check this keyboard out

best i found is 40 bucks but man you have to see one to beleive its beauty im tying away one one right now hehe
it looks cool but i like using the arrow keys when i game and i use the page down and delete buttons and stuff right above them for secondary uses a lot and they arent in a good position on that board tho.... i guess i could get used to it tho

yes its very easy to get used to, and i found it easer to use the arrows whle gaming
Awesome looking keyboard! Agree with everyone else though, a bit pricey.

Question to [hard]420: How do the keys feel like? When you press them, do they have a tacky sound to it? Have you tried out the Viewsonic Slim Keyboard?

I'm using the Viewsonic right now. Really like the keyboard, but don't like the sound when I hit the keys. I would prefer it to sound like an actual laptop keyboard.

Thanks for any input.
nice looking, but like others said i dont know if i would like the 'compact ness'. the arrows close, etc.. for 45 bucks i would not like to take that risk, though.
Kind of a rip off off of the very similar looking Viewsonic keyboard - though it's keys are plastic. Also, I personally like function keys. Especially volume keys, though the Interent and E-mail buttons are pretty useful too. I'll stick with my MS Internet Keyboard Pro (no longer manufactured)
Its a nice looking keyboard but it doesn't have all the extra useful keys found on other boards. The Logitech Keyboard Elite is my favorite.
like the color, i'd just buy an old biege one and paint it silver to save some bux
Looks like a knock off of the CM Q alloy keyboard.

I have the Q board, and it's killer. Only hting I could ask for to improve it is an extra .5m to the USB cable. Still it's $50, so it's rather costly. And the brushed finish on the Q makes it slightly hard to clean.

Almsot all aluminum keyboards are going to cost bank since it's more of a luxury item than anything. gonna buy one...then im gonna buy a Boomslang. Them I'm gonna be broke as shit
I had a Zippy keyboard before....I didn't like it. The keys had poor feedback and weren't smooth at all on the ones that were odd shaped or big like the Enter key. They also have a different key placement for some keys like the "\" key. And the "W" key wore out real fast...after just a few months it was binding up when I pressed it.
Looks basically just like a laptop keyboard with a number pad on the side. Looks pretty sweet, but the wired thing turns me away from it. The Logitech DiNovo has a similar key design with the "laptop" style keys. but it runs a hefty price of about $200
I like the fact that it is simple and to the point, trying to look more like an Apple type of styling. But what I do not get is that, with less stuff comes a higher price value.

I think a reasonable price for it would be $25 bucks, just enough to cover the aluminum. Till then, I rather stick to my trusty Elite Keyboard.
