AMD Ryzen 5 5600X3D to be Exclusive Micro Center Product in the US

Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
Strange move. Why limit to MC? Seems like on Amazon/Neweggs these would sell like hotcakes. Still, kinda dumb to release a processor like a year+ after the previous one. And only $50 less? I would gladly pay $50 more for 2 cores and 4 threads

In a surprise move, AMD will sell a desktop gaming processor exclusively through Micro Center.

The US electronics retailer will sell the newly announced Ryzen 5 5600X3D, a lower-spec variant of the Ryzen 7 5800X3D that AMD launched last year using its 3D V-Cache technology. Micro Center will start selling the limited-edition processor on July 7 for $229.99, or about $50 less than the current price for the 5800X3D.

Yeah I thought the MC exclusivity was strange as well. I didn't realize the 5800x 3d had come down so much, agreed it makes this make less sense. But they are also offering a bundle for $329 with a Tuf B550 and 16 GB of ram. Pretty sweet deal. I haven't been watching AMD, prices are pretty cheap at MC. 3600 for $79. Sweet deal.
These are cast off 5800s. AMD had them piling up but not piling up so fast that an official world wide release made sense.
If they launched it world wide they would be forced to actually make them on purpose. :)
Looks like these might be an interesting snag though for people that shop at MC. My wife and kids both have a AM4 systems, that have gotten hand down chips. Something like this would be tempting to stretch those out a bit.
Yeah this is a double weird situation, releasing something for a platform that is last gen and the MC exclusive. Almost feels like a 16 series move from Nvidia, maybe they still had a bunch of silicon from AM4 that maybe wasn't good enough for 5800x3d but nerf it a bit and 5600x3d works fine? Perhaps they're aiming at low end segment of the market? Wanting people on AM4 to upgrade and this seems like a good deal?
Yeah this is a double weird situation, releasing something for a platform that is last gen and the MC exclusive. Almost feels like a 16 series move from Nvidia, maybe they still had a bunch of silicon from AM4 that maybe wasn't good enough for 5800x3d but nerf it a bit and 5600x3d works fine? Perhaps they're aiming at low end segment of the market? Wanting people on AM4 to upgrade and this seems like a good deal?

Yes that is what these are. They are cast off 5800s that have 1-2 defective cores. AMD does not have a high enough defect rate to make this a wide spread release. BUT they also have enough that it would be a shame to throw them in a garbage bin.
They are not going to spin up new fabrication to make tons of these... but they will sell the few they have been storing up. A few people will get a decent deal on a low cost gaming chip upgrade / low cost system.

Yes that is what these are. They are cast off 5800s that have 1-2 defective cores. AMD does not have a high enough defect rate to make this a wide spread release. BUT they also have enough that it would be a shame to throw them in a garbage bin.
They are not going to spin up new fabrication to make tons of these... but they will sell the few they have been storing up. A few people will get a decent deal on a low cost gaming chip upgrade / low cost system.

The funny/odd thing though is that while it would be a nice deal if the 5800x3d was still priced at $450, but considering the the exclusive store in question already regularly has the 5800x3d at sub 300 pricing sounds crazy. I'm expecting bundles with am4 MBs that MC cant get rid of very soon
This doesn't entice me... If I want a 105w CPU.. I'm going for the 5800X3D.. not this outcast from defective parts

Yeah but it does entice people on a very tight budget, these will sell pretty well I bet.
These are cast off 5800s. AMD had them piling up but not piling up so fast that an official world wide release made sense.
If they launched it world wide they would be forced to actually make them on purpose. :)
Looks like these might be an interesting snag though for people that shop at MC. My wife and kids both have a AM4 systems, that have gotten hand down chips. Something like this would be tempting to stretch those out a bit.

That makes sense. Very odd to otherwise release a 5*** part now that the 7*** have been out. Personally I would only go with 8 or more cores going forward, but for those with older boards and on a budget and strictly wand a CPU for gaming these might not be a bad deal.

Microcenter only limits their market greatly as most Americans will not be able to purchase one, but I assume that has to do with the limited supply.
Yeah but it does entice people on a very tight budget, these will sell pretty well I bet.

Not really... it's a poor value when the 5800X3D is really not that much more...

Some poor soul is going to travel multiple hours (as this is a MC exclusive) to get one of these.. or they'll be scalped (as they are going to be limited to MC only)

Price this thing at $179 or less.. and make available everywhere... then we're talkin!
the number of reject 5800x3d must be relatively low. Basically tied to just the US market means a really limited supply.
I'm still disappointed that 5900X3D never happened (I understand why they never released em, but I still want one)

5600X3D doesn't personally interest me in the least, but at $230 it'll be a good low-budget upgrade for people with older / lower-end AM4 chips. Inflation-adjusted that's the same "effective" cost as a Ryzen 3600 at launch which IIRC was a budget gaming champ for a bit. Seeing as most games still dont use more than a few cores, performance should be really close to 5800X3D which means it'll also be close to 7600X / 7700X / Intel 12th gen and maybe some lower-end 13th gen parts.
I am thinking AMD just has enough CCD's that were for the 5800x3d that couldn't pass verification so they are just disabling 2 of the cores to make them stable and shipping them that way.
By limiting them to Microcenter for a "while supplies last" style launch it ensures they will all move but guarantees there isn't so much demand for them that AMD would need to consider gimping good silicon to feed the market for them.
I'd buy one but.... I just gave my 5800x to my son for his rig. I'm holding out to buy a Ryzen 8000 and AMD 8000 GPU whatever nomenclature is used.