Cents Sports signups


Oct 31, 2009
Hey guys,
My buddy just got me to sign up for this "betting" site. I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I think I might be stuck in. Here's a description
CentSports.com is just one of many places on the Internet where you can place bets on major sporting events.
What makes CentSports unique is that we're actually legal. Currently you can't run a gambling website from inside the U.S. This site is more like a fantasy-football game ... we give you a small amount of play-money to start out with ... you make bets with this, just like you could in Vegas ... but, again, you're just betting with 'play money'.
However, if you do well enough ... i.e., if you win enough of your play-money bets, we'll actually let you 'cash out' your play money for real money ... and maybe other stuff like t-shirts, CentSports gear, etc.

Basically you have to watch or view a quick advertisement each time before you can finish placing your bet, thats where they get the money. Its pretty interesting and no matter what you will always have 10 cents, if you lose it all you start back at 10 cents. Here's the signup link:
It's definitely made watching sports a whole lot more exciting for me. And who doesn't like free money?