Recent content by nandaman

  1. N

    FS: 3D Mark Vantage, Terminator Salvation, and Cryostasis

    I just received my EVGA card and registered it. When I registered the card it gave me free software(/keys). I have no intention of using either of these programs and have used neither of the keys. So I am selling them all for 20 dollars. Have plenty of heatware under nandaman for anyone wanting...
  2. N

    FS: 3D Mark Vantage, Terminator Salvation, and Cryostasis

    I just received my EVGA card and registered it. When I registered the card it gave me free software(/keys). I have no intention of using either of these programs and have used neither of the keys. So I am selling them all for 26 dollars. Have plenty of heatware under nandaman for anyone wanting...
  3. N

    FS- 3D Mark Vantage and Cryostasis

    I just received my EVGA card and registered it. When I registered the card it gave me free software(/keys). I have no intention of using either of these programs and have used neither of the keys. So I am selling both for 25 dollars. Have plenty of heatware under nandaman for anyone wanting to...
  4. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Thanks bro!
  5. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Pretty nice monitor Armoured. Can you please tell me where to get the wallpaper? It looks awesome.
  6. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    nyererei, can I please get that baseball wallpaper? The detail in it is amazing!
  7. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I have one. Used to have a G15 Rev.2, but I never used all the 'extra' keys and I liked the look of this one much better. I mostly play FPS' on my PC like TF2, COD4, and CS:S. I love it!! Looks a lot sleeker and I can still do very well in all games that I play. :P Also, I like the feel of...
  8. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Agreed! Very, very nice and very clean looking. Definitely one of the best if not the best that I have ever seen on this forum in all the time that I have been on this forum! Saving a pic of your setup for reference in the future!
  9. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Wow. You guys are rough. If the guy wants for monitors for whatever reason then let him be. While it does look a bit overcrowded on the desk, it would be awesome to have 4 monitors.
  10. N

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Wow. Nice LCD Zellio. That is ultrasharp.