Recent content by jasoncrowley

  1. J

    NE ASUS GTX780 $488.79 with code

    The Noise comment I can believe, But that second half of your comment I'm going to need a bit of evidence for. The Ti's don't run that much hotter than the plain 780s, and the asus cooling solutions do nothing else if not pump heat directly into your case. :confused:
  2. J

    Sony Movies Pulled from Netflix Streaming Service

    No big loss. All of the stars content is low def and re-compressed so it looks like crap. Also, I have been getting better entertainment value out of the studios not associated with stars.
  3. J

    2x120mm radiator fan gasket

    Not my idea ;) I have a few tricks learned from years in automotive that should make the outcome more consistent, and hopefully less messy.
  4. J

    2x120mm radiator fan gasket

    I will be making my own 4x120 gaskets out of silicone using 2 plates of acrylic /w 1mm spacers. Later I will use a knife /w fan template to remove the excess. To press and distribute the silicone I will use a 5gal bucket of sand (used for blasting), but anything heavy should work.
  5. J

    Galaxy Final Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    It's so on. I'll keel you with a spoon! (in game, in game dammit! Put down the spork!)
  6. J

    Corsair Vengeance RAM Giveaway! 5 12GB Kits!

    Corsair kicks ass for their first class customer service, certified support, and products that just don't quit! Never had a Corsair anything fail yet!
  7. J

    Galaxy 7th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    To pair up in my MATX case of course. GIGANTIC COSMIC HEAT RAYS Itty-bitty living space.
  8. J

    willisters FS thread

    PM & Bump
  9. J

    FS: Lan Gear Da Box 100 Matx Cube

    YGPM Bump :)
  10. J

    MSI - Metro 2033 - GTX 460 Giveaway!

    ich bin ein berliner! Or, how I learned to stop worrying and be a jelly doughnut.
  11. J

    Just Cause 2 HardOCP NVIDIA Giveaway

    I want a copy of this game, Just beCause I need another title to show off what my recently purchased GTX 480 can do!
  12. J

    FS - i7-920, 1000w PSu

    Still interested bump ;)
  13. J

    FS - i7-920, 1000w PSu

  14. J Deals 6/22

    Bit on the 480. Here's to sacrificing my wallet to the wind :D