Recent content by gigantorebirdie

  1. G

    Seasonic Topre Type Heaven Keyboard and S12G PSU Lucky Draw

    They are quality products that score well at review sites and have great warranties. I'd love to be the winner.
  2. G

    m4a79t deluxe best Air cooler

    Thanks much! I was nervous about any slight differences between the AM2 vs the AM3. Back in the day i cracked a core because of such a thing...
  3. G

    m4a79t deluxe best Air cooler

    Hello to all. What is the best one that fits on this mobo? I have one coming and want to know if anyone is having any issues with getting an air cooler to fit. Also if there is a handful of recommendations to pick from. Thank you in advance!
  4. G

    Going back to World of Wacraft, What to expect?

    All you need to know is if you liked it before, you'll like it again. It's the same treadmill, it's just on a different island.
  5. G

    Intel Core i7 920 Overclocking and Heat @ [H]

    So just want confirmation. We are seeing 4.0 as the current ceiling at this point regardless of batch? *not referring to anything more then air/water cooling
  6. G

    thinkign of much life is left?

    Awesome read. good take for sure!
  7. G

    Possible XBox 360 Core system for $100

    Voting is on the home page. Don't click the link, just go straight there. I voted and xbox is now up to 81.4 percent :cool: Hope I can get one!
  8. G

    4 Times Faster than a 7950GX2 !!!

    Some refer to this type of thing as marketing ;)
  9. G

    BFGTech GeForce 8800 GTX and 8800 GTS

    I think you guys did an excellent job on the review. As always I know where to come to read the best. Great work! In fact I think I'll read the article once more to make sure I can soak it all in! :p
  10. G

    Dice: stop complaining about our games whiners!

    OK, here's my take... I am hesitant to purchase games that everyone says is the "best ever, life changing, mind altering..." etc if it is from a publisher I don't trust. I fell in love with BF1942. Literally wanted to marry it, however once the patches started getting delayed, and I would sit...
  11. G

    Name your Price on Monarch Clearance items

    QFT, what's the deal on this one. You have a typo? I found it for less than 120 someplace else. Did you mean to have it for $113? If I was going to spend over $200 on intel I think everyone at the [H]forum would revolt if it wasn't on a conroe based cpu... ;)
  12. G

    Firing Squid Wastes their Ink

    It's a shame that in Kyle is only helping more people find out who they even are. I haven't been to the squads page in months, maybe even a year or two. But as soon as this began I went right over there to see what they were crying about. That = me going to their site once more.
  13. G

    team fortress 2 teaser released

    My only hope is that it has better netcode than CS:s and DOD:s. TFC was great because it was fast and smooth.
  14. G

    Greatest Game Ever

    What about Madden football. It should be a national [H]oliday each year it is released!