Dark Souls 3

finished my first blind playthrough of Ringed City (I did look up 1 thing- that Humanity puzzle solution)...I liked it a lot...the new city was gorgeous and although not classic Miyazaki level design it was still well done...bosses were a mixed bag- 1 excellent one (the optional boss), 2 good ones (at least in terms of design and movesets) and 1 terrible one...one of the bosses is the worst boss ever in any of the Souls games...overall difficulty was high, boss difficulty was challenging (for 3 of them) but no one approached the ridiculously high difficulty of Sister Friede...once you learn their patterns they become easier to deal with but still pose a challenge

Ringed City does not beat Artorias of the Abyss or Old Hunters in terms of overall quality DLC but it's still very good and well worth playing for any Souls fan (I think one of the Dark Souls 2 DLC might be better as well)...now time to look up a walkthrough/Guide and see what I missed :D

**don't look at the screenshots if you don't want 1 of the bosses to be revealed

Agreed, I thought it was really good. Artorias of the Abyss was better though, I didn't play Bloodborne so I can't compare to that. I actually just started up a new character to run through everything again, been enjoying the PvP though and taking my time this run. Looking forward to doing the DLC's again for sure. Currently at Anor Londo.
Finally got around to buying the season pass on GMG - $21.29. Been so long since I last played DS3 that I'll probably be lost if I load an old save. New build time.

What's a good build these days?
Finally got around to buying the season pass on GMG - $21.29. Been so long since I last played DS3 that I'll probably be lost if I load an old save. New build time.

What's a good build these days?

I think the meta is still a quality build but, usually with these 2 new DLC weapons which are overpowered as hell because of their stunlocking ability. I usually try to find a counter build. Currently doing sorcery+gundyr halberd, might go do a pyro build soon though, I still haven't done Faith or Pyromancy in DS3, mainly because I overplayed them in DS1, though I'll probably give them a go soon.
Deluxe edition is on sale on Steam for $55; any reason I should wait for The Fire Fades Edition? Been wanting to double dip on PC (beat it on PS4).
Deluxe edition is on sale on Steam for $55; any reason I should wait for The Fire Fades Edition? Been wanting to double dip on PC (beat it on PS4).

is the Fire Fades edition even coming to the USA?...seems like it might be limited to Europe...the PS4 Fire Fades edition is $39.99 (with Prime discount)
is the Fire Fades edition even coming to the USA?...seems like it might be limited to Europe...the PS4 Fire Fades edition is $39.99 (with Prime discount)

I believe it is; like you said its on Amazon for $39.99 (w/ Prime) but only for PS4/Xbox One. But that doesn't mean there won't be a Steam version.

I don't think its like Scholar of the First Sin - is it?
I believe it is; like you said its on Amazon for $39.99 (w/ Prime) but only for PS4/Xbox One. But that doesn't mean there won't be a Steam version.

I don't think its like Scholar of the First Sin - is it?

won't the Steam Digital Deluxe Edition be the same as the Fire Fades one?...
won't the Steam Digital Deluxe Edition be the same as the Fire Fades one?...
That's what I'm assuming...? Just don't want another SotFS situation where the GOTY version of the game is potentially different than the original game. But from what I read it's just the original game + DLC on disc for consoles so I don't even know if it makes sense to release on Steam when the deluxe already exists.
Hopefully it is just the same as the Steam Digital Deluxe Edition. We don't need to divide the community again into 2 separate games again, DS2 and DS2:SotFS are both always lower population than DS1 due to the release of SotFS.
After playing Zelda for a few weeks, going back to Dark Souls was an awful idea. I find myself repeatedly using the wrong buttons for everything :p
here's my Darkeater Midir boss fight...not my best effort but still got the job done :D

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Made it through the first part of the level finally. Those damned angels are annoying and their avatars are extremely well hidden. Not the hardest or most annoying DS part (thanks to a convenient bonfire) but it definitely wasn't easy or fun. My Zelda tendencies certainly aren't helping either. I still habitually hit X when trying to use my sword way too often.
Made it through the first part of the level finally. Those damned angels are annoying and their avatars are extremely well hidden. Not the hardest or most annoying DS part (thanks to a convenient bonfire) but it definitely wasn't easy or fun. My Zelda tendencies certainly aren't helping either. I still habitually hit X when trying to use my sword way too often.

the angels are only annoying the first time...in subsequent playthroughs they aren't a big deal at all, once you know where to find their source of power...I wish From hadn't nerfed them in the last patch...they didn't need to be nerfed as they become easier on its own through repetition
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the angels are annoying the first time...in subsequent playthroughs they aren't a big deal at all, once you know where to find their source of power...I wish From hadn't nerfed them in the last patch...they didn't need to be nerfed as they become easier on its own through repetition

I can believe that. I didn't kill either of the annoying ones until I finally made a few runs collecting goodies (and dying) and eventually noticed their avatars during the process. If I knew where to look beforehand I could probably clear that area in 1-2 passes. Once they're gone it's a cakewalk just running around collecting items. It's not like the poison is any real threat if you aren't being bombarded with light arrows every other second.
Why do they need to nerf Hidden Body wth. Good they are fixing the infusions though.
even after completing Ringed City, for me Sister Friede is still the hardest boss in the entire series (her 3rd stage is the difficult one)...I can only beat her solo after completing Ringed City and getting all those +3 rings...she's way too fast, powerful and agile
I've now done everything except kill the last 2 bosses (Darkeater & Gael) and of course they're the exact type of bosses that I hate and tend to do poorly against. Long, drawn-out matches that seem to go your way until they instantly don't. Even worse, it's not like summons are going to help much thanks to the lack of damage output. Blargh.
The DLC has been challenging and I've enjoyed it, but I dunno if it's really a great finale for the series. There isn't anything "epic" feeling about it compared to the stuff they threw at you in the DS2 DLC. It's certainly challenging, but I don't really think it's memorable. I think that's DS3 in a nutshell. In spite of the great graphics, not much about it feels as memorable as it should. There are a few moments that stand out, but far fewer than the others.
here's my Darkeater Midir boss fight...not my best effort but still got the job done :D

What sheild are you using in this battle? It looks like a surprising number of attacks are blockable...kinda like how Kalameet used to be.
What sheild are you using in this battle? It looks like a surprising number of attacks are blockable...kinda like how Kalameet used to be.

Black Knight shield +5...all his attacks are telegraphed- when he pounds his fists into the ground, he's going to do the fire breath attack (so move behind him and attack his tail), when he swipes his fists across twice, he's going to bow his head so that's the perfect time to attack...if he does that crazy laser beam/poison attack just go around him (that laser moves in a straight line in the beginning so by getting away from his center you can avoid it)...in his 2nd phase his dark attack AOE move can one-shot you so when you see it coming just move or roll away from him...I always go for the head because you do double the damage...and yes quite a few of his attacks are blockable (the tail swipe, charge and hand swipes)...he seems difficult but once you learn his attacks he becomes pretty easy
Ended up completing the game last night. I summoned an NPC and shockingly it didn't reduce my damage to Darkeater that much. She also works as a handy distraction and some free damage depending on how smart the AI is. I still struggled (partially because I'm still rusty as hell) but I'm done at last.
I have to say that I wish Gael's Greatsword was available earlier in the game. It's terrific. The moveset is similar to the Claymore but it hits a little harder and I love the flying attack combo with L2 as well. If I make a NG+ run at some point, I'll probably stick with that until I can rock the full Havel set. I get that the benefits aren't there in 3, but I've always enjoyed rocking the full Havel set with a Dragon's Tooth. It's an homage to how many time I got slaughtered by Havel in the first game :p

Anyone else find it unusual how many Titanite slabs the game throws at you in this DLC? I think I got 4 more.
Anyone else find it unusual how many Titanite slabs the game throws at you in this DLC? I think I got 4 more.

yeah it makes it easy to experiment with and max out a bunch of weapons/gear...it's only during my recent playthrough (before the 2nd DLC hit) that I tried out Yhorm's Great Machete and ended up loving it and using it as my preferred STR weapon...hits like a truck...moveset isn't that great but I'm more about raw power so it fits my playstyle

after finishing Ringed City make sure to go back and visit the girl doing the painting from the 1st DLC...you can also go back and visit Shira to get some loot
I'm shocked at how much damage he's doing. I'm on my first pass and he's doing roughly the same amount of damage (per hit) as I was doing with a +10 Dark Sword with lightning applied. I was expecting a 30-minute fight instead of a 10-minute one.
So should I pick up the game with all the DLC now? Only played Dark Souls II a little and that's it. I need a single player game I can sink some time into. I'm getting burnt out on multiplayer competitive stuff at the moment.
So should I pick up the game with all the DLC now? Only played Dark Souls II a little and that's it. I need a single player game I can sink some time into. I'm getting burnt out on multiplayer competitive stuff at the moment.

Seems like this is the end of the line. For the consoles they even released a version that includes all of the DLC called the "Fire Fades Edition." That seems like a pretty definite sign that they don't plan on doing much else with the game. In terms of whether you should buy it, I think so. If you liked #2, it involves the same concepts but it's a hair more streamlined and the graphics are a pretty big jump up. Difficulty-wise, I think the 3rd is probably a hair easier than the second. Especially if you have the Scholar of the First Sin version of #2. IMO, that's by far the toughest version of any of the DS games.
Yeah the guy last week stocking in Electroniks game said Dark Souls 3 came out again which includes the 2 dlcs since the core game came out this time last year.
Difficulty-wise, I think the 3rd is probably a hair easier than the second. Especially if you have the Scholar of the First Sin version of #2. IMO, that's by far the toughest version of any of the DS games.

I think DS3 is the hardest overall...not just the bosses but some of the regular enemies are really challenging (Sulyvahn's Beast, Monstrosity of Sin, Pus of Man etc)...plus I think Sister Friede is the hardest boss in the entire series...overall with Dark Souls 2 only the DLC's were a real challenge
I think DS3 is the hardest overall...not just the bosses but some of the regular enemies are really challenging (Sulyvahn's Beast, Monstrosity of Sin, Pus of Man etc)...plus I think Sister Friede is the hardest boss in the entire series...overall with Dark Souls 2 only the DLC's were a real challenge

I'd definitely agree about Sister Friede (I also struggled with the Nameless King and the 2 Princes), but I beat most of the bosses in DS3 in only a few tries. Several of them were 1 and done, which surprised me. With DS2, the shipping version wasn't that bad but the Scholar of the Last sin added a bunch of new wandering enemies (many who ware very tough early). Lots more invaders, too. You also can't get the Ring of Life Protection or some of the early strong weapons as quickly.
The difficulty tends to fade significantly for the last 1/3 of the game, but then you have those 3 extra-hard DLC's afterward.
Could also be an issue of styles making some areas harder or easier, too. With DS2 I felt like your rolls really needed to be on point. In DS3 you can circle strafe a lot of enemies without even needing to roll all that much.
Bloodborne was probably the easiest of the bunch, though. I found it to be somewhat tough early, but the last 2/3 of the game was a cakewalk to me. I killed the last 4 bosses in one try, which seems crazy to me. The DLC was beastly, but still nothing compared to Freide, Lud and Zallen, Fume Knight, Alonne, etc.
I picked up the Deluxe edition. Gonna get a controller tonight. Let's see how it goes. Gonna do a blind playthrough and not cheat with any walkthroughs.
I picked up the Deluxe edition. Gonna get a controller tonight. Let's see how it goes. Gonna do a blind playthrough and not cheat with any walkthroughs.
Enjoy, I've put 450 hours into it over the last year. More than DS2 for me. DS1 is still my most played for obvious reasons, I could see DS3 passing that eventually though.
I think DS3 is the hardest overall...not just the bosses but some of the regular enemies are really challenging (Sulyvahn's Beast, Monstrosity of Sin, Pus of Man etc)...plus I think Sister Friede is the hardest boss in the entire series...overall with Dark Souls 2 only the DLC's were a real challenge
I found Friede and Midir to be the longest bosses for me to beat. I think Friede took me around 30 attempts (most of those I was drivin insane and not thinking correctly), Midir probably 20 attempts. People say nameless king is tough, but I had a easy time with him even on my first playthrough since I was a socerer and literally ended phase 1 in 3-4 hits then phase 2 was easy to learn, even after that I didn't have issues with him on my DEX builds and STR builds.
I have not played Ivory King DLC though and I hear its tough... I really didn't like DS2, always went back to DS1. Manus of DS1 was pretty tough for me as well, also my first playthrough Gwyn probably killed me 30 times.
I found Friede and Midir to be the longest bosses for me to beat. I think Friede took me around 30 attempts (most of those I was drivin insane and not thinking correctly), Midir probably 20 attempts. People say nameless king is tough, but I had a easy time with him even on my first playthrough since I was a socerer and literally ended phase 1 in 3-4 hits then phase 2 was easy to learn, even after that I didn't have issues with him on my DEX builds and STR builds.
I have not played Ivory King DLC though and I hear its tough... I really didn't like DS2, always went back to DS1. Manus of DS1 was pretty tough for me as well, also my first playthrough Gwyn probably killed me 30 times.

I went back to DS1 last summer and found that several of the bosses I originally struggled with (Kalameet, Artorias, Nito) were much easier but some others like Manus, the Stray Demon, and Four Kings were tougher. Styles make fights, they say. NG+ vs. your first pass makes a massive difference at times, too. With certain bosses, the fact that you're now rocking much better gear makes them pitiful while the additional HP others get in return can totally eliminate some strategies.

The Ivory King is up and down in terms of difficulty. Most of it isn't too bad, but there are some normal enemies (rolling rabbits) that can instakill you if you aren't careful. Where it becomes overwhelming is when you go to the snowy valley. It's an area where you can't see and is loaded with quick/powerful horses. They do heavy damage and just keep coming. Running from them isn't easy,either. It's incredibly frustrating and you have to traverse it every time in order to fight (IMO) the single hardest boss fight in the series, Lud and Zallen. It's a pretty winnable fight on your first pass, but on NG+ it's unbelievably hard thanks to their extra HP. Yet both Lud and Zallen and the horse valley are totally optional. If you don't bother, the DLC is possibly the easiest of the 3.

I think the hardest bosses in the series to me were: Lud and Zallen, Sister Friede, Fume Knight, Darklurker, Midir, and the goddamned Bed of Chaos (for very different reasons).
Pinwheel is definitely the easiest. I don't think I've ever had that fight go more than 15-20 seconds and I've never lost.
So should I pick up the game with all the DLC now? Only played Dark Souls II a little and that's it. I need a single player game I can sink some time into. I'm getting burnt out on multiplayer competitive stuff at the moment.
Yes. Glorious map exploration. DS3 is awesome. I'm having fun with a new playthrough after a hiatus. Warrior STR build and just picked up a Great Axe at Lothric Wall, I'm one shotting everything without remorse.
Yes. Glorious map exploration. DS3 is awesome. I'm having fun with a new playthrough after a hiatus. Warrior STR build and just picked up a Great Axe at Lothric Wall, I'm one shotting everything without remorse.

yup, even a lesser Souls game is better then 95% of all other games on the market...the level design, enemy design, atmosphere, weapon selection, maps etc are always top notch
Damn xbox one controller won't work wirelessly with my PC. The controls are all messed up. I had to use a USB cable which is kind of sucks since I paid for the wireless Bluetooth version.

I died so many times so quickly. Wow. Getting rekt. I have to just run around some of these guys because they destroy me. The shield knight guys and the demon guys. I had to throw firebombs at those transforming guys to take out one. I started as a Cleric. Getting rid of that damn mace and using a long sword helped a lot.

Definitely a nice change of pace for me. I can see it's going to take me forever without using a guide at all.
I died so many times so quickly. Wow. Getting rekt. I have to just run around some of these guys because they destroy me. The shield knight guys and the demon guys. I had to throw firebombs at those transforming guys to take out one. I started as a Cleric. Getting rid of that damn mace and using a long sword helped a lot

that's the best way to beat those transforming creatures- Pus of Man (firebombs and then strong attack...move away, rinse, repeat)...for the Lothric Knights (and a lot of other enemies) you need to learn to master the back-stab