Who here has gigabit internet? Also anybody subscribed to Comcast 6 gig?


May 31, 2003
I have Charter spectrums 1 GB download 40 MB upload plan. It works pretty well I get around 100 to 125 MB a second from Steam and blizzard. I pay roughly 70 bucks a month for it. Does anybody else have gigabit internet here? How do you guys like it also I heard Comcast offers 6 gigabit! That is a s*** ton of speed. I remember coming from a 2400 baud modem in 1993 and the fact that I have a gigabit internet coming into my apartment is beyond crazy. What do you guys think the coming landscape for home internet speed is going to be like? Do you think we're going to get multi gigabit connections to the house and have it be more common place than it is now? Or is gigabit going to be it for a while? Okay thanks!
I've had FIOS gigabit internet service for years. I had AT&T U-Verse before that. I've probably had gigabit service for the last ten years.
I had att fiber 1g/1g for a while, but moved to another state and can only get 80mbps/15mbps here, unless I want to pay a lot of money and tear up my yard and driveway to get municipal fiber. Maybe we'll be able to lay conduit when it's time to repave. Then it's still probably too expensive...

I don't expect many people to shell out for multigig. Hell, when I had 1g, it would take me weeks to notice that my desktop had dropped to 100m. I'd subscribe if it was a reasonable cost though. I can use it, kind of, and it'd be fun.
I use my gigabit connection to get games quickly and also uTorrent the hell out of things. But it's nice to have the speed when needed. I have about 10 devices connected in my home network and I work from home so I need it for my job. It's worth the cost in my opinion.
I handle about 5 different connections in 4 different physical locations across 4 different isps with comcast being one of them. The comcast plan is 600/15 or was originally, the wow plan is 500/50, charter res is 300/20 I think? (was originally 100/10), charter commerical was also 100/10, probably 300/20 now too, and building provided isp at one site is 500/500.

I actually can't tell the difference between any of them for what I'm downloading since I can even queue up something larger to download on one of the faster connections. What I can tell the difference is on latency and all the cable based isps are horrible at that compared to the building provided one which I believe is fibre. I have att fibre available at the location that has comcast and have considered switching since that would be symmetrical and a lot lower latency, but the last time I dealt with att and trying to install our ipsec vpn router it left a very bad taste in my mouth after dealing with their required gateway--not sure if I'm up to taking that level of grief again. fwiw, att can provide up to 5Gb service, but I'd have to upgrade my lan before I'd even be ready for that. If I had this capability at other sites (or even symmetrical for that matter), I would consider going as fast as I could since that would mean ipsec tunnels would be more close to lan speed, but aside from that, not really worth it imo.
I have FiOS 1GB/1GB internet for about a year now. Had FiOS in general for 5ish. I have never had any issues with it. Down time has been very minimal. Never lasting more then a couple hours. I pay $70 a month. When I didn't have the GB plan I was getting twice the speed for what I was paying. 400mb for $40 was pretty damn good. Idk why I even bothered getting GB.
Here I am slumming it with 800/20. :(

Honestly, I was perfectly happy with half that bandwidth.
I am happy with 3megabit internet. But gigabit is cheap here so why not? Plus...I am 48 years old. I remember connecting to the internet in 1993 at 2400baud speeds. It's worth the sheer kick of oh ain't that nice from what I've come from. Tech is moving at crazy paces. I wonder what the connections will be like in 30 years. Unreal to think about. I'd love to live another 70 years. I could def see myself at 110 years old listening to nwa and playing UT at the old age home on a terabit connection, tee hee!
I am happy with 3megabit internet. But gigabit is cheap here so why not? Plus...I am 48 years old. I remember connecting to the internet in 1993 at 2400baud speeds. It's worth the sheer kick of oh ain't that nice from what I've come from. Tech is moving at crazy paces. I wonder what the connections will be like in 30 years. Unreal to think about. I'd love to live another 70 years. I could def see myself at 110 years old listening to nwa and playing UT at the old age home on a terabit connection, tee hee!
Please. You would not be happy with 3MB.
Please. You would not be happy with 3MB.
I've had it in the past and would be totally happy with it. Not sure why you say that. I have had nothing in my life and was happy with that. I'm appreciative of having nothing and being content. To each their own. People in the past 30 years have grown so used to having everything. It was way different in the early 80s and 70s. And if you come from poverty, you know exactly what I mean. I am just happy being alive.
I've had it in the past and would be totally happy with it. Not sure why you say that. I have had nothing in my life and was happy with that. I'm appreciative of having nothing and being content. To each their own. People in the past 30 years have grown so used to having everything. It was way different in the early 80s and 70s. And if you come from poverty, you know exactly what I mean. I am just happy being alive.
Yea I was happy in 90s with my 1MB cable but it would not suffice in this day in the age. Can you even stream 1080 on YouTube with 3MB? Imagine downloading a game off stream that is 100gb+ at 3MB lol.
I am happy with 3megabit internet. But gigabit is cheap here so why not? Plus...I am 48 years old. I remember connecting to the internet in 1993 at 2400baud speeds. It's worth the sheer kick of oh ain't that nice from what I've come from. Tech is moving at crazy paces. I wonder what the connections will be like in 30 years. Unreal to think about. I'd love to live another 70 years. I could def see myself at 110 years old listening to nwa and playing UT at the old age home on a terabit connection, tee hee!
2400 baud sufficed back then because of the nature of the transfers back in the day. Even then, 14.4, 28.8, and 56k speeds were always better and enabled us to do more with our connections.
I've had it in the past and would be totally happy with it. Not sure why you say that. I have had nothing in my life and was happy with that. I'm appreciative of having nothing and being content. To each their own. People in the past 30 years have grown so used to having everything. It was way different in the early 80s and 70s. And if you come from poverty, you know exactly what I mean. I am just happy being alive.
It's the same thing today. We can do more as a result of having more bandwidth. 3MB wouldn't allow you to watch videos. Even downloading simple images or reading a news site would be slow if not painfully slow. I was born in the late 70's and grew up in the 80's and early 90's. I didn't exactly come from a wealthy family either. I understand the point you are trying to make, but it's not really relevant. A super slow connection may be better than nothing, but it wouldn't be enough to make me happy.
Yea I was happy in 90s with my 1MB cable but it would not suffice in this day in the age. Can you even stream 1080 on YouTube with 3MB? Imagine downloading a game off stream that is 100gb+ at 3MB lol.
Exactly. I've always had good computers. My favorite rig of all time was my Skulltrail setup. I wouldn't want that to be my main rig today though. In 2007 it was amazing. In 2023, it's a museum piece and not good for much.
I've 1Gbps symmetric fiber and a 300/20 docsis backup. The only way I can tell difference between is when downloading multigig files and it takes long enough to notice the download rate. I stream video from 3x set top devices during almost all waking hours as well music to my and wife's office all day and that is never speed impacted on either connection. This is in addition to whatever lad is doing on xbox and portable devices. That said, as soon as Google lights up the fiber they just buried in my yard the 300/20 is gone. This is purely from a cost + hatred of Spectrum point of view. When you can pay $70 for 1Gbps wtf pay $79 for 300/20?

I'll also add that my employer pays for the 1Gbps connection now and would pay for the available 5Gbps connection from ISP. I have no interest just because I don't want to deal with infrastructure changes I would need to make to use it. There is just no justifiable use case beyond "mine is bigger."
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I recently measured and Verizon is indeed giving my Gb with Gb upstream, too. Pleasantly surprised, I had pessimistically assumed they would silently take the upstream Gb away.

I pay a lot but I'm not gonna wiggle it :)
I recently measured and Verizon is indeed giving my Gb with Gb upstream, too. Pleasantly surprised, I had pessimistically assumed they would silently take the upstream Gb away.

I pay a lot but I'm not gonna wiggle it :)
Unfortunately FioS throttles Linux distro upload speeds. Makes it annoying to keep a 1:1 ratio.
I have comcast, 1.2Gb down 40 mb up, in actual practice its closer to 1.4~Gb down and... 35mb upload.
Aside from my (mentioned in other threads) random 45 second disconnects twice a day, its been good. I'm using an Arris SB8200 with WAN aggregation and i'm honestly surprised that I'm getting 1.4Gb down.

Could I use more speed? Absolutely.
Do I need more speed? Not really, it's super hard to saturate 1.4gb down as it is.
Do I need more upload? YES. I will jump ship as soon as something offers more upload, however given where I live, i don't expect any other ISPs to show up. My only hope is that there are a couple government buildings nearby, and if they need an internet upgrade i'm kind of "on the way" so to speak.
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I have comcast, 1.2Gb down 40 mb up, in actual practive its closer to 1.4~Gb down and... 35mb upload.
Aside from my (mentioned in other threads) random 45 second disconnects twice a day, its been good. I'm using an Arris SB8200 with WAN aggregation and i'm honestly surprised that I'm getting 1.4Gb down.

Could I use more speed? Absolutely.
Do I need more speed? Not really, it's super hard to saturate 1.4gb down as it is.
Do I need more upload? YES. I will jump ship as soon as something offers more upload, however given where I live, i don't expect any other ISPs to show up. My only hope is that there are a couple government buildings nearby, and if they need an internet upgrade i'm kind of "on the way" so to speak.
Do you have data caps? Spectrum here has no data caps. Thankfully.
Gigabit is great, but download speed is really only one piece of the puzzle and rarely the limiting factor in most cases once you get past 60Mbps or so.

Things that still need to improve and are WAY more important than getting download speed beyond gigabit:

-CAPS! Speeds seem to be improving faster than caps in most cases. Some ISPs don't have caps on their residential connections and those are the better ISPs, but it's still FAR too common, and the caps are usually way too small. I still think you have CEOs with dollar signs in their eyes when they think about overage charges and want that to become the norm. Some ISPs claim to be unlimited but if you use too much, you'll still end up getting a call from their "abuse" department quoting something deep in their AUP about degradation of service for others or other nonsense, etc.
-Upload speeds. Too many connections, even gigabit connections, have pathetically slow upload speeds. Some connections are symmetrical, and these are the better ISPs obviously.
-Latency. Some ISPs have odd latency issues, where you have bad ping times even to things that aren't physically far away, weird routing paths, etc.
-IP address allocation. I personally prefer having a Static IPv4 address. Many/Most give you this, even if it's in the form of a DHCP assigned IP that doesn't change as long as your MAC address doesn't change. But some ISPs only give a dynamic IP that constantly changes, and more and more ISPs are adopting things like CGNAT which REALLY sucks.

Also, speeds beyond gigabit still face a major hurdle and that is that most people still don't have home networking equipment that can handle speeds faster than gigabit. We're just reaching the point where the best $$$ WiFi (on 5Ghz or 6Ghz) can finally break gigabit speeds at close range with line-of-sight. 2.5Gbps or faster wired ethernet switches are still far too expensive to the point where most people won't bother. We need to get to the point where you can get an 8-port 2.5GbE+ switch for $45 or so, and more regular Gigabit switches need to come with at least one 2.5GbE+ uplink port.
I have comcast, 1.2Gb down 40 mb up, in actual practive its closer to 1.4~Gb down and... 35mb upload.
Aside from my (mentioned in other threads) random 45 second disconnects twice a day, its been good. I'm using an Arris SB8200 with WAN aggregation and i'm honestly surprised that I'm getting 1.4Gb down.

Could I use more speed? Absolutely.
Do I need more speed? Not really, it's super hard to saturate 1.4gb down as it is.
Do I need more upload? YES. I will jump ship as soon as something offers more upload, however given where I live, i don't expect any other ISPs to show up. My only hope is that there are a couple government buildings nearby, and if they need an internet upgrade i'm kind of "on the way" so to speak.
If you need more upload bandwidth, you can always get a second modem and then use a multi-wan router. You won't get more than your single upload on a single upload, but with multiple files/connections, your upload speed would be double. I used 3x modems back in the day to make a 24/2 connection using 3x 8M/768k and it worked really well.
Do you have data caps? Spectrum here has no data caps. Thankfully.
Yep. I'm supposed to be capped at a pitiful 1tb.
I pay a ridiculous $30 a month to not have a data cap, but I use up to 5tb a month with no issues, so it's a price I'll just keep on paying.
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Yep. I'm supposed to be capped at a pitiful 1tb.
I pay a. Ridiculous $30 a month to not have a data cap, but I use up to 5tb a month with no issues, so it's a price I'll just keep on paying.
I thought if you had the gig package it was no caps?
I thought if you had the gig package it was no caps?
You have to pay the $30 for unlimited. You get modem/router renter for free with it or something like that. It also depends on where you live. I don't think they ever rolled out data caps in my area. Verizon FiOS is to damn competitive for comcrap to do it.
A fiber provider moved into my area last spring so all the spectrum tiers magically got better down speeds. Upload has been the same since it was called Road Runner.
I thought if you had the gig package it was no caps?
I wish.
There's no caps if you "rent" their modem/wifi router which costs $15 a month, and you have basically no control over your own network. And you're forced to be an "xfinity" WIFI hub It's all a giant farce.
I have a 500/500 fiber connection for $110/month. With an upgrade path to gigabit if willing to pay ($170/month). 100 gigabytes downloads in about 26 minutes. The latency is superb. No caps. Local telephone cooperative. Can have two TVs streaming 4k and many phones doing phone things concurrently without issues.

Around 1 to 1.5 houses per mile in my area and I'm 10 miles outside of town. I only have fiber service because it was subsidized by tax payers with rural broadband initiatives. So thanks everyone. I asked the local ISP back in 2018 if I could help pay for fiber install and do about 1/2 mile of trenching myself, if that would expedite me getting service. They expected the distance to my house from the closest handhole to cost $80,0000. I waited the four years it took for them to get to me :)

1GB/1GB Fiber from Telus here in Canada, rock solid, always fast, only time i notice it like others is larger downloads really. remote work is awesome cause upload is just as fast which makes it feel like I am on site for some clients., I think for most, anything more than 1Gb will be nothing but bragging rights because most sites and Internet sources wont feed you content that fast anyways, aside form game platforms.
Verizon FIOS wanted to give me fiber to the house 1gb/1gb with free hbo for 2 years, free phone service to PR, Canada and USA with their good stb/tv service for 84$ a month. No one can compete with that!
honestly as soon as they upgraded me here from spectrum i downgraded my package to shave off i think $20 a month. I just havent had the need for such bandwidth since i stopped torrenting everything under the sun lol
I was just downloading off the EA app at 136 MB/s. It's nice when that happens. Considering I was used to downloading a 50kb image in 1 hour in 1993.

Times a changin. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in 40 years? Hope I am alive.
1GB/1GB Fiber from Telus here in Canada, rock solid, always fast, only time i notice it like others is larger downloads really. remote work is awesome cause upload is just as fast which makes it feel like I am on site for some clients., I think for most, anything more than 1Gb will be nothing but bragging rights because most sites and Internet sources wont feed you content that fast anyways, aside form game platforms.
I love Steam during not holiday and summer sales for testing new speeds.
A fiber provider moved into my area last spring so all the spectrum tiers magically got better down speeds. Upload has been the same since it was called Road Runner.
Yep. TDS rolled into town and once they started digging into the side of the road Spectrum bumped their speeds...but didn't do anything with the upload speed which is around ~12. Then they raised my bill. Cannot. Wait. To. Drop. Them. Bottom tier for TDS is 300/300 for $45. Which is PLENTY for me. For the price I pay now I can get TDS 1Gb/1Gb for the same price I bet. They offer 8 gig service but I doubt I'll need that anytime soon. I just upgraded to a home built router that can do 2.5Gb.
I've had AT&T U-Verse Gigabit since it rolled out in my area a number of years ago. At least a year ago they started offering 2.5 and 5Gbps here as well but for the price increases on them I haven't jumped to one yet. Honestly at this point I'd probably rather pick up like a Verizon 5G Home service for the ~$25/month and run it as a failover WAN. Haven't ever had any issues with AT&T going down in a way that interfered with any WFH so even it isn't a priority.

I'm not in a Comcast area so can't comment on their higher services. I know Cox still has fairly low upload speeds on their high download tiers except for the few neighborhoods that they built out with fiber to the home around here to try to compete when AT&T rolled out the gigabit tier in the area. Still hoping one day the Electric Co-op that ran lines down the main roads I'm off of can get it built into the neighborhood. They aren't our electric provider though so I think it's a lot more complicated for them to do it. The houses that backup to those roads can get it since their property lines back right on up to the easement. They allow CPE hooked up directly to the ONT though they won't give customer support for it if you don't use their router. That would be a step further in the right direction in getting rid of the AT&T RG.
Times a changin. Can you imagine what it's going to be like in 40 years? Hope I am alive.
Sea rise, climate refugees, and other problems will all be prevalent and the disparity between the haves and have nots will be far greater so more tension in the world. I will be glad I won't be around! :D
They allow CPE hooked up directly to the ONT...
It almost makes sense that this would be the easiest way for an isp to deal with consumers--here's the plug where you'll get an IP, anything after this plug isn't our problem. But instead they want to get their hooks into everything and then have massive support teams, etc to try to provide service for all that when they could just cut all that expense and probably lose a hair but pick up that in their core competency of just being an isp. But what do I know...I've only working on building businesses since I was in the 3rd grade...
It almost makes sense that this would be the easiest way for an isp to deal with consumers--here's the plug where you'll get an IP, anything after this plug isn't our problem.

If I'm being generous, the ISPs know users are going to have problems with their CPE, and are trying to make life easier for everyone by having their standardized CPE that their techs know how to help with.

Otoh, they do seem to pick some garbage CPE don't they?
Sea rise, climate refugees, and other problems will all be prevalent and the disparity between the haves and have nots will be far greater so more tension in the world. I will be glad I won't be around! :D
DOD is very concerned about the water and climate conflicts and has been since the 90's at least. Fighting in cities sucks, fighting in megapolises is even worse. I think a resumption of Strategic Bombing would be better than inserting any number of mechanized infantry into a megapolis 40 years into the future.
i do.
nope, im in canuckistan. my isp, shaw, just merged with rogers. so i guess ill see how that goes....
Ya, i love how our government one minute is all about "affordable internet and mobile services" so provider go 1 cent below the recommendation to claim they meet those standards, then, someone else gets in and they ditch that, and then allow Rogers to buy Shaw, and try to spin it like they created MORE providers by giving a branch off Shaw to some Quebec company....
If I'm being generous, the ISPs know users are going to have problems with their CPE, and are trying to make life easier for everyone by having their standardized CPE that their techs know how to help with.

Otoh, they do seem to pick some garbage CPE don't they?
That's the thing as ONTs/modems are pretty 'brainless' to the isp. Charter still provides modems for all the connections we have from them--it's only wow and comcast that are byom or ridiculous per month equipment charge.

And I have no idea why isps thought having garbage routers and then charging for them would be a good idea--unless most consumers are just that stupid.
DOD is very concerned about the water and climate conflicts and has been since the 90's at least. Fighting in cities sucks, fighting in megapolises is even worse. I think a resumption of Strategic Bombing would be better than inserting any number of mechanized infantry into a megapolis 40 years into the future.
Since the advent of total war back in WWII (and the current practice of it on Ukraine), I you're right about those Strategic Bombers or just ICBMs.