Senate Panel Approves Domain Name Seizure Bill

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This “Domain Name Seizure Bill” is appropriately named because that’s what you’ll be having when they pull the plug on your website! Yoink!

A controversial proposal allowing the government to pull the plug on Web sites accused of aiding piracy is closer to becoming a federal law. After a flurry of last-minute lobbying from representatives of content providers including the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), a Senate committee approved the measure today by a unanimous vote.
Wow, I don't even pirate anymore and I'm tempted to start a server farm in Iran now..
The act of congress passing laws to enforce a civil offense is a violation of freedom

Thats my view anyway
Well yeah they'll lobby hard as hell right now considering we just had an election and the new term hasnt even started yet. I'm sure the cash and favors are flowing like mad.
Great, so much for freedom of information and so on.

this is just a making the U.S more and more like China.
remember everyone who votes for this come election time. Just another reason to despise politicians, unions and the *IAA groups

from the sounds of it though, like just about every other law/bill introduced lately... it will have no effect on the actual issue. I'm sure it does create some government jobs though (and I'd be surprised if it wasnt loaded with all kinds of pork)
So what if the registrar is foreign?

The US does not have authority in a lot of countries.
Skip that, I'm just going to create a new search engine that disreguards the normal US extensions.
So what if the registrar is foreign?

The US does not have authority in a lot of countries.

the domain name will get pulled (if it's a US domain) but it will still be accessable by using the numerical IP address or an out of country domain. It really does nothing to address the problem they want to address.

What I'm most worried about is that they're going to slip in some sort of 'backdoor' into this bill that makes people that share files easier for the *IAA to go after.
"Innocent until proven guilty" no longer applies in America I guess.

Money > Justice
glad the Senate has resolved the most important issues facing our they can tackle Hollywood's issues.
I wonder what they will do when pirates start running AltDNS and it starts gaining traction in the mainstream? Running your own DNS server is pretty brainless, so, I could see a group start reimplementing the DNS system that is outside of the control of the U.S. Government. What will they do when companies have to register their domains through the normal channels, and then through the AltDNS channel as well?

I'm sure the RIAA will be pissed when AltDNS forwards their website to some gay-pr0n sites...
I wonder what they will do when pirates start running AltDNS and it starts gaining traction in the mainstream? Running your own DNS server is pretty brainless, so, I could see a group start reimplementing the DNS system that is outside of the control of the U.S. Government. What will they do when companies have to register their domains through the normal channels, and then through the AltDNS channel as well?

I'm sure the RIAA will be pissed when AltDNS forwards their website to some gay-pr0n sites...

If they shut you down at the registrar you can't point your name servers anywhere so no go there
At one time America seemed the land of opportunities but recently it looks like that it becoming some shithole of a country like Zimbabwe or other 5th world countries hell even they have right than you guys do right now!
If they shut you down at the registrar you can't point your name servers anywhere so no go there

Someone would just recreate another root level domain server and TLD server. People will have to manually point their systems to it, but most routers support using OpenDNS as the DNS resolution server, there's no reason that someone couldn't run Pir8DNS that does the same thing, but does not filter out TPB, &c.

Alternatively, just point your system to a Canadian DNS server; that will work too.
Not constitutional, because it represents a violation of freedom of speech. What if I "aid" piracy, but I'm primarily involved with, say, the Pirate Party of North America?
Hmmmm, giving the government the ability to pull domain names based on accusations without due process... What could possibly go wrong?
Expect an instant due process challenge by the EFF and the ACLU. Don't forget to send your money in folks.
Don't worry folks. The government knows what they are doing. They are the experts after all. They don't ever put in secret backdoor addons to bills. There won't be any negative unforeseen consequences. This bill is nothing but good. Even though the *IAA groups are lobbying for it, they won't have any new powers. This will only fix the all problems and not add new ones.

Also, our national debt is no problem at all.
I'm just waiting for the day when unemployment is gets so high and salaries are so low that companies start making Iphones and other goods in the US because it's "cost effective".

We the people...
Thanks for letting the **AA's ramrod us in the rears and strip away our rights, U.S. Government.
The only way to combat this is to boycot the artists. Stop buying their music and going to concerts. This should be well organized and propelled globally. The artist should be crushed. Crushing the artists shuld become a cool thing to do.
The only way to combat this is to boycot the artists. Stop buying their music and going to concerts. This should be well organized and propelled globally. The artist should be crushed. Crushing the artists shuld become a cool thing to do.

I really want to support the artists, and think that we should, but if they keep aligning themselves with the scum of the earth at some point they are going to have to pay for it.
Just more proof of a corrupt administration who is bought and paid for by the MAFIAA.
Just another reason why any private money used for any politicians campaigns should be illegal.
Lol I would support artists, but lately I've noticed a lot of the albums only have 1-2 good songs out of 12-15?

There are always ways around whats put in place. Napster went down, ppl started using Morpheus / LimeWire / Kazaa. Those got owned and ppl went to torrents. When torrents don't work too well, ppl went to direct uploading/downloading. We're just at the edge of a new phase. Just wait for the next big thing.
I hope that the MAFIAA ends up getting FUCKED by somebody whos domain is wrongfully seized.
Even if this passes, it'll do about as much good "preventing" piracy as copyright laws, and the DMCA. It'll have all the effect of the Can Spam act too. It'll make them all feel better though.
What a crock of shit.

$10 bucks says that, as usual, some asshole teabag retard plutocrat piece of trash will cook up a neat little idea about "expanding" this little "power" beyond "pirates" because we all know if you disagree with the rich elite ruling filth of this nation, you are a terrorist or some such other bullshit.

I wish these people would die. Horribly.
Would just switch to an out of country DNS server totally sidestep this?
Wouldn't this get shot down completely the first time they tried it? I mean, isn't this completely word for word against the 4th Amendment?