Billy Mitchell Now Suing Karl Jobst


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"According to Tipster, Billy Mitchell is suing Karl Jobst. Pretty cool about his scores being re-instated though within Guinness."

If I never knew this guy existed my life would be 0.3738% better.

wasn't it just that documentary that put him in a bad light? thought those roles were setup like that anyhow
I was trying to explain this guy to my wife the other day when we saw a new Netflix doc was coming about 'high scores' and this news will help back up my opinion of the guy...
I was trying to explain this guy to my wife the other day when we saw a new Netflix doc was coming about 'high scores' and this news will help back up my opinion of the guy...
you don't like him? :(
The only thing that can match Billy's high scores sweetness is the endless salt flow from his haters.
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The only thing that can match Billy's high scores sweetness is the endless salt flow from his haters.
he is a pretty gamer even though not very technical from the hardware side of things
I'm certain he's better at more games than I'll ever be, but I think it speaks volumes that the only time we hear gaming related news about him is lawsuits that he files.
Do you have some indication/evidence he's anything other than what was portrayed in that documentary?

There's a whole section of their forum dedicated to talking about the movie. I'm no Billy Mitchell apologist, but he was definitely cast into a role for the story they wanted to tell. I heard they shot something like 200 hours of interviews and footage and then basically came out with a 2 hour movie. Of course you're going to be able to tell whatever story you want when you selectively edit your footage into 1/100th of what is available.
Of course you're going to be able to tell whatever story you want when you selectively edit your footage into 1/100th of what is available.

Oh come on, he comes across the same way in everything.

billy mitchell king of kong hot sauce.jpg

Wonder who Ricky is maybe someone with a lower score in Kong during the 80s?
Does anyone else think that his hot sauce must actually be quite good in order for it to finance all these lawsuits?
the dude should just go practice one of these games already and just go live and show he still got it. its the only anyone is ever going to believe him at this point. He doesn't need to break current records just show he can get very close because there aren't many out there that can.

redeem yourself and stop making yourself look like a complete washed up F lister.
Do you have some indication/evidence he's anything other than what was portrayed in that documentary?

Years ago a friend of mine used to work at a game store in Weston FL close to where Billy lives/lived. He said Billy would visit the store with his kid, but stayed low key and was polite. Very different than the documentary.

Every celeb was a persona they play, and their real personality. Except Jeff Goldbloom. I heard they didn’t even give him lines for Thor Ragnarock. They just turned the camera on and he ad-libbed it all. His costume was actually his normal clothes!
the dude should just go practice one of these games already and just go live and show he still got it. its the only anyone is ever going to believe him at this point. He doesn't need to break current records just show he can get very close because there aren't many out there that can.

redeem yourself and stop making yourself look like a complete washed up F lister.

He already did that in 2018. He matched his old score on a live stream.
Years ago a friend of mine used to work at a game store in Weston FL close to where Billy lives/lived. He said Billy would visit the store with his kid, but stayed low key and was polite. Very different than the documentary.
Oh no doubt a huge amount of it is the persona he's crafted. I am just curious where the line is drawn, and where along the spectrum the real Billy is. I have heard so many wildly conflicting reports.

On some level he reminds me of Guy Fieri - a bombastic and semi-ridiculous personality we make fun of right?
Did You Know... He volunteers to buy food, cook, serve, help the responders when our state burns down every fall. He'll have it up and going at the relief areas, and hand tired firefighters some pretty amazing food he made (he does actually make damn fine eats), shake their hands, and thank them for helping out. It doesn't get press, so a lot of people don't know he's always the first to help the community.

Kinda different than the goof on TV, huh?
didn't know that. i guess no one cared.

It made the news back then, but ultimately it's not that big a deal. I mean...when was the last time you seriously said "I want to play Pac Man or Donkey Kong", or worse, watch someone play those games. These games are for a different generation of gamers who become fewer and farther between each year. I'm a gamer who grew up in the 80s and I don't even care to revisit that era all that often. I certainly don't want to watch someone else play them. Props to those that do though.

Now if Billy gets onto a Killer Instinct cabinet and starts busting ULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Combos I'll pay more attention. ;)
Who cares about high scores in two old ass games that no one even plays anymore other than for nostalgia. Sure back in the 80's he was probably seen as a gamer god, but its been 30 yrs, no one cares anymore. He is just trying to stat relevant since the only relevancy he has is these two lame records.