Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Just got RoS installed and all my old chrs are screwed up
On all my old chrs I don't have the correct skills listed

Where it should be
primary secondary
defensive force
conjuration mastery

I have
primary force
defensive defensive
conjuration mastery

how do I fix this mess.

It's because they changed skills/runes up. You just need to setup a new build, also elective mode would be enabled if thats also what you're confused about. Don't have to have 1 skill only from each tree.
So now I don't have a secondary skill at all?
But I have 2 defense skill setups.
What a fucking mess as usual with this crap company.
I start a new chr and its correct but my old chrs are just fucked I guess.
no way to remap or anything on them.
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Enable elective mode in the options and you can put whatever skills you want in any key/mouse button. You are not restricted to what the labels say and should simply ignore them. (i.e. you can fill your 1-4 keys with all resource generating abilities if you want)
So now I don't have a secondary skill at all?
But I have 2 defense skill setups.
What a fucking mess as usual with this crap company.
I start a new chr and its correct but my old chrs are just fucked I guess.
no way to remap or anything on them.

rofl, overreact much?? Jesus.
So now I don't have a secondary skill at all?
But I have 2 defense skill setups.
What a fucking mess as usual with this crap company.
I start a new chr and its correct but my old chrs are just fucked I guess.
no way to remap or anything on them.

Is this you?

rofl, overreact much?? Jesus.

I know where that is but it will not allow me to check it.
In the options menu of the Diablo 3 game, under Gameplay, on the bottom right side, you cannot check the 'Elective Mode' box?

Forgive me for being skeptical but that's very likely to be impossible.
Didn't buy the expansion, but I'm getting a little bored of the grind. It seems like Blizzard's response to anything is to just nerf it, other than for the highest difficulty levels. Reminds me a bit of the way Overkill handles Payday 2, but not quite as blatantly malicious to their own fanbase.

I know the point of the game is grinding, but after 20+ hours of grinding on my DH I have found ONE gear upgrade, and even that was marginal. And now they nerfed demonic vessel drops, as well...it just serves to make the game frustrating and tedious.

I'm sure the expansion would help for a bit, but I'm not paying $40 for an addon to a game that I'm glad I only paid $20 for.
Fwiw, I certainly got more than 40+ hours in RoS than I ever did in the original d3. I got my $40 worth and then some.
its something to do with old chrs when I installed the expansion.
I created a new chr and was able to do anything with that chr.
I set everything and logged out.
then I went into the old chrs and they work now.
Didn't buy the expansion, but I'm getting a little bored of the grind. It seems like Blizzard's response to anything is to just nerf it, other than for the highest difficulty levels. Reminds me a bit of the way Overkill handles Payday 2, but not quite as blatantly malicious to their own fanbase.

I know the point of the game is grinding, but after 20+ hours of grinding on my DH I have found ONE gear upgrade, and even that was marginal. And now they nerfed demonic vessel drops, as well...it just serves to make the game frustrating and tedious.

I'm sure the expansion would help for a bit, but I'm not paying $40 for an addon to a game that I'm glad I only paid $20 for.

So you're basically just grinding for more ilvl 60 items, playing the same non-Adventure Mode 4 Acts from 2 years ago? No wonder you're bored. I hope you weren't spending your time doing CoA chest runs too, at that (not judging, just don't know how anyone could do those for long and stay remotely interested).

I thought A5 was excellent (great music, atmosphere, bosses, design, etc.), but the bounties and rifts are where you can find new ways to grind. The randomly generated dungeons can be quite cool (I swear I was fighting a couple of hundred archers and various other enemies at once the other night - on a gigantic Desolate Sands map - in pitch black night) and the rift bosses can be pretty nuts sometimes too. Plus there's the Mystic, gambling from Kadala, the Crusader, upcoming ladders, etc. Lots of value for the $40, IMO.
Man, those pitch black rifts are awesome. Reminds me of the first Diablo.
So you're basically just grinding for more ilvl 60 items, playing the same non-Adventure Mode 4 Acts from 2 years ago? No wonder you're bored. I hope you weren't spending your time doing CoA chest runs too, at that (not judging, just don't know how anyone could do those for long and stay remotely interested).

Well the frustration comes from playing for hours on end and not even being able to upgrade your gear to get anywhere near running T1 or above. Basically you are stuck grinding the same difficulty over and over. I haven't done CoA runs, and really I haven't been grinding specific routes (because that is boring as fuck), but just playing through the game over and over still doesn't yield much in terms of upgrades.

I will probably pick up RoS eventually, but you shouldn't have to get the expansion for the game to be fun. I never even played the game on release, and only started playing since the Loot 2.0 patch, and I am already getting bored.
If you're not finding regular upgrades, then I imagine you're decently geared. I stopped finding upgrades for the most part when I was geared enough to solo farm T3/T4 efficiently (aka killing elites in a few seconds).

But to be running Master and unable to move up after that long playing? There is something severely wrong with how you play the class, since I imagine it's not a build problem (you already posted your build and several people gave you good advice on what to change, I assume you've adjusted accordingly).

I'm not trying to be a dick, but I just don't see how a DH can be unable to do lvl 60 T1 after grinding for a couple of days.
Well right now I'm on the cusp of T1...I can almost solo it but sometimes it is too much (elite + champion pack or something). I think buffed I do like 130k damage, but even farming T1 (which is incredibly slow) I haven't found anything in many hours to boost my DPS in any way.

I mean, this is my build: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MavericK-11778/hero/39362850 (I typically use Anathema on Rain of Vengeance but I think I have it on Shade for power levelling at the moment)

I go for lots of Rapid Fire with high crit chance, and as you can see some of that gear isn't even lvl 60 because I haven't found anything better. I think that quiver I actually bought on the AH before it went down because I wasn't finding anything decent. Sockets would help but they're just not dropping for me.
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Well right now I'm on the cusp of T1...I can almost solo it but sometimes it is too much (elite + champion pack or something). I think buffed I do like 130k damage, but even farming T1 (which is incredibly slow) I haven't found anything in many hours to boost my DPS in any way.

I mean, this is my build: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MavericK-11778/hero/39362850 (I typically use Anathema on Rain of Vengeance but I think I have it on Shade for power levelling at the moment)

I go for lots of Rapid Fire with high crit chance, and as you can see some of that gear isn't even lvl 60 because I haven't found anything better. I think that quiver I actually bought on the AH before it went down because I wasn't finding anything decent. Sockets would help but they're just not dropping for me.

You are decently geared for a 60. More loot (and hence better loot) would be coming to you faster if you were L70 playing in groups (with bonuses to Magic Find) and clearing Bounties and Rifts quickly. Do you keep playing solo? You are just gimping yourself for clearing speed and Magic Find.

Your toughness looks pretty low for T1, here is my Demon Hunter that I stopped playing when RoS came out:


That character has a total of 43 hours of played time on it, and didn't have nearly that Paragon level when I stopped playing.
In other news, this little side project of mine is almost done:


I've been farming T1 in all yellow gear :D
Do you keep playing solo? You are just gimping yourself for clearing speed and Magic Find.

No, I typically play with one other guy. Oddly enough, though, the only time I've found upgrades were playing solo.

I'll try boosting toughness but it usually comes at the expense of damage.
Well right now I'm on the cusp of T1...I can almost solo it but sometimes it is too much (elite + champion pack or something). I think buffed I do like 130k damage, but even farming T1 (which is incredibly slow) I haven't found anything in many hours to boost my DPS in any way.

I mean, this is my build: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MavericK-11778/hero/39362850 (I typically use Anathema on Rain of Vengeance but I think I have it on Shade for power levelling at the moment)

I go for lots of Rapid Fire with high crit chance, and as you can see some of that gear isn't even lvl 60 because I haven't found anything better. I think that quiver I actually bought on the AH before it went down because I wasn't finding anything decent. Sockets would help but they're just not dropping for me.

Yeah I can immediately spot some problems with your gear. The initial impression I get is that it's schizophrenic as hell; as if you have no idea what exactly you're looking for in terms of stats or you want a little bit of everything.

You have to look at item slots as stat potentials, don't focus too much on the legendary status. For example, your quiver has absolutely no critical hit chance on it. That, to me, is absolutely unacceptable as a Quiver is one of the easiest slots to get at least 8% or more CC. It wouldn't be difficult to find a rare Quiver that is much better than your current Legendary.

The same goes for both of your rings. Neither of them have critical hit chance or damage, which severely limits your damage potential. In fact, your total critical hit chance is 19.5% which is extremely low; you should be aiming at 40%+. Stacking Attack Speed is not going to work when your damage output is low to begin with.

I wouldn't agree with increasing your toughness. It's perfectly fine for T1, you probably just find yourself dying often because you don't have the damage to kill elites fast enough and they're wailing on you the entire time.

Add me in-game if you need some advice with gear or whatever, I'm playing quite a bit these days so I'll be on often: Renegade#1197
I have actually been looking at gear for crit chance and I think I've found a total of one piece that even had that stat since using this gear set (I think that was the one upgrade I mentioned before). Crit chance gear seems to drop really infrequently.

Mostly I have been looking at damage increases with gear for which I have found very little.

Maybe the answer is I haven't been grinding enough, but I mean...I have 45 hours on this character, so it seems like by now I should have been finding some upgrades.
Most gear doesn't come with crit chance or attack speed. I heard in a dev interview that they didn't like how almost all gear had it. So now it doesn't drop very often. I rarely see it on my 70s.

They want you to use the mystic to get crit and attack speed. Don't have ROS? Then looks like you won't get it.
I have actually been looking at gear for crit chance and I think I've found a total of one piece that even had that stat since using this gear set (I think that was the one upgrade I mentioned before). Crit chance gear seems to drop really infrequently.

Mostly I have been looking at damage increases with gear for which I have found very little.

Maybe the answer is I haven't been grinding enough, but I mean...I have 45 hours on this character, so it seems like by now I should have been finding some upgrades.

Craft tons of yellows until you get the stats you want.
Yeah I have quite a few crafting mats so that may be my next step. I've tried crafting a few times in the past and it was all pretty bad...I guess you just gotta grind that too. :p
I did it for about an hour and a half. Mind numbingly boring.

O yea totally agree, but when you can kill him in T5-6 you get a greater chance for legendary's, and a chance for better rolls on the items.

I agree though, I would rather do rifts with friends.
When playing solo, it seems like Master is right when the game goes from being normal to simply becoming tedious. Boss fights that take me 3-4 minutes on Expert take 3-4X that on Master and higher.
I'm not necessarily having any more trouble (just blues/yellows that trap you with area effects) but things just seem to be taking forever.
While the gear you get is technically better, I'm not honestly sure if it justifies the time to do it. Hell, I'm not sure if I even want to play it much more with the same character. I made it to the last act on Nightmare before the patch entirely solo and I think I'm reaching the end of the line with my 'ol Barbarian.
Farming t3 seems like the drop rates are worse...

I agree, i usually play T1 but going to 3 sure isnt worth it,, everyone says legendaries drop far more on higher.. i think not i see no change of that yet so far :( sure u get more xp but the trouble for killing hardass elites doesnt make it worth it as this game is to upgrade your char.
My Wiz is sitting at a good 1.2-1.3 mil dps self buffed when standing still with +25% arcane damage. She's built for single target archon farming (like manglemaw).

Got a good triumverate. It was a good upgrade from my 60 chantandos, but i'm not maximizing it until I get a good Black damage legendary.


I don't think the new triumvirates do the black damage multiplier :/

But yea... arcane stacking + archon ftw :)
Sorry for stupid question, haven't been playing the expansion much (time constraints). I just got a char up to 60, I presume I need to get to 70 before I start earning Paragon levels?