New Build, Rad Recommendations


Nov 17, 2004
I am looking at putting together a build based around the Case Labs M8, I want to run two 360 rads up top and 1 240 rad in the front of the motherboard side.

Right now I am leaning towards the Alphacool UT and XT series as I want maximum cooling with minimum fan noise ( will probably break down and get some GTs for this build)

I will be cooling a Rampage IV Extreme, 3820 @ 4.5 and Dual 7950 (This may change) in either 1 big loop or two separate loops.

Any thoughts or other recommendations?


You should be able to cool all that with ~800 RPM fans. At that speed range, practically all fans are dead silent.

Those radiators are good choices. Another good choice would be the XSPC RX series, or the HWLabs SR-1 series.
Having 10x120mm surface area of radiators, I agree with the super slow fans, and in fact you can probably ditch the 240mm rad all together.

800-1000rpm fans in that M8 case will be MORE than enough.
Thanks for the input guys, now would you go with 1 big loop? or 2 seperate, one for the CPU/VRMs and one for the GPUs


Based on your setup, I would go with one big loop.
I've got the UT60 480 rad in my loop, and I'm really impressed with it. I'm probably going to add the new "Monsta" 480 they have that is a truly ridiculous 80mm deep to the PSU side of the case. Hey, what's the point of having a TH10 if I don't fill it up with ludicrous hardware?