Recent content by Gary UT

  1. G

    Post your sleaved PSU's

    My computer: Jessica's computer: Gary
  2. G

    rubber molding/trim

    I used trim made from wire insulation: Used the same trim around the window: I make it by slicing one side of the insulation off with an exacto knife, when you pull out the wire you are left with a C shaped length of insulation. I glue it on from the inside. Gary
  3. G

    Show the PAINTED insides/chassis of your cases

    I dont have a parts list but I have a page that shows the mods here The plastic box is the smallest black plastic box that radio shack sells. Gary
  4. G

    Show the PAINTED insides/chassis of your cases

    I painted the inside the same color as the outside:
  5. G

    what luck do people have with painting the inside of their case?

    I painted the inside of my case to match the outside. Gary
  6. G

    Best place to get heat shrink tubing/loom etc. You can find better prices but you won't find a better selection. Gary
  7. G

    Switches for External Open CD Drive Button

    I did the switches and LED's on my daughters computer like this: The switches: Mounted: Gary