OnePlus' decline


Aug 31, 2009
Now that the 10T has lost the volume slider and the OnePlus OS skin is largely gone. Anyone else looking to dump OnePlus next time?

I have an 8 now but I think I'm pivoting to Samsung next time.

Beyond Samsung I can't think of any other Android provider that will update the software nearly as often as OnePlus.
I've had the 1+1, 3, 6, and now the 9. This is likely my last 1+ phone which is a bummer because they have been a solid manufacturer for the last 10 or so years but damn the 9 is still pretty buggy. I'll probably get a Pixel in another year or 2.
I've had the 1+1, 3, 6, and now the 9. This is likely my last 1+ phone which is a bummer because they have been a solid manufacturer for the last 10 or so years but damn the 9 is still pretty buggy. I'll probably get a Pixel in another year or 2.
Before I had OnePluses I used to have Nexus' and my wife and stepson have Pixels. I just don't like the reskinned OS. If they stuck vanilla android on the GOOGLE phone I'd be in.
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