Recent content by ins-

  1. I

    "Intel Plans 1,000-Core Processors -- But How Fast Will They Be?"

    "Intel Plans 1,000-Core Processors -- But How Fast Will They Be?" "When it comes to computers, faster is better, isn't it? Yes ... to a point. Having hit a limit on the sheer speed of computer processors in recent...
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    I've been waiting for 5 years. I told myself, I will wait no longer, and just bite and get something this will suite my needs for at least 3 + years. Though, I know the feeling. Haha. Rotate the 3.5 bay? The hard drive tray can be installed backward if needed. (Check the above picture, the...
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    For a single card, you guys won't have any problems fitting the largest video card out in this case. It fits right into the 5.25 bay slot without anything in the way. @ TechCrazy - I have my 6870 posted 1-2 pages back. Though, even if it was 4+ inch longer, it wont be a problem. w/ Corsair...
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    Nothing is garantee, but considering this is their top teir board and they state this board is as followed: (Don't quote me, this is directly from their website.) "The Best Choice for Ultimate Performance, Stability and Easy Overclocking" "Military Class Components Enhance Stability and...
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    XFX product registration don't work?

    XFX requires you to register your product within 30 days of purchase to get lifetime warranty. But, it took me forever to find how to even reigster online (as requested). When I do find something, it brings me here. WTF!? Is this really done purposely to confuse people to register? Yet alone...
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    Thats crap, when you buy a motherboard and have a limit on how far I can take it. Especially the 890fxa! I will contact MSI, see what their opinion is. Worse case, I blow this one, and exhange it for the ASUS Crosshair IV.
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    The top mesh grill is included with the case. -=)
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    Motherboard and CPU replaced and installed. Wonder should I try to clock it to 3.8ghz and stress test it for 1 hr? then try 4.0ghz... Since its still under warranty. What you guys think? Of course I will play safe and supervise it. Maybe even record a video? LOL!
  9. I

    Got My HD7 today.

    Only if ATT had this phone supported -=( Desire HD anyone? Bah, not keeping my hopes high either.
  10. I


    Yea, they normally both go for the same price, though, newegg was the only place that had the slight price difference. Thanks bud, I will definately enjoy this jewel. Yea, It had more room then I thought in the back, it as my only worries when I decided to order the case, but the case came...
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    The MSI 890fxa-gd70 seems to have a 4x4 power phase to me? Or am I mis-understanding something.
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    G.Skill RMA Process

    Yes, It will only make sure. Since the model/item number is sold as a pair. Usually "matched" etc. You don't return just 1 broken cup, you return the whole set.
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    I wonder should I just return the new motherboard and get the Asus ?
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    G.Skill RMA Process

    I would just send both stick back. Since its sold in as pairs, let gskill deal with matching up a new set.
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    MSI Motherboard caught fire! What really happen?

    Running at 4ghz isn't a problem. Try running it at 4ghz at all 6 cores, and stress test it at 100% load for say an hr? Hmm, no kidding, the outcome of this is almost a lawsuit waiting to happen. I wonder what MSI has to say about this? And yes, this board has Easy Overclock Features built...