday :D