Witchfire (dark fantasy shooter)


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Witchfire, is the next game coming from The Astronauts, the developer of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter...looks amazing from a graphics standpoint...Witchfire uses the photogrammetry tech previously used in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which lets the developers 3D scan real-life objects - even entire buildings - and use them as digital assets

Chief developer Adrian Chmielarz said Witchfire is still a long way from release, and no platforms are announced other than PC via Steam..."The reason we're launching the teaser so early is simply to let everyone know that we're alive and kicking, and how radically different this new project of ours is compared to our previous game, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter," he said...

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Looks awesome, hopefully it wont be downgraded by release.
Loved Painkiller, if this holds up over time before release it will be a day 1 buy.
I really like the aesthetic of this game, hopefully the gameplay turns out good. Will be keeping an eye on this for sure.
I really enjoyed The Vanishing of Ethan Carter but I'm glad the follow-up looks to be more action heavy...I guess Ethan Carter was just a prototype test run for this
Any news on this? Nothing interesting on their site. Just curious. This is one of the few games I'm excited for. (looks like I'll be waiting a while though :D )
Any news on this? Nothing interesting on their site. Just curious. This is one of the few games I'm excited for. (looks like I'll be waiting a while though :D )

probably going to be a while...they only announced it in December so I'm thinking late 2018 at the earliest but more likely 2019
IIRC they said it probably won't be ready until 2021 at the earliest? They just wanted to let people know they are working on something after being quiet for so long.
This looks great right now, but 2021? Those graphics should be pretty dated by then. I guess on the plus side they should be able to replicate them exactly on the PS5 and Xbox 4.
Guess I'll go ahead and forget about it for a while. :D I didn't notice 2021 being mentioned. I knew it was announced somewhat recently, but I didn't think about it being an id Software sort of development cycle. :D It's kind of exactly the sort of game I want to play right now though. Dark FPS sorta thing.

For some reason I got Hunt: Showdown confused for this, and thought it was close. I was pretty disappointed when I realized that wasn't the case.

I also agree that we need more Heretic / Hexen! Some people don't like Raven, but I always did. It would be cool if they (or maybe a core subset of their former group) crawled out of the woodwork and dropped something like the original Heretic, but with Doom style enhancements. Unfortunately that probably won't happen.
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This looks great right now, but 2021? Those graphics should be pretty dated by then. I guess on the plus side they should be able to replicate them exactly on the PS5 and Xbox 4.

The tech looks good now, but the aesthetic looks pretty amazing to me. I think that can go a long way. Hopefully since it's Unreal based, they can bump up the visual levels, add in new engine additions, etc. as the development cycle goes on. I think that aesthetic could carry it though realistically.

Also, video card tech is not progressing the way I wish it would. No real breakthroughs anymore. Just faster, less voltage, faster, less voltage. While that does contribute to overall graphical fidelity, I don't see anything amazingly ground-breaking happening in the next 2-3 years anyway.
Also, video card tech is not progressing the way I wish it would. No real breakthroughs anymore. Just faster, less voltage, faster, less voltage. While that does contribute to overall graphical fidelity, I don't see anything amazingly ground-breaking happening in the next 2-3 years anyway...

ray tracing?...at least that's what Nvidia is hoping for...

Ray Tracing - The Future of Gaming Graphics?

Did some digging to see if I could find more specifics. VG247 states that Adrian said the game is "more than a year away," but doesn't provide a direct quote. So a 2019 release seems more likely.


The Astronauts was founded in 2012 and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter was released in 2014. New IP can take 5 years to develop, give or take, depending on scope and size of the studio.
ray tracing?...at least that's what Nvidia is hoping for...

Ray Tracing - The Future of Gaming Graphics?

We'll see. I'm aware of the latest resurgence of the tech. That little demo video looks nice too. If nothing else, we're closer to practical real-time applications using it now than ever. However, I'll wait until I see it in a proper game, and decide then whether it's worth it, or mature enough yet. Definitely hoping it works out to be useful and usable. I mentioned this elsewhere, but we're definitely quite a way along toward this compared to when I'd render a simple scene and wait 36 hours for my Amiga 500 to finish one frame. :p
The Astronauts has released "A Year After Reveal" development update on their website with some new video and screenshots. They promise to provide regular updates on development progress going forward. They say to not expect the game to come out in 2019, and that a 2020 release "sounds reasonable."

The Astronauts has released "A Year After Reveal" development update on their website with some new video and screenshots. They promise to provide regular updates on development progress going forward. They say to not expect the game to come out in 2019, and that a 2020 release "sounds reasonable."


the graphics look gorgeous!...great use of lighting and textures

So now I have to live until 2020 its not like some certain Kickstater game from 2013 that I hope turns out good I've been waiting on.
Lol just saw this update - totally fell off my radar. Now it will again for another year. Zzzzzzzzzz.
Agree. Time to sleep for another year, and check back again. This game looks PRECISELY like what I want to play.