390X coming soon few weeks

hey genius please tell us how a 4096 monster with a 4096 to 8184 bit bus will trail a r9 390 competitor with 3072 cores(same as 390 which will have hbm + 4096 bus width) trail a titan x by 10% get outta here. GCN is the greatest arachitecture of our time. consoles are using it, soon if the rumor is true tablets and smartphones will be using it, apu's will be using it, even facebook will be using it. amd know what they are doing unlike nvidia who are so scared they were forced to rush release the titan x. amd doesnt have to release a new gpu every year like nvidia. the r9 290x not only keeps up but decimated the 980 in 8k the 290x was averaging 30 fps area continously. thats with cross fire.

Respect that they're leaving the article up with a correction. That way, a history of the "rumour/leak" malarkey remains for posterity.

As for the 390x, I'm not expecting an miracles in efficiency as it's still stuck on 28nm. What I do expect is a bohemeth chip, somewhat improved from Hawaii with major increase in memory throuput due to HDM.

Well, your worries are to be expected but one of the best ways to improve performance is reworking how bandwidth works on the die itself. Many of the past improvements have been due to better bandwidth management. I can see if they were able to drastically change how it works and managed on die they CAN improve not only better power consumption but improve performance too.

Of course that's also a huge portion of the driver so if the bandwidth management changes on die too much it will most likely have its own driver.
hey genius please tell us how a 4096 monster with a 4096 to 8184 bit bus will trail a r9 390 competitor with 3072 cores(same as 390 which will have hbm + 4096 bus width) trail a titan x by 10% get outta here. GCN is the greatest arachitecture of our time. consoles are using it, soon if the rumor is true tablets and smartphones will be using it, apu's will be using it, even facebook will be using it. amd know what they are doing unlike nvidia who are so scared they were forced to rush release the titan x. amd doesnt have to release a new gpu every year like nvidia. the r9 290x not only keeps up but decimated the 980 in 8k the 290x was averaging 30 fps area continously. thats with cross fire.

LoL fixedmy7970 its that you, king of AMD fanboys?. :confused::eek:
More months pass by, AMD misses out on the GTA 5 sales hype.
Next month they will miss out on Witcher 3 sales hype.
They already missed Christmas sales.

DId I forget anything?

"Here at AMD, we love hemorrhaging money!"

Launch the cards, AMD. I'm starting to get angry. I may do something stupid before June rolls around.
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More months pass by, AMD misses out on the GTA 5 sales hype.
Next month they will miss out on Witcher 3 sales hype.
They already missed Christmas sales.

DId I forget anything?

"Here at AMD, we love hemorrhaging money!"

Launch the cards, AMD. I'm starting to get angry. I may do something stupid before June rolls around.

It will happen when it happens. I think AMD would love to have a new top of the heap card every year and every time a big game comes out but they can’t. I’d love to get a true 50% increase each time round but you’re lucky to get 30% and a bunch of bugs. It will most likely be a full 2 years after I got my 290X before I have an opportunity to buy a 390X and would be a shame if it averages out a 30% bump and not a 50%. And as always the last driver is still unstable for me and many others.

May end up waiting on a 490X. The 290X in Crossfire is fast enough, it’s the bugs and glitches and shutters and tearing and lack of Crossfire support that really stink up the game play.
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It will happen when it happens. I think AMD would love to have a new top of the heap card every year and every time a big game comes out but they can’t. I’d love to get a true 50% increase each time round but you’re lucky to get 30% and a bunch of bugs. It will most likely be a full 2 years after I got my 290X before I have an opportunity to by a 390X and would be a shame if it averages out a 30% bump and not a 50%. And as always the last driver is still unstable for me and many others.

May end up waiting on a 490X. The 290X in Crossfire is fast enough, it’s the bugs and glitches and shutters and tearing and lack of Crossfire support that really stink up the game play.

Some would have you believe that Crossfire works flawlessly and driver problems are a thing of the past. But yes, that 290X Crossfire setup should last you until the next gen GPUs are ready on a new process, that's probably the best time to upgrade. I'll be waiting on big Pascal before I upgrade again.
I think you may have won this thread.

:) I'm just sick of the obvious AMD and Nvidia fanboys. It is getting to the point that no matter which forum you go to, There WILL be an Nvidia or AMD troll.

At least here at [H] they try to stop it as much as they can.

Go to Anandtech forums http://techsoda.com/anandtech-forum-moderators-biased-corrupt/ , and the mods are pro-nvidia and will ban/suspend you for saying anything AMD.

It is now a cesspool of Nvidiots over at Anandtech forums :(
Well we do have our resident nVidia troll who shall remain nameless, but I'm fairly sure most people know who I'm referring to.

But yeah, compared to other forums [H] is pretty good. OCN is basically fanboi war central, and I swear the mods there are fucking retarded dipshits. They let those fanboi wars go on for their own entertainment, but I get an infraction for posting "bitching" as *****ing instead of not using the word. Place just went to hell after the "professionalism initiative". Professionalism, yeah right. :rolleyes:
Well we do have our resident nVidia troll who shall remain nameless, but I'm fairly sure most people know who I'm referring to.

But yeah, compared to other forums [H] is pretty good. OCN is basically fanboi war central, and I swear the mods there are fucking retarded dipshits. They let those fanboi wars go on for their own entertainment, but I get an infraction for posting "bitching" as *****ing instead of not using the word. Place just went to hell after the "professionalism initiative". Professionalism, yeah right. :rolleyes:

Yea or they don't even acknowledge you when you ask a question.

I tried to help as much as possible in the 780 MSI lightning thread, but was ignored 90% of the time, so I gave up over an Overclock.net

But it is starting to get bad here on [H]. I have been putting more and more people on ignore list.....gettin bad.
:) I'm just sick of the obvious AMD and Nvidia fanboys. It is getting to the point that no matter which forum you go to, There WILL be an Nvidia or AMD troll.

At least here at [H] they try to stop it as much as they can.

Go to Anandtech forums http://techsoda.com/anandtech-forum-moderators-biased-corrupt/ , and the mods are pro-nvidia and will ban/suspend you for saying anything AMD.

It is now a cesspool of Nvidiots over at Anandtech forums :(

LoL find me a forum with bigger AMD damage control squad than Anandtech.
They even got butthurt from reading [H] 980 poseidon vs 295x2 review :D
LoL find me a forum with bigger AMD damage control squad than Anandtech.
They even got butthurt from reading [H] 980 poseidon vs 295x2 review :D

I agree they got butthurt, but they brought up alot of good questions which were never answered.

I mean people were right, how can you blame AMD for not fixing FC4 when its a GW title they have no control over to even try to fix. Everyone knew it was Ubisoft who had to fix crossfire, not AMD.

Does AMD suck with crossfire profiles? O fuck yea, but in this instance it was not AMD's fault.

Now I am rambling.

Just my 0.02c
I agree they got butthurt, but they brought up alot of good questions which were never answered.

I mean people were right, how can you blame AMD for not fixing FC4 when its a GW title they have no control over to even try to fix. Everyone knew it was Ubisoft who had to fix crossfire, not AMD.

Does AMD suck with crossfire profiles? O fuck yea, but in this instance it was not AMD's fault.

Now I am rambling.

Just my 0.02c

Both companies suck with their multi gpu solutions.

But selecting only games where multi-gpu works would be unfair to readers since it's jurnalist job to show problematic areas.
Both companies suck with their multi gpu solutions.

But selecting only games where multi-gpu works would be unfair to readers since it's jurnalist job to show problematic areas.

Exactly. And yes both SLI and Crossfire suck. But when Nvidia has a GW title and tells the company you cannot share the source code with AMD. Well how the fuck is AMD suppose to have proper crossfire support.

Either way, Mutli-GPU setups suck if you ask me.

Here is hoping Windows 10/DX12 fix that.
LoL find me a forum with bigger AMD damage control squad than Anandtech.
They even got butthurt from reading [H] 980 poseidon vs 295x2 review :D

What about the 290X PCS+ review? Seemed to swing the other way then.

There's always going to be posters who are either flaming flying fanboys or paid shills (As opposed to people who have some bias. It's human nature.), but you don't expect it from the mods.
What about the 290X PCS+ review? Seemed to swing the other way then.

There's always going to be posters who are either flaming flying fanboys or paid shills (As opposed to people who have some bias. It's human nature.), but you don't expect it from the mods.

I do from Anandtech. Remember they had an Nvidia Focus Group Member as a Mod for the longest time.

To me. I think [H] is going through a transition since they are hiring for Video card reviewers. So I am hoping the quality of those reviews goes up. Not saying Brent can't do it, It's just life makes it hard to cover EVERYTHING ya know?
Geez, i had no idea anad was so bad.

I agree OCN is pretty bad, all the AMD thread are just people complaining.

I rarely post over there anymore.
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I do from Anandtech. Remember they had an Nvidia Focus Group Member as a Mod for the longest time.

To me. I think [H] is going through a transition since they are hiring for Video card reviewers. So I am hoping the quality of those reviews goes up. Not saying Brent can't do it, It's just life makes it hard to cover EVERYTHING ya know?

This guy agrees. I present: Anandtech forums on trial: The corruption runs deep..

Gotta give props to the guy for chronicling everything even if he has one helluva grudge lol
This guy agrees. I present: Anandtech forums on trial: The corruption runs deep..

Gotta give props to the guy for chronicling everything even if he has one helluva grudge lol

I left Anandtech forums (and stopped reading the site altogether) years ago because of this malarky. Mods were biased and created an ugly step sister environment for those who would objectively post comments on AMD.

Good on that guy for cataloging the crap that goes one over there.

As for [H], I agree that the mods here try to create allow a healthy discussion going while removing the agitators. Moreover, it seems like the populist members here are mature and mostly good at bringing a thread back on track if it goes off the rails with crapping. It really pisses me off when I see people calling out other members -- especially in this thread -- not only because it's base and immature (this is how you spend your day/energy?), but it detracts from the conversation.

Anyhoo, taking my own advice and getting the thread back on track, assuming 390x is somewhere in the realm of Titan X performance, +/- 10%, what price do you expect the card to need to come in at to creat waves i.e. put pressure on nV to lower prices?
Price compared to Titan X if it has similar performance? Any new product with similar perf would have to be cheaper to take marker share. At least 10%. To really make an impact, 25%.

However, cooling (sound and heat, fan profiles) also matter. Connectivity, width (and length), power req. That's all stuff outside of pushing pixels...and they all matter.

Warranty, game bundles? How about upgrade credit for future proofing?

I split my buys between AMD and Nvidia. AMD's cycle (for my purposes) has been mis-timed. I almost bought a 290 last fall, but I've been holding out (with a friggin' 6870!) for the 390 series.

I am not in the Titan market. $300-400 (or so) is my budget. If the 390x is some sort of $1000 Titan X slayer, I'll pass.

I want dx12/mantle/vulkan compatibility, and performance on par with the gtx970/980. No rebranding, please.

If the 390 family is a flop, I'll probably just get a 290 as a last gesture to AMD. Or a gtx970.

All the attention on the top tier cards is great. But the next step down (or 2) is the meat.

Oh...drivers, opengl, xfire, etc. also matter.
Price compared to Titan X if it has similar performance? Any new product with similar perf would have to be cheaper to take marker share. At least 10%. To really make an impact, 25%.

However, cooling (sound and heat, fan profiles) also matter. Connectivity, width (and length), power req. That's all stuff outside of pushing pixels...and they all matter.

Warranty, game bundles? How about upgrade credit for future proofing?

I split my buys between AMD and Nvidia. AMD's cycle (for my purposes) has been mis-timed. I almost bought a 290 last fall, but I've been holding out (with a friggin' 6870!) for the 390 series.

I am not in the Titan market. $300-400 (or so) is my budget. If the 390x is some sort of $1000 Titan X slayer, I'll pass.

I want dx12/mantle/vulkan compatibility, and performance on par with the gtx970/980. No rebranding, please.

If the 390 family is a flop, I'll probably just get a 290 as a last gesture to AMD. Or a gtx970.

All the attention on the top tier cards is great. But the next step down (or 2) is the meat.

Oh...drivers, opengl, xfire, etc. also matter.

For me the Mixed orientation, mixed resolution eyefinity is the big seller.

Currently me 2013 Titan is fast enough (though only marginally for some of them) for the games I play at 2560x1600.

My hope is that the 390x or whatever they call is supports my PLP setup out of the box, but in order to do so, and give me the same performance at 4960x1600 as I currently get at 2560x1600, it is going to have to be a great deal faster than my 2013 Titan, and I doubt it will be THAT much faster.

As long as it doesn't mind up being a bulldozer launch, I'll probably be in for one of these.

A combination of single GPU performance, pricing, and my patience and willingness to put up with CrossFire bullshit will determine if I am willing to get a second one to give me enough performance for 4960x1600 framerates similar to what my Titan currently gives me at 2560x1600...

I mean, as it stands right now, I mostly play older titles, but when I do, I have high framerate, eye candy and AA expectations.

My currently most played titles are:
- Red Orchestra 2
- Civilization V

I have yet to see any announcements for 2015 which interest me, so I am not worried about future titles yet.

I know I don't have to worry about CS:GO. It plays well on pretty much any hardware.

Civilization V I can deal with lower framerates in, as it is a turn based strategy game. Getting at least 15 FPS is fine for me.

The one where I am concerned currently is RO2. it stays pinned at 60FPS with everything turned up to max at 2560x1600 on most maps with my old Titan A few community maps with more complex models (lots of trees in outdoor forest map, for instance) can sometimes cause a minor dip below 60fps for short periods of time.

I'm really hoping I can get decent enough single GPU performance at my 4960x1600 PLP resolution in RO2, to the point where I only have to drop down AA by one level or so to maintain performance, but I kind of doubt this will happen.

4960x1600 is almost double the pixel count as 2560x1600, (almost as much as 4k) and while I know the latest top end AMD card will be faster than my Titan, I doubt it will be almost double as fast.
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Fighting the urge to not buy a 970/980 for GTA 5.
The game is begging for it.

Tried switching my 980 out for my old 290x. Noticeable difference at 47fps on the 290x vs 58fps on the 980. Both are moderately OC'ed.

I am, however, looking to play at 4k. What this game is begging for is a 390x :) ...and just wait until the mods start coming.
Had some 970's in and out of my newegg cart earlier today.
Must resist temptation. 40% increase is not enough. Double or nothing!

I would be in the same boat as you, if the Titan X wasn“t so expensive. That makes it just that bit easy to wait for the 390X or 980Ti.
Buying a 970 now would be the worst idea ever. Seriously you've waited this long, what's another 2 months?
Im waiting impatiently on the 390x to make a decision on whether I go Titan X, 980 Ti or 390X this gen. Hoping the 390X hits a homerun and sticks it to Nvidia but alas...tis only wishfull thinking....
Im waiting impatiently on the 390x to make a decision on whether I go Titan X, 980 Ti or 390X this gen. Hoping the 390X hits a homerun and sticks it to Nvidia but alas...tis only wishfull thinking....

I do think the 390x will be very good performance wise, albeit won't blow the doors off Titan X or 980 Ti. What I don't expect is any aggressive pricing like we got with 4870. AMD is going to pander to their few remaining investors on this one taking the safe pricing bet -- this means 390x will priced around or just under its competition. I'm guessing it will likely be around $750-800 for the CL version, $600-650 for the air-cooled version(s). NV will then counter in Sept with price drops on 980 and release 980 Ti.