Recent content by Drakensoul

  1. D

    Sony removes Cyberpunk from the PS playstore

    I know this was a pro-console post but still was a good jump point.. The Switch has, quite surprisingly, been the perfect console for me. I'm not gonna go upstairs to use the computer when all four animals and the husband are downstairs, and my energy of activation to turn on a console is in...
  2. D

    Building Blocks of Life Found on Mars

    I think his stomach is distended [sic]
  3. D

    Engineer Gives Interview After 28 Core Debacle

    Funny parody video... Hopefully no one actually thinks this was about anything to do with tech.
  4. D

    Building Blocks of Life Found on Mars

    So you "believe" the big bang, which you so flippantly linked to, happened a few million years ago? Keep in mind that the farthest observed star is >10 billion light years away via red shift parameters.
  5. D

    Facebook to Spend Actual Money to Prevent Abuse

    Links to the ads the US government has bought, pretending to be a member of another country in order to promote a political candidate? I only ask because you make a declarative statement that we have done it, and as much as I've seen the news (i.e.: US news while saying "We're the US news")...
  6. D

    Facebook to Spend Actual Money to Prevent Abuse

    Yeah, why would advertising have an effect on peoples' choices? LOL! What a stupid industry. Another thread that will get locked by page 3.
  7. D

    Facebook: 126 Million Americans May Have Seen Russia-Linked Political Posts

    Someone lock this thread before the stupid continues to snowball.
  8. D

    Facebook: 126 Million Americans May Have Seen Russia-Linked Political Posts

    Because that's adult.... Wait.. what? You have people bombing people and running vehicles through crowds but your goal, after the election is over and she's lost... is to see Hillary burned to death? Based on what? Things you've see on YouTube or read on Fox News or its conglomerates...
  9. D

    Facebook: 126 Million Americans May Have Seen Russia-Linked Political Posts

    If Russians running ads isn't a big deal (to the majority of the people who have responded so far), then why not just say they are Russians running ads? Why would they pretend to be US Citizens or US political groups? Obviously there was something to gain by pretending to be US Citizens/groups...
  10. D

    Google Uncovered Russia-Backed Ads on YouTube, Gmail

    I'm not sure what the major issue is, nor who decided what is and isn't a major issue... I just see opinion in your post. I think that's the point -- post something fact based and I'll decide what is or isn't a major issue and to what extent. Until then I just shrug and say "Maybe." Again I...
  11. D

    Google Uncovered Russia-Backed Ads on YouTube, Gmail

    You must have replied to the wrong person. I'm not interested in Facebook or Google or even Russian motives. I think I can figure that out on the back-end. I am interested in how many Russian or other government-backed accounts on social media sites pretended to be American and posted...
  12. D

    Vega Rumors

    Wouldn't you rather see AMD do better? So that there's actual competition and reason for NVidia to continue to innovate and advance? -Still Running a 1070
  13. D

    Google Uncovered Russia-Backed Ads on YouTube, Gmail

    No intellectual curiosity to know what the extent of it was? I.e.: If a few of the known Russian government-controlled groups on Facebook had their (re: Russia's) politically targetted ads shared and liked over 300 million times, and we still don't even know how many groups or accounts there...
  14. D

    SNES Mini Already Hacked to Play Downloaded Games

    5MB?!??!! Super Mario 64 was 8MB.. SNES games are on the average far less than 1MB. There are some that are up to 4MB. Super Mario World is ~300kB. That's right... 300kB fucked your whole shit up.
  15. D

    US Senate Panel Puts Self-Driving Cars in Fast Lane

    Unless of course you simply want a self-driving car. Not a taxi, and not a bus. In which case one would..... buy a self-driving car.