Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Adding WaW for $25 seemed to make this day's deal even more insulting. I picked it up for $12 from our very own FS/FT forums and I can say it's gotten about $12 worth of playing time. Certainly not a $25 game.

And Civ4 Complete is (and has been) showing $13.60 for me. Seems like a helluva deal...if only Civ4 was my thing.

WaW has been at this price so many times I don't know why they even bothered.
max payne2, civ4 pack . Enjoyed maxp1 years ago, never tried the civ series
Plus BFG, eVGA and the like threw so many free copies in with nVidia cards that we perceive them to be a cheap giveaway item anyway...

Thats exactly what I thought. Still a fun game but $25 even seems a bit steep. I actually enjoyed WaW more than MW.
Is the online aspect of Grid any downloading extra content or online gaming?

i really liked Grid i bought it when it was $7.49 around thanksgiving
very good racing game. I highly recommend using a xbox 360 controller though.
damned Steam...DAMN YOU! Civ 4 Complete pack + Max Payne Pack. this sale is raping my PP account. I guess I wasn't trying to upgrade my Quad, after all :mad:
has anyone that bought the max payne games tried to play them on windows 7 yet? Someone told me they only work on xp & 2k
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This sale needs to end already, I've almost doubled my number of Steam games during this sale. Add Civ and MP1+2 to the list.
I am hoping for at least 3 or 4 more games. so far I have picked up Silent Hill Homecoming, Shadowgrounds Pack, Alpha Prime and Grand Theft Auto IV all for under 23 bucks.

oh I am really enjoying Silent Hill Homecoming so far.
I wish I could have gotten the BF2 pack for 7.49 but other than that I'm really happy with these deals
Did they already remove the Civilization and Max Payne deals? I can't seem to locate them anymore in search.
I'm logging in from a different country. Think that has anything to do with it? i only see Call of Duty, Fifa Manager, L4D, Osmos on Daily Deals.
That must be it. All the deals are showing up fine for me.
I haven't played Civ since III, but I liked it. The Civ IV complete for $13 seems too good to pass up. What do you guys think?
I haven't played Civ since III, but I liked it. The Civ IV complete for $13 seems too good to pass up. What do you guys think?

I personally am not buying it simply because I doubt I would play it much. Sure it's probably a great game, but I already bought CivIII and I still haven't played that.
I haven't played Civ since III, but I liked it. The Civ IV complete for $13 seems too good to pass up. What do you guys think?

It's an older game already but the quality of it is superb, in its release days it definitely swallowed up alot of my time. Not sure if the multiplayer is active anymore but its a great city builder/ strategy.
Picked up Max Payne collection and L4D. I've never played any of these games before. I think it's worth $11
The next hour 35 mins can't come fast enough. I got like 70 bucks worth of game budget left aside from what I put down on Mass Effect 2. I need to get my game on before business picks back up again.
keeping fingers crossed for $50 thq pack, come on baby.
keeping fingers crossed for $50 thq pack, come on baby.

You and me both...that, and the Codemasters collection for $50 as well. The THQ pack has been $50 before, and that's the only reason I haven't bought it. I know it'll be that price again! C'mon Steam!
First time buy games from Steam in my life.

1. RIP 1,2,3 Trilogy (99 cent)
2. Zombie Bowl-O-Rama. (99 cent)
3. Left 4 Dead Game of the Year Edition. ( $7.49) today and played it was fun. link at (updated too late for now $ 22.49

I will keep my eyes on them for good deals.

also I just backup all files for reinstall later.

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lol Crysis with no discount... yet

Pretty bad deals today.
yeah lol, nice on crysis... This might be the weakest daily deals yet. Any comments on the games up for sale today guys?