Final Fantasy XIV Official Release Thread

Has anyone purchased chocobo armor via the grand company vendor? I wondering if it's worth the 10K seals or not...
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Has anyone purchased chocobo armor via the grand company vendor? I wondering if it's worth the 10K seals or not...

It's worth it if you like vanity gear.

edit: there's nothing else really worth spending the point on currently, considering how relatively easy they are to attain.
It's worth it if you like vanity gear.

edit: there's nothing else really worth spending the point on currently, considering how relatively easy they are to attain.

I'm trying to save my seals to get gear and weapons from the Maelstrom until I'm able to get Artifact gear. That's pretty much only thing I'm interested in.

I saw medicines you can buy with seals but seems like a waste to spend it on them.
Ugh I'm having withdrawals from not being able to play tonight. Hopefully this maintenance will fix the issues for good.

I finally hit 50 on my bard and finished the main story. I can't wait to try some of the max level content now.
just heads up there's new patch you can download if you go on launcher and log in
server is still down for 3 more hours tho

p.s patch is 1GB
This patcher sucks I have a shared net connection if it detects any hang up it gives a error and it downloads patches in big chucks and saves them I tried about 15 times now I only have the first big patch. Only if the entire patch is downloaded does it save the progress.
Servers are now up....

And people already reporting getting 1017 errors.

Patch notes said login restrictions would still be in place immediately after to prevent a server crash from a sudden influx of users right after they come back up.
Honestly, this launch seems like a giant clusterfreck. I thought about trying it out but thanks but no thanks . Too many mmo launches experienced, too many of them were bad. Saying that it's the same with most MMOs doesn't justify it, it just proves that most of them are bad as well.

The industry needs to change in regards of releasing alpha/beta software once and for all. I voted with my wallet this time.
Diabolos is up, got in no problems.

I still cant explain why I like the crafting system so much, but I'm grinding all of them as quick as i can.
Honestly, this launch seems like a giant clusterfreck. I thought about trying it out but thanks but no thanks . Too many mmo launches experienced, too many of them were bad. Saying that it's the same with most MMOs doesn't justify it, it just proves that most of them are bad as well.

The industry needs to change in regards of releasing alpha/beta software once and for all. I voted with my wallet this time.

It's not the software; the game is fine. The coding is great. Nvidia cards crash from what I understand, but AMD cards don't. That usually signifies driver issues. AMD put out a FFXIV specific driver at launch. The map could be better, but very few minor quibbles about the actual game so far.

They launched the first game with 1 million servers and it looked like a ghost town after the first month even though there were still lots playing. When it started looking like a ghost town, everyone else left so they could play in a well populated game. Plus in all honesty the first game sucked.

So for this launch, they wanted to keep everyone together so they launched with much fewer servers. Remember a MMO is all about interactions with other players. You need lots of players in all zones to keep a MMO alive. Nobody wants to play a game where you might not see another soul for an hour. I imagine they think it's a good idea to allow people to stay logged in AFK to keep the world looking populated.

Should they have had a better plan in place to expand the servers if the demand was there? Yes. Should Square Enix fire the development team over this like they did the first one? No. This is a much better game than most MMOs I've played in the past 3 years. The game is really, really, good and the story is very engaging through level 24 so far. If anything someone could complain that they are telling too much story! Plus it's only $30 so more people can try it and decide if they like it without investing a lot.

Getting a free week to play for the downtime experienced is pretty awesome also. What they need to work on is increasing up customer service for people like God's_Servant who have real issues with their accounts. The server fiasco was more of an annoyance than a real problem. I surely was annoyed, but I'll get over it. :)

In short the game is fine; just a miscalculation on the amount of servers needed for the amount of copies sold.
It's not the software; the game is fine. The coding is great. Nvidia cards crash from what I understand, but AMD cards don't. That usually signifies driver issues. AMD put out a FFXIV specific driver at launch. The map could be better, but very few minor quibbles about the actual game so far.

They launched the first game with 1 million servers and it looked like a ghost town after the first month even though there were still lots playing. When it started looking like a ghost town, everyone else left so they could play in a well populated game. Plus in all honesty the first game sucked.

So for this launch, they wanted to keep everyone together so they launched with much fewer servers. Remember a MMO is all about interactions with other players. You need lots of players in all zones to keep a MMO alive. Nobody wants to play a game where you might not see another soul for an hour. I imagine they think it's a good idea to allow people to stay logged in AFK to keep the world looking populated.

Should they have had a better plan in place to expand the servers if the demand was there? Yes. Should Square Enix fire the development team over this like they did the first one? No. This is a much better game than most MMOs I've played in the past 3 years. The game is really, really, good and the story is very engaging through level 24 so far. If anything someone could complain that they are telling too much story! Plus it's only $30 so more people can try it and decide if they like it without investing a lot.

Getting a free week to play for the downtime experienced is pretty awesome also. What they need to work on is increasing up customer service for people like God's_Servant who have real issues with their accounts. The server fiasco was more of an annoyance than a real problem. I surely was annoyed, but I'll get over it. :)

In short the game is fine; just a miscalculation on the amount of servers needed for the amount of copies sold.


Pretty well written response there. I agree almost 100%. Thankfully the gameplay this time around is simply outstanding imo. The server's being shit for the past week have been EXTREMELY anoying but because the gameplay is so worth it, I think it was worth it to give them the chance to fix the issues.

Hopefully said issues are fixed after this maintenance. If they are not, well, it doesnt bode well for them at all..People can only be told sorry for so long..
Diabolos is up, got in no problems.

I still cant explain why I like the crafting system so much, but I'm grinding all of them as quick as i can.

It's a minigame all onto it's self. Gamble and create something great. Gamble and poof everything is gone. It's like that Kenny Loggins song "The Gambler".

You've got to know
When to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run

Create your own rare items with your name attached to them. It creates a sense of pride and power that others are wearing your gear with created by Breath_of_the_Dying attached. It's a really fun crafting system. I just need more bag space. :)
When i do get to play, it is the most fun I have had in a mmo. I'm really liking the game. No nvifia crashes here. I think sli has problems but I only have one card.

Pretty well written response there. I agree almost 100%. Thankfully the gameplay this time around is simply outstanding imo. The server's being shit for the past week have been EXTREMELY anoying but because the gameplay is so worth it, I think it was worth it to give them the chance to fix the issues.

Hopefully said issues are fixed after this maintenance. If they are not, well, it doesnt bode well for them at all..People can only be told sorry for so long..

If the game wasn't so good, I wouldn't give a damn about logging in. That's the truth as concisely as I can put it.
Would be nice if this thread was closed and another started by someone that's willing to edit the OP with good information about the game. Like links to helpful posts posts to help new players, hints, tips, etc.
NVidia SLI here with setup in sig and the game runs like butter with nearly everything maxed out. Dremic has a nearly identical machine as mine and he has issues though. OS related perhaps? I think he's on Win8 and I'm on Win7. I dont remember off the top of my head now.

I'm tempted to try some crafting, but then I'd need to learn about gathering too since I know I cant afford to just buy all the mats I'd need.

WTB - Crafting/Gathering for Dummies in FFXIV. :D
NVidia SLI here with setup in sig and the game runs like butter with nearly everything maxed out. Dremic has a nearly identical machine as mine and he has issues though. OS related perhaps? I think he's on Win8 and I'm on Win7. I dont remember off the top of my head now.

I'm tempted to try some crafting, but then I'd need to learn about gathering too since I know I cant afford to just buy all the mats I'd need.

WTB - Crafting/Gathering for Dummies in FFXIV. :D

I have exact same set up minus FTW and I have a 2500k @ 4.3 and mine runs "ok". When there is a lot of people, it slows down but I thought SLI would be able to handle that?

Looks like JP servers are down now? lol
I have exact same set up minus FTW and I have a 2500k @ 4.3 and mine runs "ok". When there is a lot of people, it slows down but I thought SLI would be able to handle that?

Sure, but SLI sucks at the moment for this, so in reality, there is no real SLI going on.
Engine or drivers need work...I get the same fps drops regardless of my cpu frequency.
Tried to log in an hour ago, got on for a second. Crashed, back to try to log in, 3102 error "you are still logged in, wait a few minutes".

An hour later, error still persists. Go to support site, email is the only option, "You may experience lengthy wait times because we have a shitload of tickets and not many support people"


EDIT: LOL apparently bitching on [H] has magical powers. I posted this, and then 3 minutes later the error is magically fixed. :)
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Got my mount a few minutes ago. Can the Coeurl mount fight for you or do you need to use the Chocobo for that?
On the flip side of things - I just received a beta invite for The Elder Scrolls Online - They are having a Stress Test on friday. I guess that would mean they are close to going Live?
As for SLI. that shit is broken.

Has to be the Chocobo - and you will need to complete a quest for it at lvl 32? if I recall.

the quest is level 30 and its in camp tranquil in south shroud
and the return of 3102

If you get in DO.NOT.LOG.OUT.....I can't emphasize that enough
Arrrrgghhh!!! - I logged in at 3:30 am pst. Just because I happened to wake up around that time for a moment. I was able to get right in and I was like - "sweet - maybe it's all fixed now"...then logged out and went back to sleep.

So log in problems persist? Can people at least create toons on servers now?
Arrrrgghhh!!! - I logged in at 3:30 am pst. Just because I happened to wake up around that time for a moment. I was able to get right in and I was like - "sweet - maybe it's all fixed now"...then logged out and went back to sleep.

So log in problems persist? Can people at least create toons on servers now?

Leviathan character creation is open though.
Well, it's noon on a Wednesday after they supposedly were fixing the bulk of the issues, and what is there to greet me? "Cannot resolve US/EU server list." or whatever it says. Seriously, I love this game, but it is literally the worst launch I've ever experienced at this point.
My gameplay begs to differ on that.

are you monitoring your frames? what are your settings ? What is your GPU usage?

maybe you are one of the few exceptions but most of us have experienced SLI as being poorly optimized. That or the drivers are broke as shit.

im getting 40-50% usage. sometimes ill have 30 fps and my cards arent even boosting.
are you monitoring your frames? what are your settings ? What is your GPU usage?

maybe you are one of the few exceptions but most of us have experienced SLI as being poorly optimized. That or the drivers are broke as shit.

im getting 40-50% usage. sometimes ill have 30 fps and my cards arent even boosting.

FRAPS is running full time, and out and about while questing I'm seeing solid 50-60fps easy depending on spell effects and player density in the area. I'm not sure on the card load as I dont normally have something up and running to watch it but I can get that too if you want. I know I hear the fans on both 670's ramp up significantly when I get in game compared to the usual dead silence.

In town around the central hubs, it drops to 40's and sometimes a bit lower if its seriously packed. This doesnt surprise me though.

I posted my settings in a reply to you a ways back in this thread. I set the game to maximum then turned down just a couple of things. I can check it again when I get home tonight and repost it.

The only thing that seems to chug at all is when riding a chicobo porter around, its a werid sort of look as the terrain is going by. Hard to explain.

I really hope you guys figure out what the cause of the problem is on your end, I've been in a similar situation before and its not fun. For all we know there's one setting somewhere thats the culprit, but finding it could be a real PITA.
FRAPS is running full time, and out and about while questing I'm seeing solid 50-60fps easy depending on spell effects and player density in the area. I'm not sure on the card load as I dont normally have something up and running to watch it but I can get that too if you want. I know I hear the fans on both 670's ramp up significantly when I get in game compared to the usual dead silence.

In town around the central hubs, it drops to 40's and sometimes a bit lower if its seriously packed. This doesnt surprise me though.

I posted my settings in a reply to you a ways back in this thread. I set the game to maximum then turned down just a couple of things. I can check it again when I get home tonight and repost it.

The only thing that seems to chug at all is when riding a chicobo porter around, its a werid sort of look as the terrain is going by. Hard to explain.

I really hope you guys figure out what the cause of the problem is on your end, I've been in a similar situation before and its not fun. For all we know there's one setting somewhere thats the culprit, but finding it could be a real PITA.

honestly if its not the game its the drivers. the only thing i could possibly thing would be causing it is my preview of windows 8.1 which would use different GPU drivers. unfortunately i even tried the beta of those with no success :(


i tried the beta drivers before but when i get home im gonna try these..