Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

For the infernal machine, do I need to farm act1/2/3 three times for the keys so i can get all the organs? or does one infernal machine open all three?
I kind of felt this way for a while. Then I played dark souls. Even though its a completely different game style it had that same magic that D1 had. Too me anyways.

Amen. Even though the game type is different, I get a huge Diablo vibe from Dark Souls.
For the infernal machine, do I need to farm act1/2/3 three times for the keys so i can get all the organs? or does one infernal machine open all three?

You need to farm them as many times as possible to get 9 keys (3 for each act). Each Infernal Machine requires 1 key from each of the first 3 acts.


You can find other people that have machines and collectively open 3 portals. It doesn't matter who has the machine. Anyone can open the portal.

Keep in mind that there should always be 3 portals opened per game. While the order of the encounters is random, if you make less than 3 portals per game and make another portal in a new game, you risk getting the same encounter. Only open fewer than 3 portals if you fail at an encounter.

Plus, not beating an encounter doesn't let you open the next portal anyway.
You need to farm them as many times as possible to get 9 keys (3 for each act). Each Infernal Machine requires 1 key from each of the first 3 acts.


You can find other people that have machines and collectively open 3 portals. It doesn't matter who has the machine. Anyone can open the portal.

Keep in mind that there should always be 3 portals opened per game. While the order of the encounters is random, if you make less than 3 portals per game and make another portal in a new game, you risk getting the same encounter. Only open fewer than 3 portals if you fail at an encounter.

Plus, not beating an encounter doesn't let you open the next portal anyway.

Thanks for the pro-tip! Will keep taht in mind, and get my friends in on the action. Just like the keys I should be doing it in MP10 for 100% organ drop right?
I'd give it 50/50. They've been teasing about Diablo 3 stuff, and I'm hoping its not just about the book of tyrael. The book is really neat as the diablo lore is amazing, but definately not worth hyping as much as they have. Game expansion or at least MP/Infernal Machine amount of content is a plausible announcement.

On the other hand, I would think they are saving any game announcements till blizzcon. The timing seems right to announce the next chapter of the 3 Blizzard games. Ok well maybe SC2: Legacy of the void might be too early, but I really want the last part!

Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping that they will announce something, but I agree it would be more logical if they do it at Blizzcon, though that's still some time away. But because of the "teaser" website they "wanted" us to find, it would be cool if they announce the expansion this week and go more in-depth about it during Blizzcon.

Regardless, I'm still looking forward to their announcements Wednesday.
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Memory lane trip!

First run in with the butcher in D1, unforgettable. Especially as a mage trying to kill him with charged bolts.

But yeah, I'll never go back to D1. I'm gonna leave it with as a good nostalgic memory.

Never in my gaming life have I experience the sheer horror I had when I first opened that door. Oh. My. God.

The Butcher in D3 is so bland... I mean the room in D1 was full of dead people hanging from the room, blood everywhere, etc. Now it's like a gladiator arena (wtf?!?)

edit : I put D2 when I meant to put D1.
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Never in my gaming life have I experience the sheer horror I had when I first opened that door. Oh. My. God.

The Butcher in D3 is so bland... I mean the room in D2 was full of dead people hanging from the room, blood everywhere, etc. Now it's like a gladiator arena (wtf?!?)

All it needed was a zoom in from Borderlands " THE BUTCHER ......... and you're the meat!" Complete cheese.
as much as I hate the toned down graphics of D3 I hate the cartoon look of TL2 even more.

how Diablo 3 got a Mature +17 rating is beyond me as I've taken more bloody, gory, and violent shits....fucking pony town is stupid as shit.

I wish the makers of Dark Souls or better yet atlus would crank out a diablo arpg style game and push blizzard to actually make progress. But until something like that happens bizzard can dumb down and release what ever they want and its still going to be the best ARPG on the market as its pretty much the only one are the market.
Did you guys forget about the last half of Act 1, Alcarnus in Act 2 and the entirety of Act 3 and Act 4?

Those literally had bodies and bodyparts lying everywhere, pools of blood, meatgrinders, NPC's impaled on spikes, dudes being blown up, etc.

D3 is not toned down in this regard compared to D2 or even D1.
its possible that


Has forever skewed my opinion of this games content.
Did you guys forget about the last half of Act 1, Alcarnus in Act 2 and the entirety of Act 3 and Act 4?

Those literally had bodies and bodyparts lying everywhere, pools of blood, meatgrinders, NPC's impaled on spikes, dudes being blown up, etc.

D3 is not toned down in this regard compared to D2 or even D1.

This illusion was ruined the first time I zoomed in. It's the artwork, not the content.
Agreed with Lenin. The art style made even the most mangled of corpses look cartoonish instead of devilish.

There isn't a single map/level/act of D3 that is even slightly memorable in any way, shape or form, which is a shame.
its possible that


Has forever skewed my opinion of this games content.

But I thought the D3 expansion was going to be an extension of this CandyLand theme to attract a wider audience going by the metrics that Blizzard was touting in their investor's earnings call?

Can't believe I typed that with a poker face.
Agreed with Lenin. The art style made even the most mangled of corpses look cartoonish instead of devilish.

There isn't a single map/level/act of D3 that is even slightly memorable in any way, shape or form, which is a shame.

To be fair, Act 1 and 2 in D3 are basically much improved versions of Act 1 and 2 from D2. And Act 3 in D2 was such a slogfest.

The only areas I really liked in D2 were the Travincal in A3, second half of A4 and most of A5. Everything else was bland or super tedious.
It's all opinion, but I wouldn't call any of the acts in D3 "much improved" over D2. Particularly Act2 - it was tedious in D2 and even worse in D3. Belial was a cool fight, but Magda was dumb, as was her entire character.
Sadly I didn't like the kiddy art style of TL/2 either, even though underneath it was a much better game than D3.

They each have their good spots....but the graphics really killed TL2 for me. Along with that it was just missing something to keep me interested....something other than only 1 of my friends owning it that is.

Titan Quest, D2, and D3 have all had a little something that hooked me; TL2 didn't. So while it possibly is a better core game it just didn't do it for me...Though still a great game got about 40 hours out of it.

Reminds me of TL2...I had to delete that candy land crap after 20 minutes of playing...never loaded it again.

couldn't agree more...though I did play it all the way though.

they are likely trying to get some females into the market with this cutezy crap.....which likely doesn't help at all. Dark Souls 2 will grit up my world come march 2014.
I would count this as confirmation of a D3 expansion pack.

The trailer for gamescom was rated for 12 (German rating system). Keep in mind Germany rates all trailers for gamescom. The ratings only rate the actual content of a trailer, not the end product. So while this trailer is rated 12, the expansion will most likely be rated M.


EDIT: We'll know for sure in a few hours as Gamescom kicks off Wednesday over the pond in the land of Porsche...and Lederhosen.
Lol diablo 3 with it's bs secret level and how they turned diablo into a woman with a male voice ... I am telling ya these guys at blizzard are some pure creeps and should keep your male sons away from them.
well D2 at 800x600 gives you just about if not more viewing range then D3 which is locked at like 1440x900 and zoomed in a bit too much.

and with D2 you can have an application that zoomed it out even more. D2 at the same resolution as D3 but with a much better FOV.

what settings you turn on and value with sweetfx for diablo 2 to get higher res and widescreen ?

The one I use is called D2MultiRes.

Its good but anything above 1680x1050 it has problems with rendering, usually you will see texture distortion because the camera is set too far away.
The one I use is called D2MultiRes.

Its good but anything above 1680x1050 it has problems with rendering, usually you will see texture distortion because the camera is set too far away.

I think you turn off perspective or whatever that setting is called and that goes away....but I think 1440x900 is what I found to work the best before stuff gets too small. 1680x1050 does work well but everything is just a bit too small for me and you can't even target much of the stuff.

Completely changes teleport though. Its completely awesome.
I would count this as confirmation of a D3 expansion pack.

The trailer for gamescom was rated for 12 (German rating system). Keep in mind Germany rates all trailers for gamescom. The ratings only rate the actual content of a trailer, not the end product. So while this trailer is rated 12, the expansion will most likely be rated M.


EDIT: We'll know for sure in a few hours as Gamescom kicks off Wednesday over the pond in the land of Porsche...and Lederhosen.

You were right, according to Diablofans, the Diablo 3 expansion pack "Reaper of Souls" was just confirmed.

More information about the game below (villain, characters, settings, mechanics, etc)


Minute-by-minute updates here:


Reaper of Souls opening trailer:


Reaper of Souls gameplay trailer:

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Im sure I will have plenty of fun with it. Sure D3 may not be the game we all wanted to it be but that doesnt mean its not fun, at least for some of us. I agree its not a great game but IMHO its still a good game thats fun to play.
Haha, cool it was Malthael.

Paragon changes
Loot changes
15-20 minute dungeon runs

Looks like they're going full MMO style expansion, make all the current gear outdated. If they're going full item revamp, this might be the best way to go. Maybe they'll get a good linear progression of loot again
