Netflix Pulls the Plug on Marvel’s "Luke Cage"


Aug 20, 2006
Another Marvel show bites the dust: Netflix has decided to cancel Luke Cage, a mere week after canning Iron Fist. According to Deadline’s sources, there were “creative differences” and parties involved couldn’t reach a deal on how to move forward. Marvel fans still have plenty to look forward to on the streaming service, however, as Jessica Jones and The Punisher have reportedly been renewed. There’s also Daredevil S3, which just debuted.

A writers’ room under showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker had been working for around six months producing scripts and taking notes from Netflix and Marvel. As actors including lead Mike Colter remained under contract, a formal Season 3 order was considered almost a foregone conclusion by all concerned.
Luke Cage was pretty fun and watchable, especially compared to the dumpster fire that wasIron Fist and season two of Jessica Jones. They should just keep yearly Luke Cage amd Daredevil seasons and the Defenders once every couple years.
I enjoyed the first season for the most part and was somewhat looking forward to the second. Maybe it was just me, but I started watching the first episode of the second season and it seemed a bit racial. Perhaps I just didn't notice it in the first season, or perhaps I was overreacting and it got better, but either way I stopped watching. I don't need or want to watch that in a Superhero show, there's enough of that in real life.
I liked all of the Marvel content. Netflix, with their recent idiotic hires and now canceling original content... There really isn't much reason to keep paying them each month. Do any of you have Amazon Prime? How does it compare to Netflix?
Daredevil is the only Netflix Marvel show worth a damn. Luke Cage was the next best IMO....Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Defenders all sucked. I was so disappointed in Iron Fist, one of my favorite comics and the show was complete shit. I expected this pink, glowing fist with a long tail and got a Himalayan salt lamp instead. What shit.
Well this sucks. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Dare Devil were all good, as was the Defenders. Then again, as I recall, Cage, Jones, Dare Devil and Iron Fist (which I never watched) were all supposed to be one offs leading up to the Defenders.
netflix screwed up all the marvel series, because the budget is ridiculous for what these kind of series require.
marvel should be action-fantastic not drama-thriller, the concept from the start is stupid, i don't know how these kind of projects get aprouved in the first place.
They should reboot iron fist but do it on a better network, with higher quality. I mean damn is into the badlands the only show that can do fight scenes these days?
Honestly Netflix has just been dropping the ball lately with these Marvel shows, they're nearly all complete garbage with a few passable episodes for some of them. It wouldn't surprise me if Disney just revokes all the rights and reboots everything under their own streaming service.

Part of Netflix's problem is their method. These are serial shows that are released in binge fashion, which is stupid - bingeing compresses a show's pacing, which makes the 'fluffing' and filler in a show obvious (To me, Arrow was a great example of fluffing). It would be better for Netflix to always have five new serials releasing shows at any given time, release a new episode of one of the shows on Sunday through Thursday with a single starting commercial on release night only, and then allow people to binge already released shows as they want. They should use the commercial money to maintain the high-quality of the writing and production, because spending big on an opening season and then going cheap on followup seasons is the best way to kill a show. HBO and Showtime already learned that lesson, and Netflix shouldn't need to be told.

And Netflix should buy up the rights to Firefly. :smug:
I didn’t hate daredevil once it got rolling.

The punisher was fun too.
I liked all of the Marvel content. Netflix, with their recent idiotic hires and now canceling original content... There really isn't much reason to keep paying them each month. Do any of you have Amazon Prime? How does it compare to Netflix?
I have both, and both have their merits, Marvel or no Marvel. As a household that consumes a lot of Tv media, we couldn't last without both, but we don't bother with Hulu or other services.
I'm not surprised Luke Cage got cut and surprised it didn't happen sooner. Neither season was very good. In the first season they killed off the interesting bad guy to bring in another one who was just flat out boring. She continued as bad guy in season 2 with another guy and neither one was any good. The only good character in season 2 was Shades. Oddly enough, my favorite episode of season 2 Luke Cage was the one with Danny Rand. Considering how mediocre season 1 Iron Fist was and how damn annoying Danny Rand was it was a huge surprise.

I still think it's a pity that Iron Fist got cancelled. The end of the second season showed there was a ton of promise for the third. It also looked how the show should have been from the beginning. The first season was actually good with the exception of Danny Rand and his choices while somehow being a 12 year old mentality. At that point he was the Iron Facepalm. The rest of the story and actors were quite good overall. The second season was better and worse than the first. The story wasn't nearly as good but at least Danny Rand had reached the mental age of 16 or 17.
I personally don't care for Daredevil, but there may be more to this. Disney has been saturating the Marvel and Star Wars Universe and just maybe people are getting tired of spandex and light sabers....
I thought this Netflix cancellation business had to do with Marvel / Disney / whoever owns it starting their own pay channel? No point in letting Netflix have any shows on a competing platform.
They should of kept Luke and get rid of jessica jones that show is a pile of doo doo.

Also SmokeRngs I agree with your points. They killed off cottonmouth way too soon and having his sister who was a crooked politician trying to be the bad guy was just awful. Also the thing with her and shades was just cringey she is old enough to be his grand mother. Iron fist while being ok just had too many problems danny being mentality inept, terrible fight scenes. While I like Rosario Dawson as an actress I got tired of her banging everybody in the shows.
All of the Marvel Netflix shows follow the DareDevil formula of hand to hand fights most of the time. Even the Punisher falls victim to this mindset. These shows need lots of special effects and they think with fist fights they'll save money.
I thought this Netflix cancellation business had to do with Marvel / Disney / whoever owns it starting their own pay channel? No point in letting Netflix have any shows on a competing platform.

There's nothing official about that, nor is there any proof that I've seen... But it makes sense.

I bet that Disney demanded higher IP licensing fees for future seasons. That, combined with the show's high costs, would be enough for Netflix to justify canning it.
I'm surprised Luke Cage got cancelled. Wasn't surprised that iron fist got cancelled. Why the fuck isn't Jessica Jones canceled!!!! That season two of Jones was hot garbage.
I'm surprised Luke Cage got cancelled. Wasn't surprised that iron fist got cancelled. Why the fuck isn't Jessica Jones canceled!!!! That season two of Jones was hot garbage.

Jessica Jones kept going because it had such a strong first season, even though the 2nd season wasn't that good it will keep going

punisher was good, it was just 3 episodes too long
Jessica Jones kept going because it had such a strong first season, even though the 2nd season wasn't that good it will keep going

punisher was good, it was just 3 episodes too long

They need a real antagonist / villain for season 3. All the collaborations and spinoffs probably muddled everyones brain. Guess we'll find out
punisher was good, it was just 3 episodes too long

In my opinion all of them have been 3-4 episodes too long or maybe the episodes need to be 40 mins rather than 60. How many times did Killgrave escape after being caught by Jessica, how many times did Luke and Diamondback square off before they finally decided that this is the final battle etc..etc.. They have all been padded out too much imo.

Also I think they spread themselves to thin with each character getting their own show and have run out of villains that they can use which will really hurt the writing.
Jessica Jones kept going because it had such a strong first season, even though the 2nd season wasn't that good it will keep going

punisher was good, it was just 3 episodes too long

I felt Jessica Jones first season was horrible. It was nothing more than Jessica bitching about something, getting drunk and then repeating. The second season was much stronger as far as I'm concerned. There was the issue with the last few episodes of the season being repeats which was more than annoying but I still enjoyed the season quite a bit.

Deserves a spoiler warning/tag

No offense but there wasn't much in the way of spoiler in what I said. It was very, very vague and I did that on purpose to avoid real spoilers.
Suspect the rumor of a Heroes for Hire spinoff is probably going to happen...whether it be on Disney or Netflix...we shall see.
couldn't get through season 2 despite 5 different tries. it was honestly rubbish. though i did like s1.

dd is the only good show going. however i did like IF
Well this sucks. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Dare Devil were all good, as was the Defenders. Then again, as I recall, Cage, Jones, Dare Devil and Iron Fist (which I never watched) were all supposed to be one offs leading up to the Defenders.

Not one-oofs, but rather character development, but The Defenders is supposed to be a "once in a while" co-op where the characters have something they can't handle on their own, like The Avengers. Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist have onging comics for decades, so they're supposed to be ongoing series, but the way Iron Fist was written, I'm not surprised it didn't last. I am very surprised that Luke Cage is getting cancelled. It was pretty good. It was still only the second worst series of the bunch, but it was still good enough to watch. The fact that they're pushing on with Jessica Jones, despite the fact that there are only a few solo comics of her, is kind of baffling. I guess they're trying to make her into a more fleshed out character than in the comics. Luke Cage will likely see more screen time in that series, and perhaps Iron Fist will make appearances and we'll get the "Heroes for Hire" thing going.
Not surprised. I just never could get into it. The guy playing Cage looks the part of but he has no charisma or acting chops. None of the characters were very interesting really. I think I got 3 maybe 4 episodes in before leaving out of boredom.

Jessica Jones was pretty decent. Nothing anywhere near the level of Daredevil but still good enough to warrant a 3rd season. I'd watch it.
I'm surprised Luke Cage got cancelled. Wasn't surprised that iron fist got cancelled. Why the fuck isn't Jessica Jones canceled!!!! That season two of Jones was hot garbage.

I'm noticing a trend here.... the shows that have/had crappy sophomore seasons are getting shitcanned. Jessica Jones is probably next. The first season was just OK, with a good episode here and there. S2 was... actually I'm not really sure because I fell asleep during every episode.

Then again shows with dudes are a dime a dozen, and in the MeToo-Verse it might be dangerous (career wise) to cancel any female led show.
I can see the SJW argument there. Jessica Jones has a ton of promise. A strong angry drunk character? Tons of stories have been built around that personality type. But holy hell that friggin second season sucked.