Recent content by Awesomedude

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    Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

    Pick me please!
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    Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

    This would be the perfect upgrade to my aging system
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    XFX Black Edition PSU Drawing!

    What do you get when you cross an owl, with a bungee cord? My ass!
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    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    I love that xfx is going to give me one ;)
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    Galaxy 7th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    in for one!
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    Gigabyte Holiday [H] Give-Away!!!

    I have an aging amd 64 based system that is in dire need of an upgrade this holiday season and either of these could be the perfect start to that
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    Opera 10.63 Is Out

    #6 reporting for duty! 10.63 is super fast and it looks like 10.7 is going to blow it out of the water. But I love opera cause I can have assloads of tabs open without the...
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    Google Confirms Chrome 7 GPU Acceleration Opera has had some hardware acceleration for over a year now...
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    AMD's Bulldozer and Bobcat Processors Preview @ [H]

    Anand has more slides from their Hot Chips presentation: It goes more in depth on the architecture
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    MSI - Metro 2033 - GTX 460 Giveaway!

    You shouldn't ride the metro, because goddamn that shits scary.
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    NVIDIA Surround Technology Performance Review

    I wonder if Nvidia requiring SLI is helping them in this case. In crossfire since the displays are attached to one card. Every other frame the second card has to send 3 "displays" worth of information across the CFX bridge, but with SLI your sending 2 displays worth of information 1 frame...
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    Portal 2 E3 2010 Trailer The three gameplay videos at the bottom are awesome. Also there are some videos with interviews with Doug, and Erik.