VM gaming with a Grid K520


Jan 25, 2004
Has anyone done any work with VM 2 in 1 gaming with a K520 card?
I've used unraid for several yrs now for light gaming with 4 HD 6550's. but I'll like to up the graphics a bit and came across these K520.
With no outputs I'm not sure how my terminals would connect
They are abit weak for today standards. I use cheap firepros for gpu passthrough and have had luck. W7000s and s9000s work well
I've done this a good amount with vmware, be warned you need enterprise + licensing for vmware to do vgpu....


Are you looking at VMWare or another hypervisor?
yeah i never knew vgpu didn't have vmotion then again i never had the ent working setup for vmotion apprently the virtual vlans need to match up real vlans as well. they can cold migrate but, you better have enough GRID gpus in the otherhosts