any glossy 24" 1200p available?

1920x1200 is being phased so you will have big troubles to find that.

Plenty of 1920x1080 glossy monitors though.
It's not being phased, it's reserved for high quality displays. Which by definition of being high quality will not be glossy. Dell Ultrasharp series, NEC pro line, and other various IPS panels.
It's not being phased, it's reserved for high quality displays. Which by definition of being high quality will not be glossy. Dell Ultrasharp series, NEC pro line, and other various IPS panels.

Not true. 1920x1200 is being phased also for higher quality displays. 22-23 and 26-27 inch monitors was the first step. Nearly impossible to find high quality 1920x1200 22 or 26-27 inch quality monitors any more. All quality displays in those sizes are 2560x1440 (16:9) or 1920x1080 (16:9) now.

It is just a matter of time before you will not be able to find any high quality 24 inch 1920x1200 monitors as well. 16:9 is taking over the market totally.

Read this

"1920x1200 gone the way of the 5.25” floppy

Bennie Budler, product manager of IT products at Samsung South Africa, confirmed that monitors capable of 1920x1200 resolutions aren't being manufactured anymore.

“It is all about reducing manufacturing costs. The new 16:9 aspect ratio panels are more cost effective to manufacture locally than the previous 16:10 panels,” Budler said.

Until something better comes along, however, treat your old 1920x1200 monitor well. You might not be able to call it a priceless computing artefact, but it is no longer a piece of equipment that can be easily replaced."
Sadly Oleg is right. :(

Even the high level mobile workstations moved on to 1080p. :(
Bennie Budler, product manager of IT products at Samsung South Africa, confirmed that monitors capable of 1920x1200 resolutions aren't being manufactured anymore.
Strange how those new PLS 24" displays, by Samsung, utilize that very resolution :confused:'s reserved for high quality displays. Which by definition of being high quality will not be glossy.

yeah i think you hit it on the head.

my problem is that i want 1200p with super clear text. it's a bad combination to want.
Google isn't your friend Menelmarar...

Since glossy screens invoke an angered response from so many, manufacturers have almost abandoned them in desktop settings, especially the word itself when marketing- unless of course you are talking about the cabinet- hence google not being a good resource. You will find glossy in the description of so many, sadly they are talking about cheap plastic. Instead, you may want to check marketing terms like "ColorShine", "ultrabrite". Gl.
It's not being phased, it's reserved for high quality displays. Which by definition of being high quality will not be glossy. Dell Ultrasharp series, NEC pro line, and other various IPS panels.

I love this train of thought. Buy "high quality" monitor, pay good money for the best visuals, then slap a grainy film on it...If you can control the light in the room there is no reason to have a AG coating on your monitor.