Scalpers Paradise Rules


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Products moved to Scalper's Paradise:

BNIB and Like New products. Products sold OVER the retail purchase price of the item.

5% sales service fee required with PP to [email protected]. These monies will be used to fund HardForum operations.

All rules from FSFT apply here (read those here with included stickies) except of course the scalping rules.

This rules list is sure to expand. Check back often as updates will be posted.

This is the way.
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Can you make my forum username description the last part of my paypal note? :D
Would love to, but nope.

I'm not a scalper, I generally only sell crap I no longer need, or that someone didn't want anymore. I'd love to have that scalper title though, so how about it FrgMstr . This is the way?! :D
I’d think you’d want to have the scalpers pay up front based on their asking price. If they don’t pay within x hours ban’em.
You gotta let them sell it first. Then it's up to them to be "honest" and send the boss his cut. ;) I just wanna see the first legit scalper.
So this would actually help Hard Forum out? I dig that idea. Might post a BNIB card I have and see what happens, i just want the title+shipping covered 😉
You gotta let them sell it first. Then it's up to them to be "honest" and send the boss his cut. ;) I just wanna see the first legit scalper.
It could happen lol 😆 i'm debating on it or just going to FS/FT cause all I wanted was my cost and shipping, but then saw this while reading the rules. Is 8% mark up legit scalper enough? 😆
BNIB only? Dang. I was going to put up my 1660 Super for the ridiculous ebay prices that are going right now. 😂
I want to sell my RX580 so I can get a decent 1440 card. If I post the RX580 for 400.00, is that considered scalping here? I don't know what the HardOCP definition is for scalping. The card was bought in the summer of 2017. I just want to update my gaming rig and i can;t afford a card, unless I sell my 580 and wait it out until the prices come down for something I need. I don't need this Crypto Card--lol.
I want to sell my RX580 so I can get a decent 1440 card. If I post the RX580 for 400.00, is that considered scalping here? I don't know what the HardOCP definition is for scalping. The card was bought in the summer of 2017. I just want to update my gaming rig and i can;t afford a card, unless I sell my 580 and wait it out until the prices come down for something I need. I don't need this Crypto Card--lol.
Read the rules on this a bit more carefully.
Just so people know, because some very ignorant person here wrote me a really shitty reply that got removed on the FS thread for "scalping" my 2017 580.

SCALPING isn't selling old hardware for more than it cost brand new. It's for selling brand new IN BOX hardware (BNIB) for more than MSRP.

Calling someone names because they sell old hardware for more than it retailed for when it was brand new is like calling people who sell classic cars, for more than they sold for brand new, "scalpers."

Now, there's some ignorance for you. Anyway. . . .
Just so people know, because some very ignorant person here wrote me a really shitty reply that got removed on the FS thread for "scalping" my 2017 580.

SCALPING isn't selling old hardware for more than it cost brand new. It's for selling brand new IN BOX hardware (BNIB) for more than MSRP.

Calling someone names because they sell old hardware for more than it retailed for when it was brand new is like calling people who sell classic cars, for more than they sold for brand new, "scalpers."

Now, there's some ignorance for you. Anyway. . . .
I agree with this statement.

And remember, the Ignore feature is your friend.
I agree with this statement.

And remember, the Ignore feature is your friend.
Well, I PMed him and tried to explain it like I said it here, but he replied that I was a POS scalper and that he blocked me. So, you can't argue with emotion. I even tried to explain with a link to the current supply problem from the BBC quoting nVidias CEO that they simply cannot keep up with demand, therefore a shortage. I tried to explain that selling old hardware not manufactured any longer can in no way cause new hardware supply problems, as if that weren't obvious. But, you know, you can't reason with emotion.
Should repeat offenders that constantly harass other member because they don’t like the price be (temp) banned?
So should we be reporting people who are trying to scalp through PMs?
Just so people know, because some very ignorant person here wrote me a really shitty reply that got removed on the FS thread for "scalping" my 2017 580.

SCALPING isn't selling old hardware for more than it cost brand new. It's for selling brand new IN BOX hardware (BNIB) for more than MSRP.

Calling someone names because they sell old hardware for more than it retailed for when it was brand new is like calling people who sell classic cars, for more than they sold for brand new, "scalpers."

Now, there's some ignorance for you. Anyway. . . .
Your analogy with classic cars isn't the same as the current situations. People who buy classic cars for more than they sold new want them for nostalgia or some other similar reason such as they owned one and sold it and want to get that car again like they once owned, not because there are no cars to be found for sale for reasonable prices anywhere. You can certainly try and sell it for $400 here but you have had a lot of lookers and no nibbles, why? Because your 580 is no classic car that people want and are willing to pay a lot more than MSRP when card was new.

Some are mad that they cannot get a GPU for a reasonable price nowadays shouldn't be taking it out on you. I am only trying to help you understand that if you offer your card for $250 you might get a nibble or two, for $225 you might get someone sending you a PM, for $200 you might get several PMs. If you want the going rate on ebay, you are better off selling it there to try and get $400. We don't have miners here in bidding wars for GPUs as is the case on ebay.
Your analogy with classic cars isn't the same as the current situations. People who buy classic cars for more than they sold new want them for nostalgia or some other similar reason such as they owned one and sold it and want to get that car again like they once owned, not because there are no cars to be found for sale for reasonable prices anywhere. You can certainly try and sell it for $400 here but you have had a lot of lookers and no nibbles, why? Because your 580 is no classic car that people want and are willing to pay a lot more than MSRP when card was new.

Some are mad that they cannot get a GPU for a reasonable price nowadays shouldn't be taking it out on you. I am only trying to help you understand that if you offer your card for $250 you might get a nibble or two, for $225 you might get someone sending you a PM, for $200 you might get several PMs. If you want the going rate on ebay, you are better off selling it there to try and get $400. We don't have miners here in bidding wars for GPUs as is the case on ebay.

The analogy was meant to make clear that the only thing driving up prices is supply and demand. Old car prices, no matter how high they are, never affect new car prices because that's not how market economies work. Market economy is base on supply and demand. More demand than supply means higher prices.

I have had PMs interested in the card. One person wanted me to ship it I think at 360 and pay for shipping from California to New Jersey. Another person wanted it for 400 and split shipping, which I would do, but I have a lot of other things for sale he was interested in so he may just drive to my home and take a look. I have, for instance, two Chinese NUC knock offs from Amazon Vine that are brand new in box, a brand new office desk in the box never opened, etc.. He only live 117 miles from me.

And it doesn't matter anyway because as I have CLEARLY stated in the FS thread, I'm looking to buy a new 1440 card and without the money the inflated 580 would bring in, there is no reason to sell it in the first place . I'll just turn down the settings and use it until supply is greater than demand and buy a new card. If 580 prices remain hgh, I still might then sell it to offset the price of a new card, but it's such a hassle, maybe not.

Ebay is too much of a hassle for a one time sale. Although back in the day, I did sell a camera on there and got almost as much as I paid for it--lol.

You make a lot of assumptions:
  1. People who buy classic cars for more than they sold new want them for nostalgia or some other similar reason
  2. you have had a lot of lookers and no nibbles,
  3. We don't have miners here in bidding wars for GPUs
How could you possibly know that? I know you're jsut trying to help, and I appreciate that, but you seem to miss the point of my selling the 580 in the first place.
  1. We don't have miners here in bidding wars for GPUs
How could you possibly know that? I know you're jsut trying to help, and I appreciate that, but you seem to miss the point of my selling the 580 in the first place.

That's not an assumption, that's an FS/FT rule, although whatever people go about doing within PMs is largely their business, and for them to decide whether to report or not.
That's not an assumption, that's an FS/FT rule, although whatever people go about doing within PMs is largely their business, and for them to decide whether to report or not.
Correct. I meant that there are people here with an interest in crypto mining and the 580. But, yes sorry for that confusion.
Scalping sucks but isnt it hypocritical to get a 5% cut? So youd change the handle to say scalper even tho 5% is collected? A spade is a spade i guess.

5% not considered scalping? Well paypal is 2.9% + 30 cents ;)
Scalping sucks but isnt it hypocritical to get a 5% cut? So youd change the handle to say scalper even tho 5% is collected? A spade is a spade i guess.

5% not considered scalping? Well paypal is 2.9% + 30 cents ;)