Days Gone - Out April 26th. Exclusive for PS4. 30 hours long. 6 hours of cutscenes.


Jun 6, 2014
Like many of you I have been waiting for this game for a while but now that we are slightly over a month until release I figured i'd make a new thread for the game since the previous thread I found after searching had the wrong release date.

I know Zombies are kind of played-out nowadays but I think it could still be done in interesting ways and at least Days Gone seems different enough to warrant a look.

Sounds like another MGS4 situation with the cutscene length...meh.
True. I personally loved MGS4, but I understand the complaints. However, this seems to be a blend of MGS4 and MGS 5. MGS4-length cutscenes with MGS5-level open-worldness.

I liked MGS4 up until the point where I was sitting through a cutscene that was an hour and a half long.
I liked MGS4 up until the point where I was sitting through a cutscene that was an hour and a half long.

MGS4 was an 20 hour game with 8 hours of cutscene. Days Gone is 30 hours with 6 hours of cutscenes. Pacing should be much better I would think.
I forgot this was even coming.
I don't mind cutscenes as long as they're interspersed with plenty of gameplay. MGS4 would have 30 minute cutscenes followed by a 5-minute mission. It should be the reverse of that. I don't mind a long intro, ending, and 1-2 other pivotal moments, but no more than that. No 90-minute custscenes you have to sit through because of random QTE stuff, too.
There are plenty of games with slower narratives (like the Last of Us) that probably could have used custscenes instead. I'll hope for that kind of thing.
It looked interesting until I saw that it had zombies. That's too far from reality to be of interest to me.
It looked interesting until I saw that it had zombies. That's too far from reality to be of interest to me.

Pretend it’s mad cow disease.

I’m really looking forward to this and I can’t believe we’re right at the finish line here. When they first showed gameplay footage a long time ago I was hooked.
This could be the next big hit on PS4. The thing is that it will probably be a solid game but I believe the zombie fatigue has set in at this point and might be over looked. I might buy it day one since Sony been killing it with their exclusives.
Looks pretty good, I just hope the game feels like a game and not a glorified tech demo that shows how many zombies can be on screen at once.
man if you counted dialog parts of games as a cut scene... rpgs are like 99% cutscenes, just clicking a button to proceed

this game looks cool though... hope it does well
Like many of you I have been waiting for this game for a while but now that we are slightly over a month until release I figured i'd make a new thread for the game since the previous thread I found after searching had the wrong release date.

I know Zombies are kind of played-out nowadays but I think it could still be done in interesting ways and at least Days Gone seems different enough to warrant a look.

Thread titles can be edited, you know...
6 hours of cut scenes... WTF
It sounds like a lot, but I'm not so sure it's that unusual if you add up the lengths of cutscenes from other games.
Definitely gonna preload this to play it at launch. The story looks decent enough, but I love open worldish games like this where you go around discovering/conquering new bases and gaining allies, just like in Mad Max I played last year and Horizon Zero Dawn the year before. But this will kinda feed my post apocalyptic Zombie ("Freaker") appetite until The Last of Us 2 (hopefully) launches later this year.

I just beat RDR2 last night and look forward to another narrative to dive into soon.
Definitely gonna preload this to play it at launch. The story looks decent enough, but I love open worldish games like this where you go around discovering/conquering new bases and gaining allies, just like in Mad Max I played last year and Horizon Zero Dawn the year before. But this will kinda feed my post apocalyptic Zombie ("Freaker") appetite until The Last of Us 2 (hopefully) launches later this year.

I just beat RDR2 last night and look forward to another narrative to dive into soon.

Have you played Metro Exodus? Highly recommended.
Have you played Metro Exodus? Highly recommended.

Yeah, that's definitely on my short list as well, but I'm going to be rebuilding my PC soon and want to wait until I do that to play it. I'm still on an old X58/i7 920 rig with a GTX 1060 6GB in it, lol. I'm waiting for the Ryzen 3700 to launch, as I just built a 2600/RX570 8GB rig for my son and am pretty impressed with it so far. I'm hoping that will be within the next couple months, as I'm moving to Europe for a few years at the end of May and I'm sure parts will be more expensive there compared to the US.
Yeah, that's definitely on my short list as well, but I'm going to be rebuilding my PC soon and want to wait until I do that to play it. I'm still on an old X58/i7 920 rig with a GTX 1060 6GB in it, lol. I'm waiting for the Ryzen 3700 to launch, as I just built a 2600/RX570 8GB rig for my son and am pretty impressed with it so far. I'm hoping that will be within the next couple months, as I'm moving to Europe for a few years at the end of May and I'm sure parts will be more expensive there compared to the US.

That's a shame because I just built my PC last week and currently you get Metro Exodus, Anthem, and Battlefield 5 free with the purchase of the new RTX cards.
That's a shame because I just built my PC last week and currently you get Metro Exodus, Anthem, and Battlefield 5 free with the purchase of the new RTX cards.

Metro's on my list too, I'll get to it eventually. Have you beaten it already? I just built a new rig as well and got those games for free. Having a good time with BF 5 so far (had Anthem on PS4 prior).
Metro's on my list too, I'll get to it eventually. Have you beaten it already? I just built a new rig as well and got those games for free. Having a good time with BF 5 so far (had Anthem on PS4 prior).

Haven't beaten Metro yet. I am about 8-10 hours in at the moment I think. I am REALLY enjoying it though. It's been a while since I've played a game that I really enjoy and can't wait to play again.
That's a shame because I just built my PC last week and currently you get Metro Exodus, Anthem, and Battlefield 5 free with the purchase of the new RTX cards.

Nice.. I may just go ahead and order a card then, I was just hoping RTX card prices would come down a bit by the time the new Ryzen CPUs come out as well as the lower R7 cards. I at least want to get a 2070, but I don't feel their performance matches their prices at all at the moment. Which card/resolution did you play on and did you feel that Ray Tracing was worth playing with on the game? I hate to derail the thread further about a different game, but I'm just curious since you brought it up, heh.
Nice.. I may just go ahead and order a card then, I was just hoping RTX card prices would come down a bit by the time the new Ryzen CPUs come out as well as the lower R7 cards. I at least want to get a 2070, but I don't feel their performance matches their prices at all at the moment. Which card/resolution did you play on and did you feel that Ray Tracing was worth playing with on the game? I hate to derail the thread further about a different game, but I'm just curious since you brought it up, heh.

Interesting you ask about Ray Tracing because I actually became a believer last night. I can't explain it well enough probably to sell it but I will try. First and foremost I was also going to buy a 2070 like yourself because I was shocked how much prices have gone up. I sold my 1080ti build last year and I stuck to console gaming, but now I decided to build a new PC but I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. But then I was looking at all the benchmarks out there and the 1080ti was basically neck and neck with the 2070 in terms of performance for basically $200 more than what I paid for my 1080ti at the time. So I started looking for used 1080ti cards on Reddit and almost pulled the trigger a bunch of times... there was even a guy local to me on Facebook Marketplace who was selling a EVGA 1080ti FTW 3 for $450. I decided in the end to not buy it even though I basically had already scheduled to meet him after work to buy it from him, but an hour before our meet I cancelled for two reasons. One is that I only usually upgrade my PCs every 5 years or so and I do everything at once so if I am going to spend the money I might as well get whatever the latest thing is so I don't regret it a year or so down the road when more and more games are utilizing Ray Tracing. The second reason I didn't get a 1080ti again is because it's used... through experience I just always have had huge reservations about buying used technology in particular after getting burned too many times.

So I grudgingly bought the 2080 because there was no way in hell I was going to spend $1000+ on a 2080ti, and while I can game at max settings more-or-less at 1440p I was just overall disappointed in Nvidia for pulling an Apple and raising their prices as much as they did. In any case as far as the game itself goes... it was only last night when I finally got a few hours to play because my wife had a late shift that I REALLY appreciated the tech built into these new cards. There were about 3 places I noticed the unbelieveable detail in the game and how the lighting just upped the suspensions-of-belief-factor by 10:

I was walking up some stairs in a building that had like brick walls and the stairs were circling up and to the right... I was going up the stairs and it was night but there were some light that was shining on the walls from a candle near the top of the stairs and I just stopped and looked because in that moment I literally thought the scene was photo-realistic. It's hard to explain but I just stood there for like 30 seconds watching how the light defused across the wall and became darker the farther down the stairs I was, and when I got closer the light from the candle made these really believable details pop and reflect off the gun I was holding. It was really amazing.

The one other situation I will mention was during a train ride from the first open area to the next where I was in a train car and it's a train car that has small rooms in them for people to sit with sliding doors... and I was standing close to one and I was watching the shadows from the curtains and all the little things as the train was moving. I looked to my right and I saw a reflection of the window that was distorted enough through the wood to see it clearly enough but also blurry enough to understand that the reflection was off of some sort of wood... and I just watched the changing shadows and light movement through the reflection in the wood.

That was the moment I became a believer in the technology. I even signed up for EVGA's Step-Up program because at this point I can't even resist getting a 2080ti. There seems to be at least a month or two wait which will make paying the difference more tolerable rather than spending so much at once on a card. While I get good performance at 1440p with the 2080 I would like it to be a little better.
Interesting you ask about Ray Tracing because I actually became a believer last night. I can't explain it well enough probably to sell it but I will try. First and foremost I was also going to buy a 2070 like yourself because I was shocked how much prices have gone up. I sold my 1080ti build last year and I stuck to console gaming, but now I decided to build a new PC but I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. But then I was looking at all the benchmarks out there and the 1080ti was basically neck and neck with the 2070 in terms of performance for basically $200 more than what I paid for my 1080ti at the time. So I started looking for used 1080ti cards on Reddit and almost pulled the trigger a bunch of times... there was even a guy local to me on Facebook Marketplace who was selling a EVGA 1080ti FTW 3 for $450. I decided in the end to not buy it even though I basically had already scheduled to meet him after work to buy it from him, but an hour before our meet I cancelled for two reasons. One is that I only usually upgrade my PCs every 5 years or so and I do everything at once so if I am going to spend the money I might as well get whatever the latest thing is so I don't regret it a year or so down the road when more and more games are utilizing Ray Tracing. The second reason I didn't get a 1080ti again is because it's used... through experience I just always have had huge reservations about buying used technology in particular after getting burned too many times.

So I grudgingly bought the 2080 because there was no way in hell I was going to spend $1000+ on a 2080ti, and while I can game at max settings more-or-less at 1440p I was just overall disappointed in Nvidia for pulling an Apple and raising their prices as much as they did. In any case as far as the game itself goes... it was only last night when I finally got a few hours to play because my wife had a late shift that I REALLY appreciated the tech built into these new cards. There were about 3 places I noticed the unbelieveable detail in the game and how the lighting just upped the suspensions-of-belief-factor by 10:

I was walking up some stairs in a building that had like brick walls and the stairs were circling up and to the right... I was going up the stairs and it was night but there were some light that was shining on the walls from a candle near the top of the stairs and I just stopped and looked because in that moment I literally thought the scene was photo-realistic. It's hard to explain but I just stood there for like 30 seconds watching how the light defused across the wall and became darker the farther down the stairs I was, and when I got closer the light from the candle made these really believable details pop and reflect off the gun I was holding. It was really amazing.

The one other situation I will mention was during a train ride from the first open area to the next where I was in a train car and it's a train car that has small rooms in them for people to sit with sliding doors... and I was standing close to one and I was watching the shadows from the curtains and all the little things as the train was moving. I looked to my right and I saw a reflection of the window that was distorted enough through the wood to see it clearly enough but also blurry enough to understand that the reflection was off of some sort of wood... and I just watched the changing shadows and light movement through the reflection in the wood.

That was the moment I became a believer in the technology. I even signed up for EVGA's Step-Up program because at this point I can't even resist getting a 2080ti. There seems to be at least a month or two wait which will make paying the difference more tolerable rather than spending so much at once on a card. While I get good performance at 1440p with the 2080 I would like it to be a little better.

Not to keep derailing the thread (last post!) I'm sort of like you the more time goes on. I used to grab a new GPU every year, but after not playing PC games since 2014 or so, I decided to go all in and grab the best parts I could find. I feel like you get a lot of bang for buck when you wait a few years for technology to evolve and graphics to get more demanding, and then really splurge to be able to max everything out. I'm really excited to see these effects in Metro after reading your descriptions, you've definitely sold me (regarldess of the fact that I've been reading up on the technology, watching videos, looking at screenshot comparisons, etc.). Based on benchmarks it looks to be quite playable with 4K and everything on with a single 2080 Ti, which is fine with me (played console games the last few years, so I'm honestly not a stickler for needing insanely high framerates at all times).

I think that being said, it'd be interesting to go back to a PS4 Pro game, particularly Days Gone which looks pretty phenomenal graphics wise, and compare/contrast. I'm running an LG C7 at the moment for my PS4 Pro (and all other console gaming), and it's sometimes tough to see the visual differences with how great most games I'm interested look, and sitting as far back on the couch as I do (at least 9-10 feet). Sitting in front of the outgoing console TV (Samsung KS8000, at about 3 feet) at 4K settings is pretty phenomenal too though, definitely in a league of its own.
Not to keep derailing the thread (last post!) I'm sort of like you the more time goes on. I used to grab a new GPU every year, but after not playing PC games since 2014 or so, I decided to go all in and grab the best parts I could find. I feel like you get a lot of bang for buck when you wait a few years for technology to evolve and graphics to get more demanding, and then really splurge to be able to max everything out. I'm really excited to see these effects in Metro after reading your descriptions, you've definitely sold me (regarldess of the fact that I've been reading up on the technology, watching videos, looking at screenshot comparisons, etc.). Based on benchmarks it looks to be quite playable with 4K and everything on with a single 2080 Ti, which is fine with me (played console games the last few years, so I'm honestly not a stickler for needing insanely high framerates at all times).

I think that being said, it'd be interesting to go back to a PS4 Pro game, particularly Days Gone which looks pretty phenomenal graphics wise, and compare/contrast. I'm running an LG C7 at the moment for my PS4 Pro (and all other console gaming), and it's sometimes tough to see the visual differences with how great most games I'm interested look, and sitting as far back on the couch as I do (at least 9-10 feet). Sitting in front of the outgoing console TV (Samsung KS8000, at about 3 feet) at 4K settings is pretty phenomenal too though, definitely in a league of its own.

A fun one for me to compare has been Ghost Recon Wildlands. I got that for free for PC during a promotion a while back, but I also bought it for Xbox before because my buddy only plays with Xbox so I wanted to play with him and the graphics on a Xbox One X in particular and PS4 Pro are phenomenal. Even the checkerboarding 4K I see on PS4 Pro is incredible. I actually took some screenshots from a while ago when I first got the PS4 and took screenshots of Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son. I will list the albums at the bottom.

In any case, The Pro and One X are very capable and I would argue that what Microsoft has done for the One X to be able to play native 4K games and have them perform as well as they do (RDR 2 looks incredible) at the price point they sell it at is nothing short of amazing. You can not make a PC for the price of a Xbox One X and play native 4K games on it as well as the Xbox One X does it.


It looks pretty interesting and I never heard of it so thank you to the OP but... I'm not going to fall for it anymore. Give me an awesome demo that makes me want to pay full price for the game and I may buy it. Otherwise. I'll wait a few months for some quality reviews.
If reviews pan out for the game, I'll buy it. Been looking at this since it was announced, I like the idea and concept of it.
From my understanding, the whole concept is to fix your bike up and ride out of town, right?

Cheat_add_parts_x and roll on out..

Game over in 5 minutes 0_o
From my understanding, the whole concept is to fix your bike up and ride out of town, right?

Cheat_add_parts_x and roll on out..

Game over in 5 minutes 0_o

From what I've gathered, you're trying to reunite with your wife that had to fly out on a Evac helicopter for some reason. But I'm sure it'll be a bit more complicated that than and she'll prolly end up dead and/or you'll have to go after some antagonist and/or save the day somehow as well.
Ready to go baby. Taking a break on Friday to get a root canal done (grinding my teeth to the point of letting bacteria into one of them is great). Picking up the Collector's from Best Buy in the morning, and then pretty much gorging on that for the remainder of the day. Who else will be joining me?!
Waiting on reviews - not really convinced this will be something special over the zillion other zombie games.
They're pushing this pretty hard with mainstream commercials and advertising. I can't see Sony going ham advertising a game they have no faith in.
Once I'm done with my backlog I'll probably nab this for the summer. Zombies have been done plenty of times before, but this seem like a different pace than the others. Kind of like the 2004 Dawn of the Dead compared to the 70's and 80's zombie movies.
Waiting on reviews - not really convinced this will be something special over the zillion other zombie games.

True and no doubt, but I'm betting it'll be an excellent addition to Sony's already legendary lineup of games the past few years. From what I understand, they're really pushing the story, atmosphere, and the customizations. I'm hearing great things from people who already have the game on Reddit, but that's just a piece of it. I'm looking to dig into the game to see for myself. Hype is just 50% of the equation.
Reviews are very ok so far. Sounds like gameplay, while pretty solid, gets very repetitive. Same missions over and over again start to feel like a chore.
73 is pretty good though... but yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a smash hit like The Last of Us or Spiderman or something (like some were suggesting.) You could tell from all the gameplay vids up to release that it was just generic as hell.
73 is pretty good though... but yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't going to be a smash hit like The Last of Us or Spiderman or something (like some were suggesting.) You could tell from all the gameplay vids up to release that it was just generic as hell.
73 (now 72) isn't bad at all, but my backlog is so large that this game doesn't seem to be good enough to give it prioritization over my backlog. So I might as well buy it later once its on sale.
When even IGN gives it a 65...not sure what that means, really.

Seems likely to be a sale buy for me as well.