Recent content by FPS

  1. F

    Whats teh next big game your waiting for?

    morrowind Oblivian :D
  2. F

    Graphics or Gameplay

    defenatly gameplay, game companys need to focus alot more on gameplay, instead of chucking a boring game together with real good eye candy. I dont really care if it looks like space invaders. As long as it makes me wanna keep playing, its all good :p
  3. F

    Counterstrike video wondering what the song is

    im also wondering what this song is, BUMP
  4. F

    Expected better....

    Can the x850xt do that hdri lighting that the GF6 owners can do in Far Cry? but common though I think you have set your standards a bit to high... Its like you were expecting things to leap outta the screen and kill you :p
  5. F

    256mb 6800gt on a 2400+ ???

    ok I have a chance to get a new gfx card to replace this aging 9600pro. What I wanna know is, what performace would I expect to get on this AMD xp 2400+ @ 2.4ghz ? thx
  6. F

    Whole batch of new Elder Scrolls IV shots:

    I want this game NOW looks like im gonna have to get a job, so I can buy a new rig :p but...... where are the shadows? even the previous morrowind had shadows.
  7. F

    Counter-Strike: Source server list question?

    I had this problem......could only find 60 or so servers. Turned out to be my IP adress. My IP started with 60 instead of 220. I fixed it by restarting the modem, hope that helps :) I cant see how my IP adress had anything to do with the server list though :confused:
  8. F

    HL2: D.M. more blood console command?

    these are for CS:S and should work for DM violence_agibs "1" violence_hgibs "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_ablood "1" cl_show_bloodspray "1"
  9. F

    gaming mouse pads

    Can someone please post a pic of a dkt pad please Ive seen two differant ones, ones got the DKT logo on the bottom left. and the other has a DKT logo on bottom left, and an everglide logo on the bottom right. so can someone please post a pic of the right one, or are they both the same?
  10. F

    Whats your next purchase? (Game)

    BF2 guild wars morrowind : oblivion
  11. F

    HL2 Windowed mode...?

    load up HL2, go to options / video / put it on window mode
  12. F

    Youre favorite single player game (help me buy a new one)

    This is definatly one of my favourites, theres alot of nice mods for it too. *goes to install max payne 2*
  13. F

    Fingerworks Keyboard for Gaming?

    Not to thread jack or anything...... Whats a decent keyboard? I'm sick of my keyboard jamming up when I try press more than 3 keys.
  14. F

    counter strike source resolution

    try this out, Refresh Lock
  15. F

    CS:S console list needed pleeeaaaase

    a quick google search....... // My tweaks for CS:S and HL2DM. // // Create your autoexec in: // CS:S --> C:\Steam\SteamApps\username\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg\autoexec.cfg // HL2DM --> C:\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\cfg\autoexec.cfg // -( Netcode )-...