Recent content by Fahrenheit

  1. F

    Do I use RGB or 4.4.4 for 4K TV ?

    Just like to add that the blackest black is the same for both 0-255 and 16-235 (0 or 16 respectively).
  2. F

    So tired of HDMI audio issues. Looking at a refurb receiver with 7.1 analog inputs.

    If your just passing audio you can get away with long HDMI cords, redmere cables are super thin and long and work for everything besides 4k HDR.
  3. F

    So tired of HDMI audio issues. Looking at a refurb receiver with 7.1 analog inputs.

    I can only speak for myself but I've never had any ground loops or interference in any analog connection on my PC. RCA and speaker wire ran right on top of power wire. Never had an issue. Granted I don't buy cheap PSUs
  4. F

    So tired of HDMI audio issues. Looking at a refurb receiver with 7.1 analog inputs.

    Analog is the the paragon of ease of use on PCs. It's digital that is a pain in the scrotum
  5. F

    So tired of HDMI audio issues. Looking at a refurb receiver with 7.1 analog inputs.

    This will emulate a display, plug it in on the AVR and you in like sin baby. Just disable the display in your driver. Though I just tried and my Denon can be used as an audio device without a display via HDMI. I'm on Win10...
  6. F

    Best quiet whine please!

    No whine on my Seasonic Plat PSU, my 290x on the other hand...
  7. F

    AMD Catalyst 14.9 Driver for Windows & Linux out now

    No improvements for Mordor? Ran a fast and dirty benchmark at 1440p
  8. F

    Nvidia adopts Adaptive-Sync (FreeSync)

    Ah the way nVidia was acting I thought G sync did something better or something.
  9. F

    Anyone upgrading 290x to GTX 980?

    290x user here. Only want to get out of it because it has nasty coil whine. Will wait till January before I do anything to see if any sort of 980ti happens and or water blocks come out for the MSI twin fozer 980. MSI is my preferred card vender
  10. F

    Nvidia adopts Adaptive-Sync (FreeSync)

    Might be a dumb question but what does G-Sync do that Free Sync don't?
  11. F

    AMD Catalyst™ 13.8 Windows® Beta Driver (8/1/2013)

    Hope they fixed the HDMI audio bug
  12. F

    Sleeping Dogs

    One of my favorite games of this gen, really hope the clones over at SE let United Front make another one.
  13. F

    Anyone else worried about all these 'AMD Gaming Evolved' titles?

    I really want to see if this driver thats coming will really fix Crossfire. If it does then I worry not and hope AMD gains a ton of market. Last thing I want is AMD to exit the card race.
  14. F

    Issues with HDMI audio with latest AMD beta drivers

    Just finished up a fresh install of Windows. Got the latest beta driver installed and everything is working as should. So something got messed up in the drivers someplace that a regular driver re install couldn't get to.
  15. F

    Issues with HDMI audio with latest AMD beta drivers

    Must be something wrong with my install somewhere or another. After trying everything it still doesnt work right. Even dragged down my laptop and plugged it in and that worked fine with my AVR. Gonna reformat windows here now and see if that gets it