Cell Phone - PDA phones


Limp Gawd
Feb 14, 2007
Just thought I'd start a thread on users views of the IPHONE,
Samsung Instinct , and the Samsung I900 Omnia . All
seem to be great phones !! Which is choice?
Depends... what do you want in a phone?
If you want media and entertainment than I suppose the Iphone.
If you want a serious PDA phone for business work, I'd get a Blackberry Curve or Blackberry 8830. If you wait a little bit longer the Blackberry Bold is on its way.
the i900 Omnia is about as good as it gets right now I think... Although HTC has some SERIOUS powerhouses in the windows mobile department.
I'm a windows mobile nut. I can't use anything else now after all the OS modification I've been able to do. There's simply no other phone type that gives you so much flexibility. Sorry that's not related to the phones you listed. :eek:
The HTC Touch Diamond is supposed to be stellar too.

I am having a tough time deciding as well. The Instinct has turned me off, because the browser is supposed to be horrible, so I am pretty undecided at this point. The iPhone will cost me $15/month more, but it also better.
Yeah, I'm sure you're looking on an opinion for one of those three, but I'm personally waiting for the HTC Touch, or Touch Pro.

These both look like amazing phones.
I've had the Instinct for about 2 months now and I'd say it's the best phone I ever had.

I almost forget that it's a phone, I watch movies on it, listen to music and you can even use it as a modem.

One thing is the browser yes it is slow but if u download Opera Mini and get the keyboard favorite you are as good as gold!
I've got the iphone and it's Ok just alot of marketing hype i paid like $100 for it so i can't complain but the international plans are bunk and there app store is junk this is why i jailbroke it but still janky not the best phone waiting to see when the new nvidia chips are going to come out should be nice but we will have to see ..