$130 2700x - Is There a Better Value for 2019?


Aug 27, 2006
I am fortunate enough to live within reasonable driving distance of a Microcenter(45 minutes). I dragged my feet a couple of weeks ago when the 2700x first went on sale and I missed out. Now it is back to $130 and I am very tempted to build something new.

My 3770k and z77 are long in the tooth but still running a respectable 4.5 ghz on a 1080p display at 144hz. Performance is still plenty given the lack of gaming time I get in these days but the mb is developing a few quirks and I'd like to build something before it decides to die on me.

It seems to me the 2700x is an outstanding value for $130, and with the $30 off motherboard discount I think I can put that towards a newer x570 chipset and build myself a decent replacement without dropping alot of cash. The X570 will give me more upgradability options down the road.

My brother went the 9400f route recently and he's been satisfied with his build. At $125 or so I see that as a viable option also but I'm currently leaning more towards Team AMD this time around.

Thoughts on either of those two cpu's or any other suggestions besides those two that offer good bang-for-the-buck for a gaming computer at 1080p or 1440p at 144hz?
I think the $180 9600KF comes close as far as a deal goes, Depending on your wants and needs obviously.

Either way both are great deals IMO and it's all pretty cool :)
Seems like a good pathway for a larger upgrade down the road if you go x570 like you said. Just drop in a better chip when you can.

But 8/16 should be just fine for some time. I'm totally happy with my 2600x, tempted by these crazy prices on the 2700x but I don't think I much need the two extra cores.
2700x - $130
Asus Tuf Wifi x570 -$180
Gigabyte Auros Elite wifi x570 - $180
And 16GB of PC3600 RAM (2x8GB) -$80

Less $30 combo at microcenter...

Never before has such a capable computer now, and future upgrade potential existed at this pricepoint. Ryzen 4000 series should work in a x570 board and even if not, you already know you can stuff a 16 core chip in there when they come down in price. (3950x)
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That is a very good value, compare the overall performance to a 9900K, as in multi threaded applications and it just makes the price of the 9900K look ridicules. I gamed with an OC 2700 on a 144mhz monitor and had zero issues keeping up. Grab it! Great deal!
$180 plus cost of heat sink/fan. $200+ vs $130. KF not even close.

Good point. Since you really cant OC an 2700 it doesnt require anything better than the stock cooler.

Not even close, agreed.
Good point. Since you really cant OC an 2700 it doesnt require anything better than the stock cooler.

Not even close, agreed.
Too bad no smt on the kf and the 1700x ends up faster.
If specific optimized gaming and Photoshop are all someone cares about then the kf will be a better buy.

There are games that exhibit strange behavior no matter what frequency or core ct.

Adobe suite for the most part likes frequency.

A heavy nle user would have gone hedt, so forget about that.

If you're just broke and have no specific idea about your hobby workloads, then a cheapie b450 board + blowout Zen+ is ideal bc it sounds good.
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2700x - $130
Gigabyte Auros Elite wifi x570 - $180

Less $30 combo at microcenter...

This is exactly what I'm eyeballing. Auros Elite looks like a good value for a under $200 board. Looking like a hair over $300 for that combo after tax. I'm thinking ~$200 more for a nvme drive and 16GB of 3600 and I've got a solid platform for around $500.

The 9400f plus a Z390 board (Auros Pro) is about the same $300. It does look like you may get a few more features on the mb with the Z390 vs X570 - it seems the 570 is the more pricey chipset so the money you might save on the cpu is offset somewhat by the money you spend on the 570.

With the daily growing list of exploits and their mitigations for Intel I'm still leaning towards AMD.

Also am considering upping the cpu to the 3600x. At a glance it didnt seem to me to be worth the extra $70 until you figure in the superior IMC, pcie 4, and the much larger L3 cache.

Thanks for the input so far. I'm going to toss this around a couple days...
I don't know the Intel path way but with the right board on AM4 the upgrade could reach 3950x some day when it's not in the lime life and aged a bit .
is it 1 april already???? 2700X for $319.00 - Microcenter Cyber Monday "special"

and only $20.00 off for bundle??? WTH???

"4 hours later"...

I think that MC was "ravaged" @ BF :)
They listed before:
10+ 3900x's - gone
10+ 3600x's - gone
some 3800x's - gone
and even last 2920x is "missing" too...
Well damn.. 2700x is back to $159.99. The mb has also gone back up to $210, and the mb discount is indeed $20 now instead of $30. I thought these low prices would at least be good through Cyber Monday. Looks like I dragged my feet too long again. With xmas for nieces and nephews and uncles and aunts and everyone else coming a personal build was probably ill advised anyway. I will probably wait until early spring for the next MC deal that pops up. Plus side is the budget will be bigger by then and I will likely grab a new GPU as well.

Looks like the 3600 and 3600x are still $189.99 and $199.99, which makes the 2700x even less appealing at $159.99.
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I am fortunate enough to live within reasonable driving distance of a Microcenter(45 minutes). I dragged my feet a couple of weeks ago when the 2700x first went on sale and I missed out. Now it is back to $130 and I am very tempted to build something new.

My 3770k and z77 are long in the tooth but still running a respectable 4.5 ghz on a 1080p display at 144hz. Performance is still plenty given the lack of gaming time I get in these days but the mb is developing a few quirks and I'd like to build something before it decides to die on me.

It seems to me the 2700x is an outstanding value for $130, and with the $30 off motherboard discount I think I can put that towards a newer x570 chipset and build myself a decent replacement without dropping alot of cash. The X570 will give me more upgradability options down the road.

My brother went the 9400f route recently and he's been satisfied with his build. At $125 or so I see that as a viable option also but I'm currently leaning more towards Team AMD this time around.

Thoughts on either of those two cpu's or any other suggestions besides those two that offer good bang-for-the-buck for a gaming computer at 1080p or 1440p at 144hz?

You won't be disappointed. I have a 3770k @ 4.4GHz as well as a 2700 (non x) with a mild OC on it (still slower than a stock 2700x) and there is a significant performance difference in virtually everything that's CPU intensive.
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Well damn.. 2700x is back to $159.99. The mb has also gone back up to $210, and the mb discount is indeed $20 now instead of $30. I thought these low prices would at least be good through Cyber Monday. Looks like I dragged my feet too long again. With xmas for nieces and nephews and uncles and aunts and everyone else coming a personal build was probably ill advised anyway. I will probably wait until early spring for the next MC deal that pops up. Plus side is the budget will be bigger by then and I will likely grab a new GPU as well.

Looks like the 3600 and 3600x are still $189.99 and $199.99, which makes the 2700x even less appealing at $159.99.

if you do anything that is very core/thread dependent then the 2700x even at 160 is still a good deal, if not then go with the 3600.
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Got a 2600 and a 2700x and this processor screams and at that price o how sweet it is.
Oh how I wish Microcenter would either come near me, or offer the same deals to people who aren't close to a store. Sadly, the 3 hour drive (each way) to Microcenter and back would negate any deal they have and waste almost an entire day. In store deals are only useful to those who have access to the store. I'm not hating on Microcenter, I really wish there was one closer that I could go to. Even an hour or 1.5 hours would probably be worth the trip once in a while, but spending over 6 hours driving (traffic in the city normally) to save $30 just doesn't add up.
Anyways, I have considered getting a 2700x. I am on the fence though, I was looking at a 3600x or a 2700x. Both are great CPU's. 3600x games a little better, 2700x does better in apps that can take advantage of more cores. I do a little bit of everything so it's a hard decision for me but I don't really think I would be upset with either choice.
2700x is a little monster and it becomes Godzilla for that price. If I were building another discreet GPU based system as a secondary machine I'd get it in a heartbeat
Oh how I wish Microcenter would either come near me, or offer the same deals to people who aren't close to a store. Sadly, the 3 hour drive (each way) to Microcenter and back would negate any deal they have and waste almost an entire day. In store deals are only useful to those who have access to the store. I'm not hating on Microcenter, I really wish there was one closer that I could go to. Even an hour or 1.5 hours would probably be worth the trip once in a while, but spending over 6 hours driving (traffic in the city normally) to save $30 just doesn't add up.
Anyways, I have considered getting a 2700x. I am on the fence though, I was looking at a 3600x or a 2700x. Both are great CPU's. 3600x games a little better, 2700x does better in apps that can take advantage of more cores. I do a little bit of everything so it's a hard decision for me but I don't really think I would be upset with either choice.
Same. Some of their deals are so good you have to wonder how they even make money. Just irks me that I can never get in on them, as there's no way I'd drive eight hours for a part. Just shop ebay imo. Once in a while someone just wants to sell fast, and you create your own deal.
$149 2700 non X at Newegg now with 3 months of XGP and Borderlands 3 or TOW.

I'm snagging one for a Mini ITX Lightroom/gaming box project.