Final Fantasy XIV Official Release Thread

I know. i was just adding that part in b/c some people don't think they have it.

Ah, got ya. Doing Ifrit hard runs and of course the login monster had to attack me after one, all I want is my spear and BLM weapon >< He keep dropping PLD, BRD, and WHM weapons :(
level 50 yay. cant login though


server is full before i even see my character :(
I'd be so happy if I could log in for even an hour or two at this point.

Ill say it again, you don't have to have a level 50 to get the 50% exp boost. you get a 50% exp boost for all your classes that are lower than you highest.

i.e. if you have a level 25 conj, you get 50% exp boost on any other class to level 25.

It also isn't a buff, it just shows as bonus exp in you chat box

That's good to know then. The tool tip said something bout the bigger the gap being between the lvl of the characters the higher the bonus was. Does that mean it's just static?
Don't's been addressed. :p

We were experiencing technical difficulties wherein players on the North American and European data center Worlds were unable to log into on FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

We are pleased to announce that the issue has been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

[Date & Time]
From Sep. 1, 2013 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (PDT)
Is it possible to create a character on leviathan yet? i have a lvl 15 on another server but i dont wana keep playing it if i want to play on levi with everyone here, wasted time
Is it possible to create a character on leviathan yet? i have a lvl 15 on another server but i dont wana keep playing it if i want to play on levi with everyone here, wasted time

Looks like character creation might still be down in general. I couldn't make a new one on any server. On the plus side, I can actually play the game now. I think I will keep the game running for a while and not log out.
Haven't been able to play in 4 days. Loving this. Really hoping everything gets fixed on Wednesday. I haven't even been able to get my main class to 30 yet.
Was able to finally get the NA server list for about 20 mins worth of login attempts now it wont show up again.

GW2 for the night I guess it is then.
Got in, then a thunderstorm happened, knocked out the power for about a minute and ever since I can't get the game to obtain the NA/EU world list :(.

This makes 6 days I am unable to play when I want to now.
I managed to play about an hour last night, couldn't login until 11:30pm (pacific time). No luck today though...
Don't's been addressed. :p

We were experiencing technical difficulties wherein players on the North American and European data center Worlds were unable to log into on FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.

We are pleased to announce that the issue has been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

[Date & Time]
From Sep. 1, 2013 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (PDT)

Yep, the launcher is working great now, and my character and all the servers are actually loading up. I swear I am getting to see the 1017 error three times as fast now!
I'm addicted to duty finder now.... My queue is always instant.... I need to quit chaining instances and go back to questing and hunting log
Still can't get in, been trying off and on since 4est to get on.

I got into the queue once, got in line at #13, then it went to the error 1017 instead of loading the game.
i was able to play after a while of trying, finally got to ifrit on the story line, most intense battle i had, tank died, then the healer and finally the other dps, i had to kite ifrit for the last ~7% and for a moment i thought he killed me but then the cutscene came, it was really fun
the other 3 instances had pretty fun encounters as well, never seen these encounter mechanics so early in an mmo
I managed to get on earlier. Though I had to leave the house for a bit so I left myself signed on only to return and see a message stating that I was disconnected from the server. Now I get to play the waiting game yet again...
i was able to play after a while of trying, finally got to ifrit on the story line, most intense battle i had, tank died, then the healer and finally the other dps, i had to kite ifrit for the last ~7% and for a moment i thought he killed me but then the cutscene came, it was really fun
the other 3 instances had pretty fun encounters as well, never seen these encounter mechanics so early in an mmo

Ha great fight! I haven't been able to get on at all since Thurs. or Friday. I have pretty much resigned to the probability of not getting on until some servers are added.
I'm glad I actually decided until next week to play, hopefully I can get on leviathan when it's time
This is a new one for me. Getting the 1017 (World Full) error and I'm not even getting a chance to select a character or server.

thats a new one, i hope i can get on tonight, logged out right after fighting ifrit, wanna get the grand company and start doing fates for my chocobo
lol, I'm getting the Same Limahl.

Edit: I'm in.

Lucky you. I havent been able to get in yet and I've been hammering on it for about an hour now.

I'm about ready to just give up on this entirely and come back in a month. Even the two hour ques in Rift were better than this. There's no reason they couldnt set up a better que system and just let you sit there, then you'd have a clue at least when you might get in without having to sit there and whack the numpad zero button like playing whack-a-mole.

The fact that they didnt implement an AFK timer alone still boggles my mind, since I bet at least 20-25% of all players logged in atm are not actively playing.
Lucky you. I havent been able to get in yet and I've been hammering on it for about an hour now.

I'm about ready to just give up on this entirely and come back in a month. Even the two hour ques in Rift were better than this. There's no reason they couldnt set up a better que system and just let you sit there, then you'd have a clue at least when you might get in without having to sit there and whack the numpad zero button like playing whack-a-mole.

The fact that they didnt implement an AFK timer alone still boggles my mind, since I bet at least 20-25% of all players logged in atm are not actively playing.

The queue is funky, i tried relaunching my client 4 times, then it put me in a 2 people queue and got in.

Try again thursday, new servers will be added and capacity of current servers will be increased.
The queue is funky, i tried relaunching my client 4 times, then it put me in a 2 people queue and got in.

Try again thursday, new servers will be added and capacity of current servers will be increased.

I read they were doing something on the 4th to fix it, but I'd still expect some bumps going right into next weekend while they tweak the upgrades.

Think I'll just play on a JP server for now. Can actually make characters on those and log in.
I can't even play my early access toon now and square hasn't contacted me back yet!!

Does anyone know if all our toons have access to the CE items?
I can't even play my early access toon now and square hasn't contacted me back yet!!

Does anyone know if all our toons have access to the CE items?
How do I know if I'm on the main storyline? I only have one quest called "Call of the Forest". I really want to unlock the city quartermaster so I can work on a mount. Character is level 21 Gladiator. Haven't dropped any quests.
How do I know if I'm on the main storyline? I only have one quest called "Call of the Forest". I really want to unlock the city quartermaster so I can work on a mount. Character is level 21 Gladiator. Haven't dropped any quests.
Story quests have this icon:

How do I know if I'm on the main storyline? I only have one quest called "Call of the Forest". I really want to unlock the city quartermaster so I can work on a mount. Character is level 21 Gladiator. Haven't dropped any quests.

That's the main storyline quest. I'm pretty sure if you open up your quest log it will show the icon beside it.
I'm glad I actually decided until next week to play, hopefully I can get on leviathan when it's time

Lol same here. I wasn't too worried about starting early as I've been gone most of the time but would like to get in with the rest of the [H] crew.
The dungeon queue for Sastasha took me 2 days to get into. After finally getting that done, I did Copper and Tam-Tara today. Queued as a tank; I guess something was amiss why I didn't get in. Hopefully I get a mount eventually. :)
Well another day of not being able to play, was going to stay logged in but game crashed last night so I jus twent to bed and figured if I got up early I could get in, but nope. All day nothing but "unable to obtain NA/EU world list."