Recent content by Knucklez

  1. K

    best ram for this mobo?

  2. K

    FT/FS Lots Of Digital cameras and Stuff!!

    i ahve lots of stuff for trade, mainly looking for computer components video cards etc etc... looking for something around an athlon 64 3200+ and a nice mobo....possibly a p4 2.8c withHT and a nice mobo.... or a 6800GT x800 pro,...etc etc... am willing to ship first as i have no heatware...
  3. K

    FS selling 2 of three video cards 2 x 9800 Pro and BFG 6800 OC

    consider trades? i have lots to offer + cash..... mainly digicams, camcorders and a manual camera....
  4. K

    FT: a"thanks" for a Gmail

    gimme email bro
  5. K

    WTS 512mb BH6 2-2-2 230fsb @3.1v

    free bump ^^TTT
  6. K

    parting out system

    free bump for reading.
  7. K

    Fs/ft 1800+ (agkga)

    very intrested. gimme a few to think bout it
  8. K

    svideo 2 rca cable

    i guess im gonna have to give in and buy an adapter :(
  9. K

    svideo 2 rca cable

    pif? :( link if oyu find the thread..
  10. K

    svideo 2 rca cable

    ugh i cant get this to work, too many wires :(
  11. K

    svideo 2 rca cable

    it works, ive done it before, but i cant remember what wires to connect, and trial and error jsut takes to long :-/
  12. K

    svideo 2 rca cable

    i have an svideo out on my radeon 9500 pro(flashed to radeon 9700 pro 320/320 speeds) and only an rca input on my tv, i have a cut rca cable and a cut svideo cable in my hand, what wires would i connect to get color and make this cable work?
  13. K

    FT: Nokia N-gage with tomb raider...

    gonn have to pass for now...ill look into that in a few weeks maybe if you stil lhave it