Mac Studio Wifi is awful.


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
The wifi capabilities of the Mac Studio are just pitiful. I have the first generation Studio.

Its a known issue and no real good solution to use the existing wifi module in the studio.

I have a full ubiquiti system. What product should I use to use the ethernet out of the studio to convert it to wifi 6, basically bypassing the wifi in the computer?

My wifi 6 access point is about 12 feet away, and all my other devices are working just fine with wifi 6. I can not drop an ethernet cable to where the computer is.

Have the latest versions gotten any better? Anyone know?
since the antennas are in the bottom, have you ever tried just flipping it over?
My Mini's wifi is fine. I am surprised that it is a known problem that the Studio's is not.

If all else fails use a Wifi hub in client mode.
Can you move the AP?

I could, but the other areas would suffer. I could put up another AP in the same room. That's a good idea. I do not think it'll solve the inherent issue the Studio has.

Legitimately the AP and the Studio are within 12 feet of each other.

since the antennas are in the bottom, have you ever tried just flipping it over?

I just read about that. I could try.

My Mini's wifi is fine. I am surprised that it is a known problem that the Studio's is not.

If all else fails use a Wifi hub in client mode.

Yea, the Studio has issues with wifi, people are complaining about it.

Can I put a ubiquiti AP in client mode and use it that way? Is that possible? I need to look that up.

Even my phone has better speed than the Studio.