Recent content by IRSmurf

  1. I

    Tesla Raises Prices to Keep More Retail Stores Open

    Elon Musk's annual salary is $37,000, the lowest amount he can legally be paid. And he doesn't cash the checks. He's only going to get paid in company stock and only if Tesla achieves some very lofty valuation increase: "He would only be paid if Tesla reaches a set of aggressive milestones that...
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    "Door Handles Wouldn't Work": Tesla Driver Dies in Burning Car after Crash

    Breaking News: Tesla cars aren't invulnerable. Every fatality in a Tesla must be reported in the national news and every tech blog. And Tesla is responsible for every vehicle crash and casualty until attention has moved on and the clicks have paid out.
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    Post Release Reviews of Anthem are Still Mixed

    It has tons of flaws, but the gameplay keeps me coming back. I did a grandmaster 2 run of a legendary contract, last night. The hardest fight I've had in the game, so far. Probably revived my teammates 10-15 times, putting it all on the line for a few of them. Took out a Luminary with hordes of...
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    "Forgettable, Repetitive": Early Reviews Aren't Kind on Anthem

    I rushed through the game in three days. The gameplay is fun. The long loading times, frequent server/connection failures, and the long time sink time spent walking at a snails pace back and forth through town while talking to a bunch of npcs after every mission are intolerable. Now that I'm...
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    EA "Respawns": Company Up 16% as Apex Legends Reverses Entire Loss

    Apex is the first battle royale that knocks my socks off. It's damn good. It came from a competent shooter and uses a modified Source engine. It runs well, mobility is high, and a lot of the guns feel great and predictable. Your abilities can be used for yourself, but some of them can also be...
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    IBM CEO: Hiring Based on Skills Instead of College Degrees Vital for the Future of Tech

    A stem degree with a good GPA from a reputable university is indicative of person's ability to learn and be trained. It's not an indication of experience or knowledge. When a company spends tens of thousands of dollars recruiting engineers to entry level positions, you're going to need a long...
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    How Well Do FreeSync Monitors Work with NVIDIA GPUs?

    G-Sync wasn't more expensive exclusively due to the NVIDIA PCB. Anyone selling G-Sync monitors had to get NVIDIA's approval on panel selection. The manufacturer also had to pass some sort of quality certification. That said, I now regret getting the Alienware AW3418DW G-Sync monitor. Samsung...
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    Panel Makers to Shift Focus to 8K LCD in 2019

    Don't sell yourself short. You can finance it for just $99/mo for 10 years and bring it home today! I mean, 640k 8k is all you'll ever need.
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    Apple Confirms Some iPad Pros Ship Slightly Bent, but Says It's Normal

    It's not bent. You're perceiving reality wrong.
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    How to Stop Apps from Tracking Everywhere You Go

    Privacy is an illusion. Unless you're ready to accept some extreme inconveniences, don't bother half assing it. Tech companies know you better than you. All that information is available to hordes of CS majors. It is almost certainly in the hands of a three letter organization. They're not going...
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    8K Broadcasting Begins in Japan

    Looking forward to 8K wall screens on every exterior wall of my home. I can move from the beaches of Pensacola to the rim of the Grand Canyon with the click of an app. Make it happen, Google/Facebook/Apple. Solve that parallax problem.
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    NVIDIA's Secret GPU: TU106-400A vs. TU106-400 Benchmark

    It feels good to have a 1080 ti and a 1440p monitor. I have no reason to participate in the most bizarre, inexplicably deceptive launch I've ever seen. Between the lack of performance data at product announcement, overreaching NDA's, launch delay, reportedly rapidly deteriorating cards and...
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    Damaged Sensor Pin was the Cause of Failed ISS Crew Launch

    Wasn't expecting such a quick investigation. Lucky for that Canadian astronaut.
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    RTX 2080 Ti Founders Edition available on

    Hmm... buy now at $1,200 or wait to see how tariffs affect prices when the $200 early adopter fee expires. Or, just be happy with my 2GHz GTX 1080 Ti. $1,200 is an insane price to pay for pretty puddles, eyeballs, and windows at 1080Peasant.