Recent content by Iceberg_one

  1. I

    Where are the 12MB quads (Q9450/Q9550/Xeons)?

    Just picked up mine from microcenter. $320 including tax ahhhh yeah :)
  2. I

    Q9450 $299 via online at Microcenter

    Does anyone know if they still have them? I slacked on picking one up a few weeks ago and now i need one for my new workstation.
  3. I

    Workstation Build

    This is what i have came up with. Please give some insight on things to omit or change if needed. Will use it for Photoshop/AfterAffects/Maya+Rendering , Gaming will come in second as i only play a couple times a week. CPU = Q9450 MOTHERBOARD = ABIT IP35 Pro PSU = SeaSonic M12 SS-500HM...
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    Q9450 Build?

    OS = XP 64 or Vista 64 on account of the ram. HD = 1x250, 1x120 sata ( fairly old might need to get a new drive for the OS ) Case = LIAN LI PC-61 ( Want to upgrage this as well for better airflow ) Monitor = 21" SGI CRT ( Not upgrading till i have the funds for an 8 bit ) Motherboard = ...
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    Q9450 Build?

    Have the chip, now i need the rest of the rig? Up for suggestions so please comment. I am looking for a rig that is stable, able to OC to 3.5 preferably , NO SLI, and 4gb of ram. I will mainly be using this comp for graphic purposes with gaming coming in second. I do a lot of 3d modeling so...
  6. I

    2x2gb ???

    Nevermind i guess its not backwards compatible :(
  7. I

    2x2gb ???

    I am planning on upgrading here in the spring to a whole new system and i need to know if this will work. Right now i have a Asus P4C800 E Deluxe with a Intel P4 3 proc. I do a lot of graphic work i.e. Photoshop and Maya . Would a 4gb kit work until i get a new system to transfer to?