About to preorder our BF3 server.


[H]F Junkie
May 4, 2006
Its gonna be a full blown 64 players.

I also want to see donations so far one person donated, kinda disappointed as I wanted to reward the community with servers.

Also a quick update on the website, it should be done by the time BF3 hits as well, the dev finishing that up. a few more things along with getting all the bugs out and its done. :)


This is a payment receipt for Invoice (removed) sent on 09/29/2011

Battlefield 3 RANKED Pre-Order (Fusion) (09/29/2011 - 1/25/2012)
Server Location: Chicago IL
Status: Paid
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Expect some more funds in the future, is there going to be a PW for the server??
I'd love to start playing with a group of people again. My old group doesn't do much of anything anymore. I'll also contribute to the fund next friday which is payday
Where you guys hosting out of in Chicago? I'm fighting with myself where to put a 16 man SQDM in Chicago. Gameservers, Multiplay (meh) or one of the other providers?
They all run around the same for me 18-30ms ping.

I'll throw down $10 for an answer towards your guys server, cause friends and I will want to get some 64 man play in sometimes too, so you'll see us in due time ;)

Donation sent
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Woot, Chicago. I was worried you would go Dallas and us Canadians would ping poorly.
Thanks for the PM Loco.

I went that route also. Was a solid deal, appreciate the help man. You saved me about 40%

Got a 16 man SQDM for a year.
Did you get any exclusive DLC when you preordered :D

Will be interesting to see how the pings work out. If its anything like US based RO2 for me, it's going to be 200ms from here. Playing SC2 with someone in CA is fine however... Anything sub 120 works fine after you adjust.
Did you get any exclusive DLC when you preordered :D

Will be interesting to see how the pings work out. If its anything like US based RO2 for me, it's going to be 200ms from here. Playing SC2 with someone in CA is fine however... Anything sub 120 works fine after you adjust.

ping chi.eoreality.net to find out.
Our bf3 is hosted by end of reality

Excellent GSP, probably one of the best. Robbie (owner) is also good guy. He is best friends with one of my old cs teammates, we were at PDX together last year.

I've used a shit-load of GSP's in my day and outside of Hi-Def in their glory days, eoreality is the best I've come accross.
Excellent GSP, probably one of the best. Robbie (owner) is also good guy. He is best friends with one of my old cs teammates, we were at PDX together last year.

I've used a shit-load of GSP's in my day and outside of Hi-Def in their glory days, eoreality is the best I've come accross.

Velocity is the best ive found but they dont branch outside of select Valve games.
I am assuming this will be 64 player conquest online?

Map rotation?
Velocity is the best ive found but they dont branch outside of select Valve games.

I had poor luck with Velocity and Summit but I haven't touched either since the 2005-2006 time frame.

The Summit actually wasn't bad but for $100/month at the time it didn't offer me anything that my 333FPS Hi-Def didn't offer. Back when Joe was using his own kernel for 333FPS servers and Opteron hardware there was nothing out there that could touch it. Granted you'd pay $80/month but they offered the best support and the best servers, imo.

It's really hit or miss but I always had good luck with HiDef and he was extremely supportive of our team. Offering us discounts as well as free ventrilo and a variety of server loco's based on what conference we were playing in at the time.

I suppose I'm partially biased but out of everything I've rented/used HiDef, Eoreality and Old Divo were the best.
I had poor luck with Velocity and Summit but I haven't touched either since the 2005-2006 time frame.

The Summit actually wasn't bad but for $100/month at the time it didn't offer me anything that my 333FPS Hi-Def didn't offer. Back when Joe was using his own kernel for 333FPS servers and Opteron hardware there was nothing out there that could touch it. Granted you'd pay $80/month but they offered the best support and the best servers, imo.

It's really hit or miss but I always had good luck with HiDef and he was extremely supportive of our team. Offering us discounts as well as free ventrilo and a variety of server loco's based on what conference we were playing in at the time.

I suppose I'm partially biased but out of everything I've rented/used HiDef, Eoreality and Old Divo were the best.
I used Velocity for all my servers from 2006-2010. I know they had a rocky past but their server performance was untouchable not to mention they always went above and beyond with support even when they could have told me it was something i did or that they dont support that. They still helped me.
I rented a 1000 FPS match server from their summit division for like 120 a month as well. Best servers ive ever played on. Monk is truly a genius and perfectionist at everything he does.. I was also a customer of their colocrossing division as well with no complaints other then they offer hardware that is years old and is still at the same price as years ago.
I used Velocity for all my servers from 2006-2010. I know they had a rocky past but their server performance was untouchable not to mention they always went above and beyond with support even when they could have told me it was something i did or that they dont support that. They still helped me.
I rented a 1000 FPS match server from their summit division for like 120 a month as well. Best servers ive ever played on. Monk is truly a genius and perfectionist at everything he does.. I was also a customer of their colocrossing division as well with no complaints other then they offer hardware that is years old and is still at the same price as years ago.

Yeah Monk's a badass. He's even Op'd in HD's channel. :) Glad to hear some good experiences about Velocity after we left them.
I'm in. Will drop a little funding in the pot too. Will be nice since I am moving to Chicago next year!
If I could actually use the server I'd donate :(, but Chicago is way too far for my ping preferences.

After [H] launched their BFBC2 server I never had seen more than 0/32 players. Hopefully that changes with BF3, since those servers aren't cheap... it's a shame to have no traffic.
I'm in. Will drop a little funding in the pot too. Will be nice since I am moving to Chicago next year!
You get a free coupon for whatever you want! Thanks man we really appreciate your over generousness. Your making things happen!
If I could actually use the server I'd donate :(, but Chicago is way too far for my ping preferences.

After [H] launched their BFBC2 server I never had seen more than 0/32 players. Hopefully that changes with BF3, since those servers aren't cheap... it's a shame to have no traffic.

The more people out there in the same situation that donates the more of a possibility it becomes. If anyone donates and are in the same boat make sure you note that in your donation or to us personally so we know. Here are our server location options.

the BFBC2 thing was complicated. We opened a server on a game that had been out for over a year. The peak of the game had already ended and everyone had already found their place to call home. We were fighting to get players on our servers due to this and it proved to be to difficult, time consuming, and cost to much for a dying game. It will be much easier to populate the server when we have one up on day 1. We also had other things going on like the website, voice server, website developers, etc that occupied our time so we decided to just shut it down, devote our full attention to those things and save money.
Since this is a public server, will there be reserved slots allocated for donors?
See this thread, last page:


We won't know till it comes out really. but if its like BC2 then we could but the problem with reserved slots you take the max slots away. you have 8 people in the reserved slot list you take away 8 slots so now you have a 56 player server.

Again if that like BC2 where we had an option for it. What we wanted to do if we get the donations for it is to have 2 servers, one for rush and one for conquest or maybe a mix of rush and conquest. but for now its gonna be conquest only unless there are some good rush maps to add.

Also I don't know if when the game comes out if there will be 64 player rush. last I heard it was 32.
is there a minimum to donate to get a reserved slot? I personally don't have a lot of spare cash since the work I do has been extremely slow these past 3 years.
Yes, I know nothing about buying servers, donating, reserved slots, etc.; anywhere to read up on this?